Darrell Issa: Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) is now attempting to explain away comments he made about the President Barack Obama being corrupt -- by claiming that the media just doesn't understand what he was trying to say. "I think people misunderstand the meaning of the word corrupt, and obviously CNN does.
PHOTOS: Darrell Issa in pictures
Corrupt or corrupted or failure -- it's no different than a disc drive giving you some bits that are wrong," Issa said. "I've never said it was illegal.
VIDEOS: Darrell Issa in videos
I've never said many of the st...
GOP Rep. Darrell Issa Tells John King that CNN Does Not Understand the Word Corrupt Video 1/5/11
Here is video of GOP Rep. Darrell Issa talking to CNN’s John King, where he told him that CNN does not know the meaning of the word “corrupt,” if they think what has been going on does not fit that bill. Issa explains that by “corrupt,” he does not necessarily mean “illegal”:
“I think people misunderstand the meaning of the word “corrupt” and obviously CNN does. Corrupt or corrupted or failure, it’s no different than a disk driv...
Darrell Issa destroys John King CNN Doesnt Understand The Meaning Of The Word Corrupt
Darrell Issa destroys John King “CNN Doesn’t Understand The Meaning Of The Word ‘Corrupt’”
We’ll see if Darrell Issa turns out to be as big of a pain in the rump to corrupt progressive Liberal Democrats and the Obama regime as he has been talking about being. I’m taking a wait and see attitude. That being said the now Chairman of the Reform and Oversight Committee Darrell Issa isn’t about to take any BS from the progressive liberal hacks in the lame stream m
Rep. Darrell Issa: CNN 'Doesnt Understand The Meaning Of The Word Corrupt'
Rep. Darrell Issa: CNN 'Doesn’t Understand The Meaning Of The Word ‘Corrupt’' Newly-appointed Chairman of the Reform and Oversight Committee Darrell Issa has been causing commotion about using his Subpoena power to investigate Corruption in the White House, calling the Obama Administration "one of the most corrupt administrations in history" and promising a deluge of investigations. Challenged on the use of the word "corruption" by CNN's John King, the Congressman went after th...
Rep. Darrell Issa: CNN Doesnt Understand The Meaning Of The Word Corrupt
Newly-appointed Chairman of the Reform and Oversight Committee Darrell Issa has been causing commotion about using his Subpoena power to investigate Corruption in the White House, calling the Obama Administration “one of the most corrupt administrations in history” and promising a deluge of investigations. Challenged on the use of the word “corruption” by CNN’s John King , the Congressman went after the entire network and, namely, their understanding of the word.
Q: 'What's your prediction for the EPA, Rep. Issa?' A: 'Prediction?' Q: 'Yes, prediction.' A: 'Pain.'
A bunch of unelected Bureaucrats, thousands of them in fact, will decide how much Carbon Dioxide you and your employer are allowed to expel. This month the EPA is slated to begin regulating Greenhouse Gases despite new and overwhelming evidence that there is a complete "absence of correlation between temperature changes... and CO2." The EPA's new regulations will effectively control industrial policy for every business in America. Utility companies that generate power will be especially hard hit...
Issa Redefines "Corrupt"
In an interview on CNN, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) defended comments he had previously made that President Obama is "one of the most corrupt presidents of modern times" by offering an alternate definition of "corrupt."
Said Issa: "I think people misunderstand the meaning of the word corrupt, and obviously, CNN does. 'Corrupt', or 'corrupted' or 'failure', it's no different than a disc drive that's given you some bits that are wrong."
GOP Disc Failure! Rep. Issa's "Corrupted" Memory
Back in October, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the new chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Rush Limbaugh that President Obama is "one of the most corrupt presidents of modern times." In the past few months, though, Issa has dialed down his Rhetoric and repeatedly pledged to use his Subpoena power judiciously. On CNN last night, Issa said that "Congress is more to blame" than Obama for the "misuse" of federal money, but defended his past characterization of the White House. Relying on a ...
Issa anounces Oversight Committee HD video transparency project
You will be hearing the name of Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) a lot now that the 112th Congress has convened. He's the new chairman of the powerful House Oversight Committee, the lower chamber's investigative arm. In the spirit of transparency--something that was promised by the Democrats in 2008- Issa is releasing broadcast quality videos of every single Oversight Committee hearing dating back to 2009. Upcoming hearings will also be put online. You will find Team Oversight's high-quality videos at h...
