George W.
PHOTOS: George W. Bush in pictures
Bush: Nancy Pelosi blames George W.
VIDEOS: George W. Bush in videos
Bush for midterm shellacking I wonder if the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi will blame George W. Bush when Obama gets shellacked in the 2012 Presidential Election too? I don’t have to wonder, I’m actually pretty sure she will, along with the reason of the Marxist Democrats and lame stream media. Oh, and I’m sure the Race Card will be played too. Yid with Lid posted the video of a recent CNN softball interview between John King and Nancy Pelosi. King ...
Pelosi: Democrats Lost House Because of ... BUSH!
via Erica C on FB
It's only fitting that Pelosi is leaving the Speaker's position of the US House the same way she went in - blaming Bush. From Fox Nation:
"We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let's take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, Tax Cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some," Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN.
Bush didn't bring down The Economy. Nor did ...
Job Killing And Job Creating
The Republicans have been using the phrase “Job Killing” as an adjective before describing any Legislation from the past two years so often that you know that there had to be a memo telling them to do so. But in the wake of the employment data announced yesterday, they should probably save the term “Job Killing” for the Bush Administration and use “job creating” for the Obama Administration. Responding the jobs report, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi ...
Nancy Pelosis Descent into Madness
We now have proof that Nancy Pelosi’s Plastic Surgery has inflicted significant medial harm. Apparently her skin has been pulled so tight over her face that the blood supply to her brain is constricted and vital portions of her grey matter have died. How else to explain this bat-shit delusional comment about why the Democrats got their ass kicked in November?
The fault of George W. Bush? Are you shitting me?
Regular readers of this blog know that I am no fan of George W. He was an abject ...
Nancy Pelosi Says Democrats Lost Election Because of George W. Bush Video
While talking to CNN’s John King, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi blames George W. Bush and his policies for the devastating defeat of the Democrats. “If we hadn’t done Health Care, if we hadn’t done Wall Street reform…We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let’s take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives.” ...
Lofgren To Stay On At Ethics Committee For Now, But Wants Out
The Hill reports today that Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) will stay on as ranking member of the House Ethics Committee, but has made clear to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi that she wants the position to be temporary.
Lofgren reportedly told Pelosi in no uncertain terms that she wants wants to be out by February. In the meantime, leadership must find someone else to be the panel's top Democrat.
Pelosi's office confirms that Lofgren's position on the committee is temporary.
The committee has been in t...
2010 Set Campaign Spending Records
Even with its byzantine rules and dry legal terminology, Campaign Finance was a hot topic from the very start of 2010. In his January State of the Union address, President Obama criticized the Supreme Court's then days-old Citizens United v. FEC decision, which loosened Campaign Spending restrictions, even as the justices sat watching in front of him. "I believe [the decision] will open the floodgates for Special Interests . . . to spend without limit in our Elections," Obama said. &...
"Worst Week in Washington": Nancy Pelosi
The best of the best of state-based political blogs -- as of April 2009. The first "winner" of our first"Worst Week in Washington" award of 2011 is Nancy Pelosi , the woman who went from speaker of the House to Minority Leader this week. But, the handover of power wasn't that simple. As we write in our "WWW" piece for Sunday's paper: The rebellion of her Democratic colleagues -- 18 voted for someone else, one voted "present," and another didn't vote -- was a sign of the enduring discontent direc...
Video: Pelosi blames Dem loss in midterms on
Via Jeff Dunetz, who says Nancy Pelosi has gone “mad,” but this isn’t madness as much as it is calculated denial. What’s she going to say — “Man, I really screwed up?” She got elected leader of her Caucus and is now going to be the DCCC’s poster girl, which is supposedly based on her utterly indispensable brilliance. Who else can she blame but …
“We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let’s tak...
GOP Rep. Darrell Issa Tells John King that CNN Does Not Understand the Word Corrupt Video 1/5/11
Here is video of GOP Rep. Darrell Issa talking to CNN’s John King, where he told him that CNN does not know the meaning of the word “corrupt,” if they think what has been going on does not fit that bill. Issa explains that by “corrupt,” he does not necessarily mean “illegal”:
“I think people misunderstand the meaning of the word “corrupt” and obviously CNN does. Corrupt or corrupted or failure, it’s no different than a disk driv...
Nancy Pelosi Pins the Blame on Bush For Democrats Losses
This is rich - Nancy Pelosi is blaming George W. Bush for the loss at the polls suffered by so many Democrats last year.
“We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let’s take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, Tax Cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some,” Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN.
If you care to see it, video is available at Real Clear Politics.
Via Fox Nation...
McConnell looks to 2012
(CNN) - In an exclusive interview on CNN's "John King,USA," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Medicare and Social Security will not be issues in the 2012 Campaign because Congress will address the programs by then. "I think that any entitlement reform done by Democrats and Republicans jointly will not be an issue in 2012," Kentucky Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell told CNN Chief National Correspondent John King. Watch the entire interview Friday @ 7 p.m. ET on CNN's "John King, USA." ...
Democrats Have Slight but Real Chance of Winning Back House in 2012
Having spent only one day as House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi is already talking about the quick potential return of the Democratic party to the majority. While winning the minimum 25 seats required to regain the majority would be difficult, looking at the historic record, it is possible.
An examination of the past 30 congressional Elections going all the way back to 1952, the average net partisan change in seats from one Congress to the next was just over 19 seats. Almost a third of those ...
