NPR Reporter Nina Totenberg Ashamed to Say She was at a Christmas Party I was at forgive the expression a Christmas Party

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Nina Totenberg, Juan Williams
Merry Christmas, Left Wing

Nina Totenberg: What is wrong with Liberals, have they completely lost their minds and their souls.

PHOTOS: Nina Totenberg in pictures

They certainly have lost their religion.

VIDEOS: Nina Totenberg in videos

From Newsbusters comes the following story of an NPR reporter Nina Totenberg interjected on Inside Washington, “I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party.” What? Why would she have to forgive the expression? Are NPR liberals now openly apologizing for dare referencing the word “Christmas” in public. Are we to understand that the LEFT now t...

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CK Hunter posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

I don't feel like forgiving Nina Totenberg for her comment [ "I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ." ] but I have to, huh?

Jerry Call posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Nina Totenberg Excuses Herself for Using Term " Christmas Party " Remark by a liberal pundit reflects the culture at large.

David Burge posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Until I saw Nina Totenberg 's apology for saying " Christmas Party ," I didn't realize Shemp Howard was still alive. Let alone transgendered.

Mary B posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

"I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ." Liberal NPR journalist Nina Totenberg , on Inside Washington this weekend. GAG

James Hilston posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

"And I was at " forgive the expression " a Christmas party ..." ~ NPR's Nina Totenberg . Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!

Chuck Merritt posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

The key question is, why is NPR's Nina Totenberg at a " Christmas " Party in the first place? Can you say hypocrite?

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