Libel : Far from backing down, Sarah Palin defended herself today against critics who linked her Rhetoric to the Arizona shootings, accusing them of the long-condemned anti-Semitic slur "blood Libel."
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
Palin opponents noted soon after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) that left six people dead that Palin had posted a map on her website last fall with gun sights on 20 districts, including Giffords'.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
She announced it with a tweet: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!" In her defense, Palin...
Some say 'blood libel' signaled base
Sarah Palin’s use of the charged term “blood Libel” may not have been an accidental blunder, but a deliberate “‘dog whistle” appeal to her Evangelical Christian supporters for whom the expression has meaning, commentators and others are saying.
Taegan Goddard, founder of nonpartisan news site Political Wire, floated the idea after the release of Palin’s video remarks Wednesday, writing that “… while it’s not entirely clear what Palin...
The Arizona shootings in hind-site
The Arizona shootings have put everything in the limelight except the recovery of Congresswomen Gifford's and the investigation of the gunman Jared Lee Loughner. We all know the story, it has been run into the ground this week; the same old back and forth between left and right about the politicizing of a Murder; the nutcase sheriff running back and forth between networks telling us all to stop the vitriol while he himself is doing the same; Sarah Palin being implicated in the story becaus...
To Sarah Palin, the Arizona Shooting Is All About ... Sarah Palin
A nine-year-old girl who just wanted to meet her congresswoman is dead. Democracy itself is under assault with the shooting death of a Federal Judge and a congressional aide, and the Attempted Murder of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The accused shooter has a troubling history that raises questions about how we care for the mentally ill and whom we allow to have a gun. Heroes emerged, including citizens who threw themselves atop the shooter to stop further bloodshed, and the congressional intern who...
Right-Wing Media Rush To Defend Palin's Use Of "Blood Libel"
Right-Wing Media Defend Palin's Use Of "Blood Libel"
Washington Times: "This Is Simply The Latest Round Of An Ongoing Pogrom Against Conservative Thinkers." In an editorial titled, "Blood libel against Palin, Limbaugh," The Washington Times stated: "Typical of blood libel, the attack against Mrs. Palin is a false charge intended to generate anger made by people with a political agenda. They have made these claims boldly without evidence and without censure or consequence." From the Times:
'Blood libel' accusations have long history
(01-13) 04:00 PST New York - --
When Sarah Palin accused Journalists and pundits of "blood Libel" in the wake of the deadly Arizona shootings, she reached deep into one of medieval history's most sordid chapters to make her point.
The term "blood Libel" is not well known, but it is highly charged - a reference to a time when European Christians accused Jews of Kidnapping and murdering Christian Children to obtain their blood. Jews were tortured and executed for crimes they did not commit, emb...
New York Times editorial selectively quotes Obama to score partisan points
Today's New York Times editorial is a near perfect distillation of how some elements of liberal America are just not capable of putting aside any partisan differences while discussing the Arizona shooting. The editorial gets off to an okay start: Mr. Obama called on ideological campaigners to stop vilifying their opponents. The only way to move forward after such a tragedy, he said, is to cast aside “point-scoring and pettiness.” He rightly focused primarily on the lives of those who...
Palin Death Threats at 'Unprecedented Level'
Sarah Palin's use of the term "blood Libel" while responding to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting has stirred up Controversy. Her team is talking to security experts after receiving what an aide has described as an "unprecedented level" of death threats.
See photos of the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting in Arizona.
Take the poll: Is Political Rhetoric to Blame for Arizona Shooting?
Read more about the Arizona shooting and Gabrielle Giffords.
CBS Blames Sarah Palin For Injecting 'Politics and Controversy' Into Tucson Shooting
At the top of Wednesday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric lamented: "The President tries to comfort a nation in mourning, but even on a rare day of unity, politics and Controversy intervene." A clip was then played of Sarah Palin's Facebook video reaction to the Tucson shooting and media finger-pointing: "Journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood Libel." Later, correspondent Chip Reid reported that in his Speech at the memorial service for the victi...