Nancy Pelosi: Democrats lost because of George W. Bush
Real Clear Politics reports that, continuing her descent into unreality, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has found a way to blame George W. Bush for the Democrats' own version of Wounded Knee on November 2nd. Listing as accomplishments ObamaCare and Wall Street reform Legislation, but omitting the stimulus package and its tons of pork, Pelosi says "We still would have lost the election because we had nine and a half percent Unemployment," and goes on to blame Bush for that. She still hasn't f...
By the Skin of Pelosis Clenched Teeth
As if it wasn’t bad enough for Democrats, still licking their wounds from last year’s Elections, the party’s House Caucus leadership still finds itself in a state of obnoxious disarray and factionalism. The signs of bitter internal fights are still apparent, from anxious Progressives clearly dissatisfied with the current political playing field and bitter moderate Blue Dogs blindly grabbing through the darkness of a Capitol Hill abyss. Months of circular Firing Squads and...
Pelosi: Giffords a 'brilliant and courageous' member
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) reacted to news of the attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, calling the Arizona Democrat a "a brilliant and courageous member of Congress."
Pelosi said Giffords, 40, was a part of a "new generation of national leaders."
"It is with the deepest sadness that we have received word of the attack on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, members of her staff, and her constituents," Pelosi said. "This terrible act of violence ...
Nancy Pelosi event in San Francisco stays on schedule
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi will go on with a planned event in San Francisco Leader at 2:00 Pacific time, despite the shocking attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tuscon today, her staff said.
Pelosi is scheduled to make brief remarks at her annual District Community New Year's Celebration at about 2:45 at the Delancey Street Foundation, Town Meeting Hall at 600 Embarcadero in San Francisco. California Democratic Party chair John Burton will also be there.
Pelosi, who previously had ...
IS DAILY KOS INVOLVED IN ARIZONA MURDERS? My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me! eerie Daily Kos h
IS Daily Kos INVOLVED IN Arizona MURDERS? “My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!” — eerie Daily Kos hit piece on Gabrielle Giffords just two days before Assassination attempt; repeated use of word “dead” in relation to Giffords just 48 hours before she and a dozen others were fired upon. UPDATE: Daily Kos Scrubs “dead to me” thread but screengrabs document everything Daily Kos has a long history of scrubbing things like this...
My $0.02: the Mona Lisa and War on Poverty edition
Another piece of historical trivia for January 8th… In 1964, LBJ declared a “War on Poverty” in the US. (Link takes you to an essay hosted on Who has taken up the call to fight the war on poverty today? Hillary spoke of and to “invisible” Americans when she ran in 2008, but the powers-that-be railroaded her and kept her powerful voice off the domestic stage. John Edwards tainted his “Two Americas” Rhetoric on poverty with his “narci...
Video: Jim Webb Defends His Vote to Extend Bush Tax Cuts
It's interesting, just when you think that politicians like Jim Webb don't read the blogs or care, you get an event like Chap Petersen's Business Leaders Breakfast this morning, where you get called out by name by the guy you "drafted" for Senate (and helped raise $4 million online for), because of criticism on your blog. In this case, I had questioned how Webb could reconcile his commitment to "Jacksonian Democracy," as well as his repeated (and passionate) talk in 2006 about how America was br...
Nancy Pelosi: If We Didn't Pass Health Care, We Still Would Have Lost the Election Because of High Unemployment Caused By George
Unbelievable. This one doesn't need much commentary, Nancy Pelosi on John King USA
Nancy Pelosi Clams Bush Caused Her to Lose Speakership
Two years after President Bush left office, Nancy Pelosi tries to blame him for the loss of her House Speaker-ship. How pathetic can you get? (RCP)- We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let’s take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, Tax Cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some,” Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN. ...
Pelosi Blames Bush For Losing Her Speakership
Give it a rest, Nancy. (RCP)- We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let’s take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, Tax Cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some,” Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN. I believe that Democrats desire a line of History, going back in time, and going forward which points directly to Bush. He is the center of their Universe, and the scape goat or all ills...
Pelosi Blames Dems Loss Of Congress On Bush
Issa: Obama Is Corrupt The Way A Disc Drive Gives You Bad Bits (VIDEO)
Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) is now attempting to explain away comments he made about the President Barack Obama being corrupt -- by claiming that the media just doesn't understand what he was trying to say.
"I think people misunderstand the meaning of the word corrupt, and obviously CNN does. Corrupt or corrupted or failure -- it's no different than a disc drive giving you some bits that are wrong," Issa said.
"I've never said it was illegal. I've never said many of the st...
Obama created more jobs in one year than Bush created in eight
Looks like Cheney’s pro-pollution, pro-rich policies aren’t as effective as even Obama’s modest Clean Energy, middle-class-oriented ones. ThinkProgress has the story in this cross-post:
This morning, the Labor Department released its employment data for December, showing that the U.S. economy ended the year by adding 113,000 Private Sector jobs, knocking the Unemployment Rate down sharply from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent — its lowest rate since July 2009…. October
Obama Supports Greater Gun Law Enforcement
Obama Against Education Cuts
Congress Likely To Pass Stopgap Measure for Another 3 Weeks
Flood, Wind Warnings Issued for Montana
Clinton Aide Resigns After Criticizing Treatment of Manning
Thunderous Welcome for 14 Democrats Upon Return To Wisconsin
Police Investigate Bus Crash, Driver Puts Blame On Speeding Truck
Rebels Retreat Further, Gaddafi Forces Advance
California Suffers Tsunami Damage Worth $50 Million
1 Teen Killed, 4 Injured in New Orleans Shooting Incident
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