Tuition news


President Obama discusses economic growth and tax cut stimulus package - 1day 8hrs ago

Washington , D.C. - In his weekly address on Saturday, President Barack Obama praised the slow but tangible Economic Growth by the country in 2010 and briefly discussed the predicted impact that December’s stimulus package of Tax Cuts …


Republicans won't be able to satisfy Tea Party - 2 days ago

   With this week's revelation of a $3.7 billion shortfall in North Carolina's state Budget, the Tea Party acquired previously-unimaginable clout in Raleigh - especially when the Republican Party now controls both houses of the State Leg…


SUNY tuition increases again - 6 days ago

This coming semester, New York’s SUNY system will again raise Tuition rates.  In the last five years, in state Tuition at a SUNY school has increased from $17,000 per year to over $19,000 per year.  The state of New York’s co…


The Media Consortium: Weekly Diaspora: After DREAM Act Defeat, Advocates Fight for Educational Equality

The Huffington Post - 23rd Dec 2010

by Catherine A. Traywick, Media Consortium blogger The Senate failed to pass the DREAM Act Saturday, as Democrats fell five votes short of the 60 needed to advance the bill. The final vote was 55-41. While a Republican Filibuster diminished the …


Our Web hits of the year

Boston Herald - 15th Dec 2010

Joe Dwinell is an online and print editor for the Herald. Do you know what the most popular stories were in the past year? Of course you do. You picked them. Your hits on bostonherald.commade it clear what stories compelled you to e-mail a friend,…


Poll contradicts Democrats' agenda...U.S. voters want Congress to secure border - 14th Dec 2010

The latest Rasmussen Poll shows that an overwhelming number of Americans believe that defending the U.S./Mexican border, should take priority over granting legal status to the millions of Illegal Aliens now living inside this country. The poll whi…


Obama comment sparks liberal group launch of Hostage Prevention Initiative

The Daily Caller - 9th Dec 2010

Matthew Boyle is a contributing reporter at The Daily Caller. The Coalition’s president, Deborah Weinstein, told The Daily Caller the initiative is meant to push politicians to help out lower-income people around the country instead of cutti…


Tax deal displays Obama's backbone (Politico)

Yahoo! News - 9th Dec 2010

Bill Clinton had his “Sister Souljah moment,” when he admonished an African-American rap singer, in front of an audience that included the Rev. Jesse Jackson, over lyrics that seemed to countenance race-based killing. President Richard…