Repeal : From Frank J.: Repealing ObamaCare would be neat.
PHOTOS: John Boehner in pictures
That would be like getting liberals the toy they always wanted and smashing it in front of them.
VIDEOS: John Boehner in videos
I hope the GOP has the same kind of floor celebration when they pass the Repeal bill the Dems had when they passed Obamacare. And speaking of Obamacare, the new Speaker sent a letter to certain Dem Senators who were urging him not to pass a Repeal bill. It was short and to the point: Senators Reid, Durbin, Schumer, Murray and Stabenow: Thank you for r...
Boehner dismisses Reid on Obamacare repeal
from RedState by Moe Lane
Or, “Boehner shows Reid the Hawaiian good-luck symbol.”
The memo you are about to read is real. I did not write this.
Background: recently, Harry Reid (in a moment of bravado), deigned to inform Speaker-designate John Boehner that he should not bother to pass a Repeal of ObamaCare in the House, because it would not succeed in the Senate. So there, neener neener, and similar big talk from a guy who just presided over the literal decimation of his party
Faux Blue Dog Collin Peterson Wont Support Obamacare Repeal
These Blue Dogs are a Fraud. They are cloaked leftists who are there and ready to support whatever Socialist Agenda item their back room buddies need them for. Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., said Tuesday he won’t support a Republican bill to Repeal the 2010 Health Care law — even though he was one of 34 House Democrats who voted against the reform Legislation last March…. Peterson said he’s against scrapping the bill entirely because starting over now could delay necessa...
Boehner Responds to Reid and Co. Demands He Not Repeal ObamaCare: The House Will Repeal It Now, Youre Welcome
(The Hill)- Incoming House Speaker John Boehner’s office (R-Ohio) pointedly vowed on Tuesday to push ahead with Legislation repealing Healthcare Reform. Boehner’s office responded to a letter sent by the Senate’s top five Democrats, vowing to block a House Bill repealing health reform, with a terse, 65-word note. Thank you for reminding us - and the American People - of the backroom deal that you struck behind closed doors with ‘Big Pharma,’ resulting in...
The vote to repeal Obamacare is just the beginning
The Republican House of Representatives intends to hold a vote to Repeal President Obama’s healthcare law on January 12th. The measure is widely expected to pass in the House, where the Republicans control a wide majority and many Democrats voted against the bill initially. However, it is highly unlikely it will pass in the Senate. In fact, the Democrats in control of the Senate could refuse to even schedule a vote on the measure. Even if public pressure force...
The Media Consortium: Weekly Pulse: On Health Care Repeal, House GOP Full of Sound and Fury
By Lindsay Beyerstein, Media Consortium blogger
House Republicans will hold a symbolic vote to overturn Health Care reform on January 12. The bill, which would Repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and set the nation's Health Care laws back to the way they were last March, has no chance of becoming law. The GOP controls the House, but Democrats control the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that the Senate Democrats will block the bill.
Suzy Khimm of Mother Jones reports that t...
GOP House Leaders Set to Undo Obama's Victories
Today at 12 noon, John Boehner will become Speaker of the House of Representatives . and big banks, Insurance Companies and Wall Street Lobbyists across the country will rejoice. Boehner hasn't even taken the gavel yet and he's already laid out an extreme right-wing agenda. It starts with a vote to Repeal Health Insurance reform and includes gutting Social Security, making Tax Cuts for the rich permanent and more. John Boehner's House will empower right-wingers like Michele Bachmann and Eric Can...
Death panels no more: HHS drops Medicare reg on end-of-life planning
Actually, there’s no panel involved. What we’re talking about here is paying doctors to remind elderly patients during the annual check-up that they might want to leave some written instructions in case they’re incapacitated and eager to avoid a Schiavo-esque family tug of war. You don’t need a doctor for that, in fact; you can print out your state’s standardized living will form here, fill in the appropriate boxes, and then take it to a local notary for signature...
Amendments to health reform repeal filed by Dems to force vote
House Democrats on Wednesday filed four amendments to Republicans' Healthcare Reform Repeal bill in a bid to force an up-or-down vote on popular patient protections in the bill.