Tucson tea party founder says Giffords to blame for getting shot
One tea Party Leader says that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) has herself to blame for getting shot in the head Saturday. The Arizona congresswoman shouldn't have attended an event "in full view of the public" if she had security concerns, according to Tucson Tea Party co-founder Trent Humphries. Giffords warned MSNBC's Chuck Todd last year that there would be "consequences" to violent Rhetoric and imagery after Fox News' Sarah Palin released a graphic which placed crosshairs over the congresswo...
Joe Peyronnin: Tragedy in Tucson: Two Speeches
One heinous act in Tucson Saturday by a lone gunman left six people dead and more than a dozen injured. For five days the nation gasped in horror as it tried to search for answers.
On Wednesday, President Barack Obama traveled across the country to attend a memorial ceremony, held at the University of Arizona, to speak with emotion and compassion of Saturday's tragic shootings. President Obama announced to the cheering arena that Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who had been shot through th...
Palin gets an experienced attorney in the rapidly-growing field of blood-libel accusation
A Controversy has arisen over Sarah Palin’s injudicious use of the term “blood Libel” to describe the accusation that her inflammatory Rhetoric inspired the grisly Arizona Murders. Apparently she thought it permissible to utter those words, unaware that they may only be applied to the infamous lie about using Christian blood as a matzo ingredient, and may not be appropriated for any other use without the express written consent of the ADL.
Condemnation was immediate. In one LA Times art
Bill Press Compares Palin in Tucson Remarks to Hostage With Guns to Her Head
Yet another example of the pathological left-wing meme in response to the Tucson bloodbath -- do as we say, not as we spew. To me, it reminded me of those hostage videos we've seen where there's a Terrorist on each side holding a gun to a person's head and they're forced to read a script, while she read the script, first of all, yesterday saying don't! don't! let's not criticize each other now. Since Press said nearly the same thing yesterday on Ed Schultz's radio...
Palin Accuses Critics of 'Blood Libel' (updated)
Far from backing down, Sarah Palin defended herself today against critics who linked her Rhetoric to the Arizona shootings, accusing them of the long-condemned anti-Semitic slur "blood Libel." Palin opponents noted soon after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) that left six people dead that Palin had posted a map on her website last fall with gun sights on 20 districts, including Giffords'. She announced it with a tweet: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!&quo...;
Dog Whistling in the Dark
Can the kerfuffle over Sarah Palin's use of the term "blood Libel" get any sillier? Yes it can:
Sarah Palin’s use of the charged term “blood libel” may not have been an accidental blunder, but a deliberate “‘dog whistle” appeal to her Evangelical Christian supporters for whom the expression has meaning, commentators and others are saying.
Taegan Goddard, founder of nonpartisan news site Political Wire, floated the idea after the release of Palin’s video...
White House on Sarah Palin's comments: No comment
Source: LA Times
The administration aims to stay above the fray when asked about President Obama stressing the need for political civility after the Arizona shootings and Sarah Palin's 'blood Libel' charge.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs pointedly avoided attempts Thursday to engage the Obama Administration in a debate on civil political discourse with potential presidential rival Sarah Palin.
Speaking at his morning briefing, Gibbs ducked several questions about the president's response to ...
Amid the Political "Brabbling": What Gonzalez and Obama Accomplished and What Remains for Us To Do
It was a voice calling for peace, and for critical self-reflection, and for responsible change in the midst of mediated brabbling.
That said, it is instructive to remember that Lincoln's "better angels" did not prevent nor did they halt the Civil War. They were evoked as part of his first Inaugural Speech, March 4, 1861, three months after the attack on Fort Sumter and two weeks after Jefferson Davis had been sworn in as president of the Confederacy. While I sincerely hope that nothing of the ...
