Tax Cut: via Erica C on FB It's only fitting that Pelosi is leaving the Speaker's position of the US House the same way she went in - blaming Bush.
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi in pictures
From Fox Nation: "We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% Unemployment. Let's take it where that came from.
VIDEOS: Nancy Pelosi in videos
The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, Tax Cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some," Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN. Bush didn't bring down The Economy. Nor did ...
The Ibanez case and housing-market catastrophe risk
The 16-page decision in the case of US Bank vs Ibanez does not make for easy reading. But it’s a very important case: it’s a solid precedent saying that if a bank doesn’t own a Mortgage, then it can’t foreclose on a home. That was the decision of the lower court in Massachusetts, back in March 2009, and it has now been unanimously upheld on appeal to the Massachusetts Supreme Court.
After speaking to crack Reuters reporter Jonathan Stempel, I’m even more worried ab...
Will the Mortgage Market Die Without Government Guarantees?
As the Housing Policy debate gets underway this year in Congress, there's really only one big decision to make: will the U.S. government continue to guarantee Mortgages? Once that is determined, the rest is really just details about how to best implement policy. The Treasury could be moving away from government guarantees, even though the market and Democrats generally prefer them. In a sprawling op-ed this week in the New York Times, Vanity Fair writer Bethany Mclean essentially argues that wit...
A Kind Word for Homeowners
The next voice to be heard in the debate on the future of housing finance in the United States will be that of the Treasury Department, which is slated to release its report on the subject sometime this month. Given the sensitive political and economic nature of the topic, the complexity of the problem and the current tenuousness of the Housing Market, we imagine that Treasury’s contribution will be not so much a shout, more like a polite throat-clearing. Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) i...
Bank of America: Moynihan's millstones
ANOTHER year, another fresh start. Bank of America’s takeovers of Countrywide and Merrill Lynch during the Financial Crisis saddled it with a heap of housing-related trouble. After a rough first year in charge since succeeding Ken Lewis as BofA’s boss, Brian Moynihan has spelled out his latest new year’s resolutions: tackling the bank’s Mortgage problems head-on and seeing off a related threat from Internet marauders. In a deal that could become a template for others, th...
The Housing Hole Deepens
The gravy train at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac keeps pouring out millions in pay to the top executives running the disgraced tax-funded Mortgage companies no matter how poorly they perform. As reported Dec. 31, Fannie (FNMA) Chief Executive Officer Michael Williams and Freddie (FMCC) CEO Charles Haldeman each stand to rake in $6 million as indicated by company filings that outline pay guidelines, plus deferred compensation of an unknown amount. These are rewards for a period when th...
Fairy Tales of the Coming State of the Union: We Need to Cut Government Spending And Make Do with No More Money
In "All Together Now: There Is No Deficit/Debt Problem,” I warned against the message calling for deficit reduction that the President will probably deliver in his State of the Union Address next month. I view the coming narrative as very likely to be composed of a number of Fairy Tales. Three previous posts, here, here, and here, have criticized three of the fairy tales I expect to be in the narrative. This post examines the fourth fairy tale, the idea that we need to cut government spend...
Andrew Levine: Delusions: What Obama Apologists and Tea Party Supporters Have In Common
What a spectacle Washington has become! Democrats fall over themselves capitulating to Republicans, expressly as with Obama's "Compromise" on taxes or, more often, preemptively; while establishment Republicans, fearing the wrath of their useful idiots, capitulate to Tea Partiers, who therefore call the shots. Such Democracy as we have had has always been a tenuous achievement thanks to institutions that make it difficult for the will of the people to prevail, and thanks to the inequalities gen...
CNS' Jeffrey Baselessly Blames Pelosi for Additions to Debt
CNS' Jeffrey Baselessly Blames Pelosi for Additions to Debt
Terry Jeffrey writes in a Jan. 6 "news" article:
In the 1,461 days that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) served as speaker of the House, the National Debt increased by a total of $5.343 Trillion ($5,343,452,800,321.37) or $3.66 billion per day ($3.657,394,113.84), according to official debt numbers published by the U.S. Treasury.
