Bill O'Reilly: Bill O'Reilly got into it last night with conservative, Fox commentators, Margaret Hoover and Gretchen Carlson.
PHOTOS: Bill O'Reilly in pictures
CARLSON: I believe there is some gender bias associated with Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin.
VIDEOS: Bill O'Reilly in videos
O'REILLY: Gender bias? CARLSON: Yes, and I think Margaret would agree with me on this that, as women, they would be more criticized than you might be and what you would say about this topic [the Arizona shootings]. O'REILLY: [interrupting]... I don't think so. I mean, look, I don't know gen...
OReilly: I dont buy the gender bias against Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin (Daily Caller)
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Bill O’Reilly doesn’t buy into the idea that there exists a media gender bias against former Alaska gov. Sarah Palin and Minn. Rep....
O'Reilly: I Defended Palin -- So Why Won't She Come On My Show?
Last night on The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly displayed a sensitive side.
Nominally, O'Reilly had fellow Fox Host Gretchen Carlson and Republican Strategist Margaret Hoover on to discuss why Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) have "avoided" the media since the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and 18 others in Tucson last Saturday. But it quickly became clear that O'Reilly was really only interested in talking about why the two women haven't been on his show.
"Why ...
Bill OReilly While Discussing Sarah Palin: There Isnt Anybody More Vilified Than Beck
Fox’s Bill O’Reilly-who delivered what he describes as a “devastating” indictment of those who linked the shootings in Arizona to politicians like Sarah Palin-does not see the former Alaska Governor as the ultimate Victim of hypercharged political Rhetoric. It’s Glenn Beck.
In a discussion with Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson and Fox contributor Margaret Hoover , O’Reilly dismissed suggestions that there’s a gender bias in politi...
Death threats against Sarah Palin spike after Tucson shooting
It's not just the criticism of Sarah Palin that's increasing in the wake of the Tucson shooting -- death threats against her are too. according to the former Alaska Governor's aides.
"There has been an incredible increase in death threats against Gov. Palin since the tragedy in Arizona, since she's been accused of having the blood of those Victims on her hands," Palin aide Rebecca Mansour told USA Today.
"When you start to accuse people of having the blood of innocent people on their hands, ...
OReilly dissects Palins media strategy
Bill O’Reilly is incredulous that Sarah Palin – a Fox News contributor -- won’t come on his show in the aftermath of the Arizona shootings.
Last night, he hosted a segment with “Fox And Friends” co-host Gretchen Carlson Republican Strategist and Martha Hoover about Palin and Michele Bachmann’s absence from the media this week, which he found particularly surprising considering that he devoted his “Talking Points Memo” on Monday to defending them ...
What Americans Need to Do Now, After the Shooting and Tragedy In Arizona
This week President Obama helped the nation mourn in Tucson. Today let's celebrate American Democracy and the freedoms we enjoy and not let a nut with a gun in any way interfere with a full-throated, passionate dialogue that is as American as apple pie. For in order for Democracy to thrive it's imperative that we resist the impulse to tell opinionated people who are exercising Political Speech that its their fault for inciting deranged people from acting out their darkest fantasies. On the contr...
Top 10 Most Ridiculous Attacks on Conservatives Following the AZ Shootings
This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the 21st century, even to the extent that President Obama himself, probably the most liber...
The Arizona Tragedy and the American Reaction
The story dominating American conversation this week is the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona. In shock, after a mentally troubled assassin named Jared Lee Loughner shoots a round from his 9mm Glock through the brain of beloved Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and then turns his weapon on the crowd and kills 6 bystanders while wounding 13 others — America mourns. Giffords is alive today and fighting for her life, the extent of the damage caused by her wound still unknown. There are positive signs...
Sheriff Dupnik Should Resign
I was studying in my basement when my phone alerted me that Gabby Giffords, a Congresswoman from my home-state, had been shot along with several others. My first thoughts were of sorrow. Gabby Giffords was by all accounts a decent person and although I did not subscribe to many of her political views, an attack on a Congresswoman is an attack on our Republic. It should not make a difference, but combine this with her reputation as a kind person, it was even more tragic. It was heartbreaking to r...
You think youre so clever, dont you?
From an editorial at the Washington Times:
Mrs. Palin is well within her rights to feel persecuted. Since the Saturday bloodbath, members of the liberal commentariat have spoken in a unified voice, charging her and other Conservatives with being indirectly or somehow directly responsible for the lunatic actions of accused gunman Jared Loughner. Typical of blood Libel, the attack against Mrs. Palin is a false charge intended to generate anger made by people with a political agenda. They have made...
Sarah Palin Reveals the Real Victim of Tucson : Sarah Palin
I hope not to have to spend too much time on this topic. I’ve already said my piece, the data stands on its own. I am going to point out some of the inadvertent arguments a few pundits have brought up to disavow any responsibility for this tragedy, and how they make a really strong for argument taking some. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements from people attempting to...
The dangers of epistemic closure
THE DANGERS OF Epistemic Closure.... About a week after the Midterm Elections, David Frum, a former Bush Speechwriter, had a very strong piece, explaining how important it is for his fellow Republicans to learn the appropriate lessons from what had transpired over the last two years. At the top of Frum's list: recognizing the "danger of closed information systems."
