Sarah Palin: Sarah Palin released a video earlier this morning.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
It’s a mix of sympathy for the Victims, boilerplate platitudes (American Exceptionalism gets multiple mentions) and attack.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
There’s no Apology for her imagery, since “both sides do it”: Journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood Libel that only serves only to incite the very hatred and violence that they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible. She claims that debate now is more civil than back when there ...
"their acid burns them from within"
That from the comments at an Anchoress post rightly giving hell for the madness engaged in by the Mainstream Media:
Yesterday, they were complaining that she was "hiding" from the media, who insisted on making her part of a story to which she had no connection.
And so, today, Sarah Palin-probably aware that she was damned if she did, and damned if she didn't-made a statement. It was actually a very good, if a trifle long, statement. Immediately upon her delivering it, the media, like jackals ...
Matt Wilstein: The Top 10 Biggest Sarah Palin FAILS (VIDEO)
Sarah Palin tried so hard yesterday with her seven minute-long video response to the Arizona shooting, but she just had to slip the antiquated, anti-Semitic term "blood Libel" into her statement. Can we all agree that this latest gaffe is the final nail in the coffin of her downward spiral of a Political Career?
Below are five of her biggest FAILS over the past couple of years. There are literally hundreds more, so please share your own in the comments below. More comedy videos at: GotchaMedia...
New York Times: Salving a National Wound Is Presidents Responsibility
Thursday, January 13, 2011
By Susan Jones
( - "It is a president’s responsibility to salve a national wound. President Obama did that on Wednesday evening at the memorial service in Tucson for the six people who died in last weekend’s terrible shooting," said a New York Times editorial.
The newspaper pronounced it one of Obama's "Most Powerful and uplifting speeches" -- then contrasted Obama's words "to the ugliness that continues to swirl in some parts of the country."
Death threats against Palin increase
Death threats against Sarah Palin have reached an unprecedented level in recent days, an aide says.
In the wake of Saturday’s shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others, the aide said that threats against Palin have spiked, ABC News reported.
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The aide did not offer further details on the threats or whether Palin has taken additional security precautions.
Palin’s use of gun-related language and imagery, including a map that marked Giffords&r...;
My reaction to the Presidents Tucson memorial speech
…was noted here last night in the comments:
[...] you’d think Lowry would’ve known exactly how this was going to play out. Obama and his handlers essentially orchestrated a minor Sister Soldjah moment.
It was planned this way. We know this because yesterday Obama was on the phone with Sheriff Dufus commending him for his fine (dirty) work, which in castigating the Tea Party (YAY!) and right-wing radio (YAY!) set Obama up for tonight, allowing him to appear above the fray even as he w...
"their acid burns them from within"
Yesterday, they were complaining that she was “hiding” from the media, who insisted on making her part of a story to which she had no connection. And so, today, Sarah Palin-probably aware that she was damned if she did, and damned if she didn’t-made a statement. It was actually a very good, if a trifle long, statement. Immediately upon her delivering it, the media, like jackals went on the attack. ABC News, in a breathtaking example of Cognitive Dissonance, wrote: ...
Words Do County
President Barack Obama delivered a magnificent Speech at the memorial to honor the Victims of the shooting in Tucson. His words brought healing and comfort by celebrating their lives and poignantly reminding us of the people they left behind. His Speech reminds us that words do count. We are blessed to live in a country which allows us to express words freely - no matter how they make us free. However, we take our Freedom of Speech for granted thus forgetting the responsibility which...
Obama strives to comfort mourners and unite a nation
"We can be better," he said, striking a familiar refrain. "What we cannot do," he said, "is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on each other." What's required now, he said, is that we "expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy." Obama, interrupted repeatedly by cheers from the crowd, eulogized those who died and praised the people who rushed to the scene of the shooting --the two men who wrestled suspect Jared Loug...
Tucson memorial service turns into pep rally by raucous students
In what had been expected to be a solemn memorial service for those who had died during the shooting instead was turned into something resembling a pep rally before a football game by Students from the University of Arizona. Perhaps the setting, the music that was more appropriate for a marching parade, and the rows of politicians, confused the students. Apparently they thought that shouting, whistling, and high-fiving was appropriate behavior in remembering those who had died on that tragic Sat...
The Presidents Speech and Killing Sarah Palin
What was billed as a “memorial service” in Arizona last night was more of a pep-rally and celebration of life. It was complete with sloganeering, Bumper Stickers, and t-shirts.
It is what was needed.
What’s more, Mr. Obama gave a stunning rebuke to his own base who’ve engaged in a horrific blame game all week.
But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized - at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of...
Palin, "blood libel", Krauthammer and the lefthave we completely lost our minds?
What a mess. Watching the political world in the light of the Tucson tragedy has been disheartening and disgusting.
While the President’s Speech last night was fine, the venue was awful. And T-shirts? Really? It wasn’t a pep rally, but it seemed like one (I’m primarily talking about crowd reaction). What a more somber Oval Office Speech wasn’t proper enough?
And this Sarah Palin thing. Am I ever tired of Sarah Palin. That said, I’m even more tired of the left̵...
Polarizing Palin plays by her own rules
With her video accusing critics of “blood Libel,” Sarah Palin again showed an unprecedented and daring political command of Social Networking to maintain a high profile in speculation about the Republican Party and the 2012 presidential race. The former Alaska Governor regularly gets nationwide attention with her selective use of Facebook and Twitter, choosing provocative words when others testing the presidential waters prefer a lighter touch. Some political pros say her tactics, wh...
Palin Seeks to Evoke Presidential Aura in Video Message
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin released a lengthy video statement on Wednesday morning in which she discussed her reaction to the tragic Shooting Spree in Tucson on Saturday and the political discourse that has developed in its aftermath.