Pelosi was the 52nd speaker of the House. During her tenure, she amas...
Video of Pelosi Blaming Bush for Losing Election
Somebody get the rubber room ready. Carol's Blog! Illegal Aliens Now Get Free Heart Surgery and Cancer Treatment - Free heart surgery for illegals is insane unless it is an emergency. Providing emergence medical services wasn't good enough for the Obama administratio... Funny Video: NewsBusted 1/7/11 - Humor for Conservatives. #tcot 'Aflockalypse' Now? (video) - Strange animal deaths are stumping experts. Watch the latest video at Roseanne Barr vs Ted Nugent: What ...
Colorado legislators see hope for bipartisan efforts
In what might otherwise be one of the most partisan years in memory, leaders on both sides of the aisle say the 2011 session of the Colorado General Assembly — which begins Wednesday — could turn out to be one big group hug. The ingredients for a brawl are certainly there: It's a redistricting year; Republicans, back in charge of one chamber after six years out of power, want to reverse Democratic policies; and some bitterly divisive issues like Immigration and Civil Unions are expec...
Video: Pelosi makes Giffords speech
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) opened an event in San Francisco Saturday with a Speech about the “great patriotic American” Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).
“Congresswoman Giffords is a strong fighter and the news as it goes by in the day has improved in terms of her condition, we’re all very prayerful as we learn more,” Pelosi said.
Pelosi, who was at the event with California Democratic Reps. John Garamendi and Barbara Lee, dubbed Giffords as pa...
SCREENSHOT: Daily KOS Ginned up Hate Against Arizona Gabrielle Giffords- "My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is no
Here's a screen shot (maybe evidence) now pulled, from the DailyKos dated from January 6, 2011 that may be related to the Arizona shooting, 6 dead, 19 injured. The headline of the page is :
My CongressWOMAN [Gabrielle Giffords] voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!
The page has senice been taken down. Screen shot hat tip Tycho
My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!
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by BoyBlue
Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:07:17...
By the Skin of Pelosis Clenched Teeth
As if it wasn’t bad enough for Democrats, still licking their wounds from last year’s Elections, the party’s House Caucus leadership still finds itself in a state of obnoxious disarray and factionalism. The signs of bitter internal fights are still apparent, from anxious Progressives clearly dissatisfied with the current political playing field and bitter moderate Blue Dogs blindly grabbing through the darkness of a Capitol Hill abyss. Months of circular Firing Squads and...
Lofgren To Stay On At Ethics Committee For Now, But Wants Out
The Hill reports today that Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) will stay on as ranking member of the House Ethics Committee, but has made clear to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi that she wants the position to be temporary.
Lofgren reportedly told Pelosi in no uncertain terms that she wants wants to be out by February. In the meantime, leadership must find someone else to be the panel's top Democrat.
Pelosi's office confirms that Lofgren's position on the committee is temporary.
The committee has been in t...
Democrats Have Slight but Real Chance of Winning Back House in 2012
Having spent only one day as House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi is already talking about the quick potential return of the Democratic party to the majority. While winning the minimum 25 seats required to regain the majority would be difficult, looking at the historic record, it is possible.
An examination of the past 30 congressional Elections going all the way back to 1952, the average net partisan change in seats from one Congress to the next was just over 19 seats. Almost a third of those ...
Reid doubts McConnell is focused on Obamas defeat
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid says he doesn’t think top Republican Mitch McConnell is serious when he says his No. 1 goal is to make Barack Obama a one-term president. Reid, D-Nev., says he believes McConnell, R-Ky., is more concerned with The Economy, Immigration and other problems facing the country. McConnell has drawn criticism from Democrats for saying that denying Obama a Second Term is his chief priority. Reid says that if Republicans have made defeatin...
Reid doubts McConnell is focused on Obama's defeat
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid says he doesn't think top Republican Mitch McConnell is serious when he says his No. 1 goal is to make Barack Obama a one-term president. Reid, D-Nev., says he believes McConnell, R-Ky., is more concerned with The Economy, Immigration and other problems facing the country. McConnell has drawn criticism from Democrats for saying that denying Obama a Second Term is his chief priority. Reid says that if Republicans have made defeating Obama's...