Friends say they saw miracle in Giffords
Published: Jan. 13, 2011 at 12:25 PM U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (pictured) and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they felt awed seeing Rep. Gabrielle Giffords open her eyes in her Tucson Hospital room. UPI/Ron Sachs/Pool TUCSON, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they felt awed seeing Rep. Gabrielle Giffords open her eyes in her Tucson Hospital room. Amid jokes, comments and laughter about what they'd do once Giffords, D-Ariz., returns to Wa...
Giffords' progress described as 'miracle'
WASHINGTON - Wounded U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords astounded her husband, doctor and colleagues Wednesday when she opened her eyes for the first time since being shot in the head, lawmakers told reporters Thursday. “It felt like a miracle. It felt like we were watching a miracle,” Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz told reporters traveling with President Barack Obama on board Air Force One after a memorial service in Arizona Wednesday previous evening. “Other than...
The President and Mrs. Palin
I agree with the first part, that Barack Obama mostly did in his Speech last night — even despite the odd environment. Sure, he was himself, with his views about us collectively, and he did go on. But he largely focused on the people affected, the people hurt, the people murdered. He appealed to the best in us and our traditions, and he even seemed to slap down his left flank a bit. But I think Sarah Palin rose to the occasion, too. The story in Tucson, contrary to what I’ve been hea...
Tucson Reax
Adam Serwer tweets:
This Speech reminds me that the criticism I find most incomprehensible is the idea that the president does not love his country.
The standard comparisons of the past four days have been to Ronald Reagan after the Challenger disaster and Bill Clinton after Oklahoma City. [Yesterday's] Speech matched those as a demonstration of "head of state" presence, and far exceeded them as oratory -- while being completely different in tone and nature. They, in ret...
Andy Ostroy: The Political Implosion of Sarah Palin
The takeaway from President Obama's brilliant, poignant Speech at Wednesday night's memorial at the University of Arizona in Tucson was, "We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us." The tone of his message, his raw emotion, the compassion for the Victims and their families, and the genuine concern he showed for the nation exemplified great leadership, and was in stark contrast to the bizarre, self-serving video that his pot...
Anyone can use 'blood libel' even Sarah Palin | Alan Dershowitz
As a lifelong Liberal Democrat, I am no political supporter of Sarah Palin. I also oppose her use of rifle sight crosshairs as political symbols. Yet, I have no problem with her use of the term "blood Libel" to characterise what she perceives to be false charges that her Rhetoric and symbols were partly responsible for the deaths and mayhem in Tucson. The term blood libel has taken on a broad metaphorical meaning in public discourse. Although its historical origins are rooted in theologically ba...
Palin Receives Unprecedented Death Threats
ABC News reports:
An aide close to Sarah Palin says death threats and security threats have increased to an unprecedented level since the shooting in Arizona, and the former Alaska Governor’s team has been talking to security professionals.
Since the shooting in Tucson, Palin has taken much heat for her “crosshairs” map that targeted 20 congressional Democrats in the 2010 mid-term election, including that of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was the main target of Saturday’s...
White House: 'No comment' on Palin 'blood libel' debate
In a press briefing on Thursday morning, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs acknowledged he watched Palin's statement on the Tucson shootings, but he wouldn't say if President Obama has. Gibbs refused give any White House perspective on Palin's remarks. "I'm happy to speak to what the president said and how he came about saying it, but I'll let others opine on that," he said, declining to even utter Palin's name. Palin's use in her statement of the Controversial phrase "blood Libel," which refer...
Self-hating Jew Debbie Wasserman-Schultz blood libels Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin defended herself against blood Libel. Leftist self-hating Jew Debbie Wasserman-Schultz responded by blood-libeling her again. This is what the left means by "coming together."
I am an undercard tonight for Evan Sayet and his Right to Laugh comedy show in Thousand Oaks.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express
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Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
Where are the Anti-Defamation League on the use and meaning of "Blood Libel " it is Anti-Semitism they should speak out againest rhetoric
Anti Defamation League on blood libel : "we wish that Palin had used another phrase, instead of one so fraught with pain in Jewish history"
I wonder what the Anti Defamation League has to say about Palin's sensationalist use of the phrase "Blood Libel ."