Darrell Issa: CNN Doesn't Understand Meaning of Corrupt
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Cali.) said Wednesday that CNN doesn't understand the meaning of the word "corrupt." John King, HOST: If you want to understand how the Republican takeover of the House will change Washington, one place to watch closely is the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Its new chairman is California Republican Darrell Issa. And even before he got his gavel today, Chairman Issa was promising to use his Subpoena power to investigate Obama Administration ...
DNC ad takes on House GOP over spending pledge
Washington (CNN) - The Democratic National Committee is firing away at House Republicans for what appears to be a backtracking of a pledge they made during the Midterm Election campaign. The DNC is out with a new web video Friday morning that attacks GOP lawmakers for now saying that the $100 billion in Spending Cuts in the federal Budget that they promised to cut is likely out of reach, blaming it on the fiscal calendar among other things. The video uses clips from cable newscasts, including CN...
Pelosi: Dems intend to win back the House
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is signaling she doesn't plan to stay in that diminished job very long.
The top House Democrat and 70-year-old former Speaker suggested Thursday night she has no goal short of winning the chamber back for her party.
"We are in a little bit of a sparse mode right now. I didn't realize we would be," Pelosi told CNN's John King, who noted her "sparsely decorated" new office. " I've had other work to do than to [laughter] … because I don't plan to s...
Defining corruption down
DEFINING Corruption DOWN.... In October, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) told Rush Limbaugh he considers President Obama "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times." He didn't even try to defend such a claim, and looked pretty ridiculous making it.
On Sunday, Issa tried again, insisting that the Obama Administration, not the president himself, is "one of the most corrupt" in years. When he tried to back this up with some vaguely-specific evidence, Issa's argument quickly crumbled -- the ...
DNC blasts GOP 'broken promises'
House Republicans have already scammed the American People just a few days into their new majority, the Democratic National Committee charges in a new web video unveiled Friday.
In the two-minute spot, titled “Broken Promises,” the DNC accuses the GOP of quickly backtracking on its pledge to slash the federal Budget by $100 billion.
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The video strings together a series of clips of media commentators and Journalists questioning what t...
Boxer challenges GOP on environment issues
(01-07) 04:00 PST Washington - -- Exactly 24 hours after being sworn in for her fourth term, California Sen. Barbara Boxer on Thursday unloaded both barrels on House Republicans' plans to stall climate-change Regulations, slipping seamlessly into her role as a pit bull against the GOP.
"If anyone in Congress tries to move to a dirty-air policy, I will take them straight to the American People and do everything in my power to stop them," Boxer, a Democrat, pledged at a news conference.
Cast as ...
The President's Movie
Most people seem to agree that the single greatest mystery of the Obama presidency is how a Candidate who stoked hope, raised expectations, and stirred tens of millions of Americans to embrace change became a president who banked the fires of hope, lowered expectations, and dampened the belief of tens of millions of Americans that anything in the country could be changed. Theories, of course, abound: that Barack Obama, like John F. Kennedy before him, ran as an idealist but had always intended ...
Obama Skinning Cats
My D.C. trip was a mixture of emotions for me. On the one hand it was fun to see all my fellow conservative actitivists (we always have a blast when we get together), and it was exciting to go to a reception for the new Congress. But on the other hand, I learned about dangerous and infuriating Legislation that was basically snuck in while all of us were Christmas Shopping, traveling, and on holiday. The amusing thing at the reception is that we didn't know who was a Congressmen and who wasn't. ...
Katie Halper: Darrell Issa's Ominous Past & Twitter Avatar: Top 10 reasons Issa is the perfect Obama watchdog
Don't let Darrell Issa's verbal ineptitude or crime-ridden past fool you: The last person Obama wants investigating him is the cunning California congressman who is the incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. When Issa called Obama "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times" he was speaking from experience and with authority. Issa's background in auto theft and the auto alarm business, makes him a dangerous double threat, a cop AND robber, whose crime...
Was Issa just "pandering to Rush Limbaugh" when he called Obama "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times"?