Too often, Frum said, Conservatives "wrap themselves in closed information systems based upon pretend information. In this closed ...
The War on Rhetoric
Today marks a week since an American Terrorist went on a murderous rampage in Arizona and so began the American War on Rhetoric. The lone gunman was apparently fixated on Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. He met her three years prior to the tragedy in Tucson but that hasn’t stopped political pundits from placing blame, pointing fingers and blasting accusations. The media should be ashamed for wagging their crooked fingers at anyone other than the American Terrorist who pulled the t...
Civility? Maybe. Maybe not.
James Fallows has been asking his readers to email him their thoughts on civility. Some excerpts:
In the Private Sector people are mostly polite because it's good for business and crucial to getting things done. The harshness that we find in the public political discourse is the result of self-selection: only the nasty and the really thick-skinned opt to engage in political life. I and many others are turned off by the nastiness and choose to disengage from the public ...
OReilly: Attacks Against Palin and Bachmann No Worse Than Attacks Against Beck and Me
"There isn't anybody more vilified than Beck."...
Arizona Shooting Sparks Internet Death Threats Against Sarah Palin
Friday, January 14, 2011
By Matt Cover
Sarah Palin signs copies of her book, "America By Heart," in Little Rock, Ark., on Nov. 30, 2010. (AP File Photo/Brian Chilson)
( - The Jan. 8 attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and subsequent media focus on campaign metaphors used by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) sparked calls for the prominent Republican’s Assassination on the Social Networking site Twitter.
Approximately 50 of the threats were compiled in ...
Video of Bill Maher: 2007 vs Today On Inciting Violence & Hate
How about this for heated Rhetoric from the left:
■ Conservatives Want to Kill Barack Obama: “I really think there are conservative broadcasters in this country who would love to see Obama taken out.” (Ed Schultz)
Mike Malloy: The face of true hate
■ Conservatives Are Terrorists: “Do you not understand that the people you hold up as heroes bombed your goddamn country? Do you not understand that Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly ...
A Note To Glenn Beck: I Reserve My Rights
At at one point not too long ago I called Glenn Beck possibly "the great conservative hope”. But I will freely admit that the man drives me bonkers when he goes off into his own little world of self-reflection. Not only am I certain that he knows the location of each and every piece of lint in the crevasses of his bellybutton, but I am also convinced he has given each of them names and converses with them regularly. Beck’s hard edges have softened at times over the past s...
OReilly: Bachmann, Palin snubbing media after Arizona shootings
More than a dozen Republicans introduced a bill in the Minnesota House Thursday aimed at authorizing the sale of “Choose Life” license plates in Minnesota, with sales revenue going to groups that oppose Abortion. The bill is nearly identical to one passed in 2003 in Florida, one of 23 states that produces the plates. But as the Florida Independent found, tracking where funds raised through the license plate sales wasn’t an easy task. In a unanimous vote by outgoing Board Member...
OReilly: Bachmann, Palin snubbing media after Arizona shootings
More than seven years after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a state law criminalizing “Homosexual conduct,” the Unconstitutional provision remains on the books. “The law is unconstitutional. It needs to be deleted from the statute,” said Chuck Smith, deputy Executive Director of LGBT Advocacy Group Equality Texas. There wasn’t a great deal of fanfare last week when U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley released a three-year-long committee staff review of the financial activit...
Violent Rhetoric Can Lead to Tragedies Like Arizona Shooting
David Brock is CEO of Media Matters, which tracks and corrects conservative misinformation in the media
As we learn more about Jared Loughner, the young man allegedly responsible for the tragedy in Tucson last weekend, it seems clear that he is a mentally unstable individual whose motivations for committing such a horrific crime remain unknown. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a conversation about current political discourse and how it has gone too far.
It is a conversation Media Matte...
Shooting victim says Beck, Palin, Angle got their first target (Daily Caller)
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A survivor of Saturday’s shooting rampage in Tucson blamed Fox’s Glenn Bec...
Jewish Group Wants Glenn Beck Dropped From Fox News
Jewish Funds for Justice (JFSJ), a charity that campaigns for social change, delivered a petition with 10,000 signatures to Fox News Thursday demanding that Talk Show host Glenn Beck get the pink slip. The petition drive began in November after Fox News aired a three-part Beck special on businessman and philanthropist George Soros called "Puppet Master." The television show was deemed anti-Semitic by many in the media and Jewish groups. Beck's Thursday night show highlighted nine people of the ...
Oh, Its On: Charles Krauthammer Responds To Rush Limbaughs Slobbering Critique
A house divided against itself cannot stand… but it will certainly garner a lot of media attention. As we told you earlier, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh is criticizing Fox News Channel’s “All-Star Panel” for, as he sees it, “slobbering” over President Barack Obama’s Speech at this week’s memorial event for those killed in the recent Tucson, Arizona shooting.
Fox News is, of course, fighting back. Charles Krauthammer appeared on Bret Baier...
In the immediate aftermath of Saturday’s tragic shooting at the Tucson shopping center, the one person that citizens would expect to focus on a quick response to the violence, conduct a thorough investigation, and focus on finding the culprit is none other than Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. Certainly, this occurred within his jurisdiction, therefore his office is the primary Law Enforcement agency to deal with this crisis. Jared Loughner’s actions, the takin...
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