Released on the day when President Obama is scheduled to travel to Arizona to pay his respects to the Shooting Victims and deliver remarks near the scene of the carnage, Palin's video message appeared designed to present a measured tone and to conjure up a st...
Obama and Palin, a Tale of Two Speeches
David Becker/Getty Images President Obama gives his Speech honoring the January 8 Shooting Victims at McKale Memorial Center.
Wednesday was bookended by two remarkable — and remarkably different — political performances that demonstrated the vast expanse of America’s political landscape.
The day opened at 5 a.m. with Sarah Palin, whose seven-and-a-half minute video statement captured with precision the bubbling anger and resentment that is an undercurrent of the national conversatio
MSNBCs Ed Schultz Claims Palin Used Term Blood Libel to Appeal to Extremist Conservative Christian Base Video 1/12/11
Here is video of MSNBC’s Ed Schultz continuing the attacks on Sarah Palin. Here, he imagines that Palin’s use of the term “Blood Libel” to describe the Left’s manufacture of the idea that she helped inspire the Tucson Mass Shooting, is because she is trying to appeal to an “Extremist conservative Christian base.”
I guess Schultz missed the memo that liberal attorney Alan Dershowitz said yesterday that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Palin’...
Sarah Palin Fires Back; New Yorkers Also Scramble for Guns
Apparently fearing an invasion by crazed Arizonans packing heat, New Yorkers are scrambling to buy guns, the Post reports this morning.
At least we're back to reality, instead of the platitudes from President Barack Obama about how we need more "civility." He packed little heat in his Speech last night, "carefully inject[ing]" himself into the standoff between Sarah Palin and humanism.
There's even less chance of civility breaking out than there is of Gun Laws across the entire country bei...
A Tale of Two Speeches: Sarah Palin and Barack Obama on the Tragedy in Tucson
The tragic events in Tucson this past weekend left the nation shaken, and sparked a divisive debate over the tone of our politics. On Wednesday, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin released a video address on the Mass Shooting, many hours in advance of President Obama ’s Speech at a memorial service in Tucson.
In a guest column, John Ziegler , radio host, Palin confidante, and the filmmaker behind Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted, offers his unique perspective...
Sarah Palin and her Lack of Humility.
Without a hint of true regret Sarah Palin released a video on Facebook which barely acknowledged the full tragedy of the event on Saturday which involved the killing of six people, the wounding of many others and an Assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords which has left her critically injured. Within hours of the shooting, significant criticism was directed at Sarah Palin’s 2010 election campaign “Take Back the Twenty”. The campaign comprised of bombastic statements s...
Sarah Palin, David Wynn Miller, and the Ministry of Truth
The conservative/Republican version of Orwell’s Ministry of “Truth” is at it again, hijacking and corrupting yet another set of words — this time it’s “blood Libel”. As DailyKos diarist HeidiEight notes, it’s not just Sarah Palin doing it, but also John Hayward of the rabidly right-wing mag Human Events (see screen shot above), right-wing blogger and now Wall Street Journal writer Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds, and right-wing blogger And...
A Brief Remark On Sarah Palin
Jon Chait is defending her:
Okay, it’s a little over the top for Sarah Palin to accuse her critics of “blood Libel.” But she does have a basic point. She had nothing to do with Jared Loughner. He was not an Extremist who embraced some radical version of her ideas. And her use of targets to identify districts Republicans were, um, targeting is not exceptional or prone to incite anybody. What’s happening is that Palin has come to represent unhinged Grassroots Conservatism...
Death Threats Against Sarah Palin at 'Unprecedented Level,' Aides Say
ABC News
An aide close to Sarah Palin says death threats and security threats have increased to an unprecedented level since the shooting in Arizona, and the former Alaska Governor's team has been talking to security professionals.
Palin has taken much heat for her "crosshairs" map that targeted 20 congressional Democrats in the 2010 mid-term election, including that of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was the main target of Saturday's attack.
Friends say Palin, a possible 2012 contender, was ga...
Sarah Palin Fumbles and Flails Into an Otherwise Solemn Day
Following Sarah Palin’s videotaped statement today, let there be no doubt about her total lack of seriousness — a character trait, in fact, that’s utterly dwarfed by her chronic inability to construct prepared, Teleprompter-presented remarks without virtually choking on her own tongue. Sarah Palin could have used her time to be a leader — to take the high road and talk about the heroes and the Victims of this Terrorist Attack. She could have used the time to discuss respo...
PJTV: TRIFECTA: Blood Libel? You and Sarah Palin Turned Jared Loughner Into a Cold, Calculated Kil
PJTV: TRIFECTA: Blood Libel? You and Sarah Palin Turned Jared Loughner Into a Cold, Calculated Killer.
Arizona shooting: Sarah Palin breaks silence, blames media, offers no apology
Wednesday morning Sarah Palin broke her silence concerning the role her violent Rhetoric may have played in creating a climate of political violence leading up to the tragic shooting in Arizona. An angry and defensive Palin offered no Apology for her violent campaign Rhetoric and imagery, instead Palin blamed the media for Manufacturing a "blood Libel." Palin's message came in the form of a slick, well rehearsed, over produced video that was ultimately c...
Is Sarah Palin Retreating, or Reloading?
In the days following the massacre in Tucson, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has become a focal point in the media conversation about the shootings. The confluence of her March posting of an electoral map that featured crosshairs over Shooting Victim Gabrielle Giffords ‘ Congressional District, Giffords’ own denunciation of the image at the time, and Giffords’ current struggle to survive that shooting has linked Palin to the shooting, despite a lack of any evidence of a cau...
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How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
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Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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