The amendments seek to preserve:
• The elimination of lifetime limits on care;
• The requirement that Insurance plans allow young people up to age 26 to remain on their parents' healthcare policies;
• The ban on Discrimination against people with preexisting conditions; and
• The provision of free pre
Estimate: GOPs symbolic reading of Constitution to cost taxpayers $1.1 million
Stumble This! It will cost Taxpayers over $1 million dollars for Republicans to recite the entire United States Constitution on the House floor Thursday. In a year when Republicans have promised to reduce wasteful spending, it is estimated that reciting the Constitution will cost $1,071,872.87 if it takes three hours to read the document. "When one chamber of Congress is in session but not working, we the people still have to pay for members' salaries and expenses, and for their police protecti...
Taxpayers for Common Sense blasts GOP spending rules
As the House prepared to vote on new Budget rules Wednesday, the Deficit hawk pressure group Taxpayers for Common Sense blasted the package as being even weaker than Democratic rules when it comes to reducing the deficit.
The rules change alters the existing pay-as-you-go rule in the House to a cut-as-you-go requirement under which any bill increasing mandatory spending over one, five or 10 years cannot be considered on the floor.
To address spending that appears offset in the first 10 years,...
VIDEO Q&A;: Michele Bachmann Discusses the Welfare State, the Debt, Defunding Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, and Building a Wa
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
By Terence P. Jeffrey
In this Nov. 2, 2010 file photo, Minnesota GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann is seen before a television interview in Bloomington, Minn. (AP Photo/Andy King, File)
( - When asked Rep. Michele Bachmann (R.-Minn.) last month what she would do about the current fiscal situation if she were president of the United States, Bachmann said she would start by explaining to the American People that we were “standing on a precarious p...
No, Ezra Klein, Obamacare Will Not Reduce the Deficit
Ezra Klein, he of recent “the Constitution’s old, and stuff” fame, is one of the great and most persuasive cheerleaders for the belief that Republicans cannot Repeal ObamaCare and remain fiscally responsible since — as everybody knows! — ObamaCare reduces the National Debt by $100 billion over the next ten years. He makes his case here. Taking a slightly different but in many ways similar view in National Review Online, Avik Roy concedes that, purely as a matter of ...
Boehner sends a thank you note to democrats, for reminding us why Obamacare must be repealed
Posted by Jennifer Caballero on Jan 4 2011 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics, Tea Party. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
Boehner is not wasting any time reminding Democrats why he is moving forward with a vote to Repeal ObamaCare.
In fact, he sent a hilarious, strong, and effective thank you note to Harry Reid and other democrat senators.
No, Obamacare Will Not Reduce the Deficit
Kevin D. Williamson writes in his must-read piece at NRO: "No, Ezra Klein, ObamaCare Will Not Reduce the Deficit": Ezra Klein, he of recent "the Constitution's old, and stuff" fame, is one of the great and most persuasive cheerleaders for the belief that Republicans cannot Repeal ObamaCare and remain fiscally responsible since -- as everybody knows! -- ObamaCare reduces the National Debt by $100 billion over the next ten years. He makes his case here. Taking a slightly different but in many ways...
No, really: Is it time to get rid of the filibuster?
Well, maybe not “get rid of,” but how about reform? Three Senate Democrats rolled out their Compromise proposal this morning and at least one writer at National Review (Dan Foster) says … it doesn’t sound half-bad. I’m inclined to agree. The specifics:
-End the Filibuster on motions to proceed (since this amounts to unlimited debate on whether to allow debate at all).
-Make all filibusters on substantive measures “talking” or “Jimmy Stewart”
Big Pharma Prepares To Exploit New Swine Flu Scare
Big Pharma is licking its lips at the prospect of cashing in on a second round of the Swine Flu epidemic, despite the fact that the first outbreak of the virus in 2009 was proven to be a contrived Hoax perpetrated by pharmaceutical companies in concert with the World Health Organization. Flu experts in Britain are warning that an H1N1 epidemic is weeks away as 9 million Children prepare to return to school after the Christmas holiday. There have been 36 Deaths from Swine Flu in Britain since Oct...