Daniels: Bush deficit result of burst bubbles
When we last checked in with GOP 2012 hopeful Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, he was talking about how body-part replacement would mean the younger generations of Americans would live to be over 100, so of course we have to raise the Retirement Age.
This Republican bright light has also now provided his wisdom on the Deficits that ballooned in the Bush Administration.
"The nation went into a deficit then because the bubble burst and we had a Recession," Daniels told CNN this afternoon. "It wouldn't...
It's pro-slavery to support tax cuts
Sociologist James W. Loewen writes in the WaPo, "Five myths about why the South seceded." Of the five reasons stated, only two actually relate to the rationale of Secession itself, but let that pass. Reason number 3 is, "Most white Southerners didn't own slaves, so they wouldn't secede for Slavery." After accurately pointing out that most Southern whites did not own even one slave, Loewen gives us this whopper: Now you see, supporting the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts is just like supporting s...
Yeah, I already know the answer: "When the Jets beat the Colts tonight"
When the hell are the Democrats going to start hammering in "Deficit-Exploding Tax Cuts" or "Budget-Busting Tax Cuts" the way the Republicans are hammering "Job-Killing Health Care Bill" (and everything else, despite the fact that however meager it is, and however low-paid, there is actually some job growth going on in the Private Sector, which is more than could be said about the Bush Administration, which left us this mess)? U.S. House Republicans, who swept into power promising to rein in the...
Quinn tax hike in trouble
State Rep. Frank Mautino (D-Spring Valley) said Friday “I don’t think there are enough votes” for the tax-hike agreement Gov. Quinn struck with leading Democrats in the Legislature. SPRINGFIELD — As the Illinois House returns to the Capitol Sunday, the Income Tax-hike agreement Gov. Quinn struck with the Legislature’s ruling Democrats faces serious questions with time running out. Top allies to House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) said Friday the “framew...
"The Tax Cuts I Fought For"
Via Daily Kos, the President of the United States said in his weekly radio address:
Now were seeing more optimistic economic forecasts for the year ahead, in part due to the package of Tax Cuts I signed last month. I fought for that package because, while we are recovering, we plainly still have a lot of work to do. The Recession rocked the foundations of our economy, and left a lot of destruction and doubt in its wake.[. . .] Independent experts have concluded that, taken together, this pack...
Obama: Economy Moving in Right Direction
(WASHINGTON) President Barack Obama sees a clear and encouraging trend on The Economy, citing fresh reports showing private-sector job growth and lower Unemployment.
He used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to discuss the latest economic news and press for Bipartisan action in the newly divided Congress on measures to spur growth. Obama presented the December jobs report in a positive light even though it fell short of what Economists had been looking for and even though t...
Something to investigate
Image via Wikipedia
Ann Coulter:
As even Obama's Treasury Secretary admitted in congressional hearings, "Fannie and Freddie were a core part of what went wrong in our system." And if it's something Tim Geithner noticed, it's probably something that's fairly obvious.
Goo-goo liberals with federal titles pressured banks into making absurd loans to high-risk borrowers -- demanding, for example, that the banks accept Unemployment Benefits as collateral. Then Fannie repackaged the bad loans as ...
Rep. Darrell Issa Takes On Big Government
Posted by Rich Trzupek on Jan 7th, 2011 and filed under Daily Mailer, FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. California Representative Darrell Issa (CA-49) has been a thorn in the side of the Obama Administration since the president took the oath of office. Now that Issa is being elevated to the chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the congressman will have...
Obama Seeks Steep Cuts in Heating Oil Assistance for Poor
Snow Storm Batters Southeast
Congressman Chris Lee Resigns for Sending Flirtatious Email
Domestic Radicalization Poses Greatest Terror Threat to US
Gabrielle Giffords Recovering at 'Lightning Speed'
Capitol Hill All Set to Begin Debate on Abortion Bill
U.S. Asks Egypt To End Emergency, Hails Role of Army
Rick Perry Hopeful Amid Budget Crisis
Government Proposes Spending $53 Billion on Rail Projects
House Rejects Extension for Patriot Act
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