That's not the way Rush Limbaugh sees it:
[L]ast Sunday morning on CNN's State of the Union, fill-in host Ed Henry and Darrell Issa [the new House Oversight Government Reform Committee Chairman] have this exchange about Issa's remarks about Obama on my show back in October.
HENRY: Right before the election you went on Rush Limbaugh's radio program. You have since said you regret saying that --
ISSA: I corrected what I meant to say. You know, on live radio with Rush going back and forth -- and, ...
Shocker: CNN report on state budget deficits discover bloated governments
Liberals seem to be having a Lieutenant Renault moment here:
They're shocked, SHOCKED! that governments at all levels are bloated with people getting paid lots of money and unsustainable benefits to do a bad job:
Darrell Issa is speaking up on the issue at least on the national level: Issa: Tough Oversight Starts With Axing Government Waste, Job-Killing Hyper-Regulation
Issa & Boehner also announced an Oversight Committee Transparency Project:
House Oversight Committee to post complete hearing videos online
New House Oversight chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) announced Wednesday with Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) that the committee will post complete videos of every hearing online in hopes of spurring other committees to do the same.
"No Congressional Committee has done this before. Going forward, we'll keep sharing high-quality videos of our tough oversight work," Issa said in a video announcement. "Under Speaker John Boehner, transparency through technology will be crucial to shaping a governme...
Sick 'Em, Darrell
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Newly minted Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Republican Representative Darrell Issa, is wasting no time declaring his intentions to Probe certain actions taken during the reign of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid triumvirate.
Via the Washington Post:
"Issa, who will have power to Subpoena government officials to appear before the committee, said he intended to conduct inquiries into the release ...
Issa says congress is at fault for TARP misuse
Congress is to blame for misuse of TARP funds the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government reform said Wednesday.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the new chairman of the Oversight Committee, said in an interview with CNN today that the 111th Congress had misused the nearly $1 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program funds implemented under the Bush Administration.
"Well, in the last Congress, we saw that this last Congress and the Congress before, handed out huge amounts o...
Issa maintains CES streak with Vegas trip
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) has attended every Consumer Electronics Show since 1982, and this year is no different.
Issa (R-Calif.) joins a fleet of other Washington officials, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, in heading to a major technology show in Las Vegas.
For Issa, the incoming House Oversight chairman, the show is a chance to return to his roots in the technology sector.
Before serving in Congress
Issa's Glaring Omission: War Spending
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the incoming chairman of the powerful House Oversight Committee, has vowed to sniff out the "waste, Fraud, and abuse" in the Federal Government, even if it means holding seven committee hearings a week. On CBS' "Face the Nation," Issa pledged to identify as much as $200 billion in wasteful spending at the federal level, and an early target list for Congress' top Watchdog includes Wikileaks, housing giant Fannie Mae, and Food and Drug Administrati...
Darrell Issa, House Oversight Chief, Could Do Well By Doing Good
Rep. Darrell Issa, the incoming leader of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has generated much attention and speculation lately about his effort to hunt down "job killing" federal regulations. While Democrats are hoping to cast the California Republican as a hyperpartisan Committee Chairman set on politically motivated "witch hunts," Issa could surprise them. He is well positioned to do more than generate publicity; he could reveal real examples of waste and malfeasance. ...
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Former Congressman Tom Delay Sentenced To Three Years
Talk Radio, Blamed For Shooting, Blames Others
Second Congressional Shooting Staved Off With Arrest
Jerry Brown: California Budget Is Austerity Measure
Second Southern Snowstorm Levels Homeowners
Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
Darrell Issa : dumb as a bag of hammers, will lead House Oversight Committee . Like Howdy Doody leading NASA.
God Bless Darrell Issa , the new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee . Investigate, expose, prosecute.
The Republican Party puts Darrell Issa (arrested) four time Law Breaker now in charge of the House Oversight Committee !
Darrell Issa expected to name Luca Brasi to a top staff position on Oversight Committee .
Rep Darrell Issa , Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform gives insight into how he will be holding the Obama...
Video: GOP's top watchdog goes on the attack: Darrell Issa , the new chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform,...
So Darrell Issa , chair of Oversight Committee , asked lobbyists what regulations they'd like removed? Let's just let business run government.