Six Steps to the Right
Based on Speaker Boehner’s performance today, I am very hopeful that the Republican leadership will stick by the principles of Limited Government and economic Conservatism in the coming term. Speaker Boehner and the new Congress listened to the American People and enforced a rule today that requires each bill introduced to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress authority to do what the bill does. This idea was the top vote-getter (82 percent support) in the...
Republicans vow austerity as they take Congress
Can’t wait for censored version of Huck Finn? Read Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Zombie Jim Democrat Nancy Pelosi hands the speaker's gavel to Republican John Boehner as he is sworn in on Wednesday. Sheldon Alberts, Washington Correspondent, Postmedia News · Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011 WASHINGTON — First came the tears. Then came the tough talk. Ohio Republican John Boehner, sworn in Wednesday as the new Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, vowed to restore fiscal aust...
TN Rep Roe: I'm on Medicare. Repeal Congress' Health Care and ObamaCare
TN Rep Roe: I'm on Medicare. Repeal Congress' Health Care and ObamaCare In a remarkable exchange on Lawrence O'Donnell's The Last Word, Tennessee Rep. Phil Roe says he supports the repeal of ObamaCare and the Congressional health care plan, which he doesn't use because he's on Medicare now. It was amazing and surreal all the way around. Mark Meckler, Tea Party Whore Extraordinaire, was on claiming that the "American People" supported repeal on a 2:1 basis. Adam Green of Bold Progressiv...
Happy New Year! No New Hospitals
As of January 1, 2011, construction on 45 brand new physician-owned Hospitals (“POH”) has ground to a halt. Construction has also stopped on expansions of existing POH’s. Why? Well, according to Section 6001 of “ObamaCare”, “Friday [New Year's Eve] marked the last day physician-owned Hospitals could get Medicare certification covering their new or expanded hospitals, one of the latest provisions of the reform law to go into effect.”...
Someone high-five Sarah Palin for me--Obama administration admits "mix-up", will remove death panels from new Medicare regulatio
A week ago, word came out that the Obama Administration were planning to install these “Death Panels” in Medicare Regulation. After people critized the administration acknowledging Palin was right about these end-of-life planning, The NY Times reports today that the administration made a “mix-up” and these panels will be removed. No, the mix-up is that it was politically stupid to implement this Regulation. The uproar was palpable. In other words, Palin and Conservatives ...
John Bambenek promoting 2 State of Illinois Bills
Amends the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Practice Act of 2004. Provides that no person may practice veterinary medicine in the State except within the context of a Veterinarian-client-patient relationship. Changes the definition of "veterinarian-client-patient relationship" to include a licensed veterinarian who has access to the animal patient's records and has been designated by the veterinarian with the prior relationship with the animal patient to provide reasonable and appropriate medical...
A Tale of Two Chambers
The next three weeks are going to be a tale of two chambers. The Senate will be in recess, The House will be an absolute circus. On Friday, the House Republicans will get their first real thrill when they vote to Repeal "ObamaCare." The Democrats won't care though, because Harry Reid isn't going to pay any attention to their stupid Repeal and the thing will just die. Therefore, the whole exercise is basically pointless. It could be considered some kind of a con designed to make stupid Tea Party...
Bill getting rid of Obamacare
Rep. Eric Cantor submits a Health Care bill every member of Congress will be able to read in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. Mr. CANTOR (for himself and [see ATTACHED LIST of cosponsors]) introduced To Repeal the job-killing Health Care law and Health Care related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. SEC. 2. REPEAL OF THE JOB-KILLING HEALTH CARE LAW AND HEALTH CARE-RELATED PROVISIONS IN THE HEALTH CARE AND EDUCA...
Republicans vow to repeal Obama's healthcare plan
The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives took power yesterday vowing to open a legislative battle with Barack Obama over the size of government and how much it spends. The Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a liberal from San Francisco, handed over to John Boehner, a conservative who plans to stage a quick vote to Repeal Mr Obama's healthcare overhaul. He and the new Majority Leader Eric Cantor said the healthcare Repeal vote fulfils promises the party made in the November electio...
Former Congressman Tom Delay Sentenced To Three Years
Talk Radio, Blamed For Shooting, Blames Others
Second Congressional Shooting Staved Off With Arrest
Jerry Brown: California Budget Is Austerity Measure
Second Southern Snowstorm Levels Homeowners
Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
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