Big Pharma news


Boehner Responds to Reid and Co. Demands He Not Repeal ObamaCare: The House Will Repeal It Now, Youre Welcome

Weasel Zippers - 6 days ago

(The Hill)- Incoming House Speaker John Boehner’s office (R-Ohio) pointedly vowed on Tuesday to push ahead with Legislation repealing Healthcare Reform. Boehner’s office responded to a letter sent by the Senate’s top five Democra…


Opinion: The big biz behind GOP's 'small gov'

Politico - 22nd Oct 2010

Republicans dub their congressional challengers the Young Guns, who proclaim a reborn conservative fealty to balanced budgets, Small Government and free markets. At the same time, their campaigns are fueled by what The Washington Post calls a &l;…


Charlie Crist crucifies himself

Salon - 22nd Sep 2010

Hey, what’s Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, who’s running as an independent for senator, doing in a Claritin ad? No, wait a minute, it’s a campaign commercial that just looks like some bad idea churned out by Big Pharma. In this e…


Obama Sucks Up To Wall Street, Big Pharma, The Pentagon, and the GOP - Yet His Spokesman Disses His Progressive Base

Blogcritics - 11th Aug 2010

What next, Mr President? As a Candidate you promised concrete things to Progressives — closing Guantanamo, making Big moves on Energy Independence and Climate Change and infrastructure, creating good jobs that can't be outsourced, etc. &mda;…


Ron Johnson (R-BP) Should Divest From Big Oil Interests and Support Fund for Gulf Oil Spill Victims

Splash - 15th Jul 2010

Before the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf, Johnson said in a March 21, 2010, Speech that, “Big Pharma and Big Oil are not evil.” [Speech at Winnebago County Republican Party, Oshkosh, March 21, 2010] Johnson said, “[T]he first thing th…


Catfood Commissioner: 'Fiscal Cancer' Consuming The Economy. Here's A Crying Towel, Erskine!

Crooks and Liars - 12th Jul 2010

As I keep saying, Social Security is a pay-as-you-go program which funds itself. All Social Security needs to stay 100% funded through the next 50 years is to remove the cap on earnings placed there under Ronald Reagan as a perk for the well-to…


Harry Reid: Drug (Money) Kingpin

Firedoglake - 7th Jul 2010

To the surprise of — well, absolutely nobody I guess — Harry Reid is rolling in drug money . Tim Carney reports that “no Incumbent is receiving as much air support from the drug Industry as is Reid, who championed a Health Car…


Drug lobby showers money on its hero Harry Reid

Washington Examiner - 7th Jul 2010

No scalp would be as treasured by Republicans this fall as that of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. And no Incumbent is receiving as much air support from the drug Industry as is Reid, who championed a Health Care Bill that pads drug company p…