Serbia : Will we ever be capable of admitting what a terrible mistake that Clinton made by sending our Troops to fight for an Islamic State in the heart of Europe? I mean, really. “Documentary film about the Life of the First Iranian Martyr in Bosnia” But Bosnia wasn’t a Jihad, right? And all those charges of ‘mujahedin’ presence were just vicious serbianationalist Propaganda, right? Right? In fact, Bosnia and Kosovo weren’t jihads only in the eyes of the West.
PHOTOS: Christmas in pictures
The Muslim world — includi...
VIDEOS: Christmas in videos
UKs Charity Commission finds links of Islamic charities to jihad terror groups "unsubstantiated" by ignoring mountains of evide
Yes, but the picture is so much more pleasant when they don't allow all that pesky evidence to get in the way. "Muslim Aid: Hopeless Charity Commission whitewashes yet another Islamist group," by Andrew Gilligan in the Telegraph, December 17 (thanks to David):
The Charity Commission, Britain's most ineffective regulator, has once again whitewashed an organisation linked to fundamentalist Islam.
In March this newspaper reported on allegations that the charity Muslim Aid, a close associate of t...
A Couple of Imams, a Muslim Comedian, a Muslim Journalist And a Muslim Cardiologist Walk Into a MPAC Conference
It’s not really a joke - wait… Yes, it is.
(LA Times) — Sitting before an audience of hundreds of Muslims at the annual conference of the Muslim Public Affairs Council on Saturday, Edina Lekovic raised her microphone and began asking pointed questions about where American Muslims have stumbled in reaching out to the broader American culture .
“Where have we gone wrong?” she asked. “What could we have done better?”
There was a brief silence from ...
Ashura in Istanbul and Tehran: Western Journalists Continue to Underestimate Iran's Soft Power
“Our prayers, cries, and screams have been echoing in the sky for 1,300 years…Hussein’s sacrifice is [a] unification rather than a farewell, it is a beginning rather than an end, brotherhood rather than separation. It is solidarity and integration…Nobody is superior to anyone in these lands, not the Sunni to the Shiites, not the Turkish to the Kurdish, the Laz to the Circassian, or the Persian to the Arabs…We are all the same in this land, together, brothers.&...
Tehran hosts women's rights conference
Published: Dec. 19, 2010 at 8:45 AM Iranian Muslim woman pray at a Naghshe Jahan Sq in Isfahan located about 340 KM South of Tehran, Iran during Eid-al-Fitr festival on Sept 10, 2010. The festival marks the end of the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. UPI/Maryam Rahmanian TEHRAN, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- At a summit for Muslim women Sunday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Feminism "a cry of Protest of crushed women in a capitalist system," state media said. Speaking at the third meeting of the ...
Iran cuts fuel and food subsidies
Iran has cut energy and food Subsidies, risking a repeat of angry Protests which followed fuel Rationing in 2007. The cuts, introduced on Sunday, mean a four-fold rise in the price of petrol and reduced subsidies for bread. Each car will get 60 litres of fuel per month at a subsidised price of 40 cents per litre, up from 10 cents per litre. Iran, whose fragile economy has been hit by United Nations sanctions, has said it pays about $100bn (£64bn) in subsidies annually. In 2007, Protesters s...
Suicide Attack and Stealth Jihad in Stockholm
Last weekend’s failed Suicide Attack in Stockholm was only the beginning. As more information flows in, it becomes clear that last Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly was just the tip of a vast Jihad iceberg in Sweden. The following news story from Norwegian TV features a brief interview with a Swedish politician — from the Green Party, no less — who infiltrated a radical Mosque in Stockholm and discovered a hotbed of Jihad recruitment there. Many thanks to the Counterjihad Collective...
Taliban attack Afghan army bases in Kabul, Kunduz
The Taliban claimed responsibility for two coordinated Suicide assaults today at army recruitment centers in Kabul and Kunduz that killed 13 Afghan security personnel.
The larger attack took place at the main recruitment center in the northern city of Kunduz. At least four heavily armed Taliban Suicide Bombers dressed in Afghan Army uniforms attacked the base. Two of the Suicide Bombers are reported to have detonated at the main gate, while the other two entered the compound and sparked a gunb...
Muslims Clash in Holy City of Medina
Before the violence broke out...
What? Doesn’t this happen all the time at the Vatican?
(Express UK) — Violent clashes have broken out between residents of the holy city of Medina on the day minority Shia Muslims commemorated the death of their most sacred saint, a Saudi security official said.
The official refused to elaborate on the cause of Thursday’s clashes but said security forces were deployed to disperse the crowds. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was no...
Muslim song disappointing at annual Christmas concert
My husband and I attended the Virginia Glee Club’s annual Christmas Concert held at the Paramount. We thoroughly enjoyed this concert under the expert direction of Frank Albinder, with one exception. The program was advertised as a Christmas concert, so we were surprised to see one of his selections, “Zikr.” This song has nothing to do with Christmas. It is a Muslim chant to their God. I think it is disingenuous to insert an Islamic chant, however good and exciting the music, w...
Indonesia: vigilante thugs from Islamic Defender Front offer to "protect" churches at Christmas; churches decline
All dhimmitude ultimately amounts to is a protection racket claiming divine sanction. It is protection from the people who style themselves "protectors," because the alternatives to "protection" are so ugly. The options set forth for unbelievers in Qur'an 9:29 are conversion, warfare, or subjugation as dhimmis, accepted with "willing submission."
Thus, in addition to rejecting obvious, fox-guarding-henhouse illogic of accepting the "protection" of the Islamic Defender Front, the churches (whet...
Chinese premier praises Pakistan's terror fight
Islamabad -- Pakistan's sacrifices in the global fight against Terrorism should be recognized and respected by the international community, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told lawmakers in Islamabad on Sunday.
Wen was addressing a joint session of Pakistan's National Assembly on the final day of a state visit that mainly focused on trade and business ties between the longtime Asian allies.
During the three-day visit, the two sides agreed to 35 new pacts expected to bring up to $30 billion dollar...
We Thought We Were Going to a Christmas Concert and Then a Muslim Prayer Chant Broke Out
From a letter to the editor of The Daily Progress:
My husband and I attended the Virginia Glee Club’s annual Christmas Concert held at the Paramount. We thoroughly enjoyed this concert under the expert direction of Frank Albinder, with one exception.
The program was advertised as a Christmas concert, so we were surprised to see one of his selections, “Zikr.” This song has nothing to do with Christmas. It is a Muslim chant to their God . I think it is disingenuous to insert an Islamic cha
DREAM Act would have been a nightmare
With all of its good intentions the DREAM Act or the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, would have been almost impossible to enforce. It was a massive Amnesty that would have extended amnesty to the millions of Illegal Aliens who "through no fault of their own", (sins of the father clause) - entered the United States before the age of 16. The illegal alien who applies for this Amnesty is immediately rewarded with “conditional” lawf...
New York Times Wedding Couple Flaunts Leaving Their Spouses, Screwing Up Their Kids
This Sunday morning Gawker points us to a sordid story in the Wedding section of the New York Times. It turns out that rich White People leave their spouses. And then they talk about it to the Paper of Record! She was a "glamorous" anchor at WNBC; he was the president of media sales at Time Warner and a "triathlete." They both had Children at the same Upper West Side pre-kindergarten. It's "part 'Brady Bunch' and part 'The Scarlet Letter,'" the Times tells us. They say they never cheate...
Womens Lib Was Never About Women
From American Thinker
By Pamela Geller
The recent feminist “flash mob” in Philadelphia denouncing Israel and supporting the Palestinian Jihadists showed yet again the abject failure of Feminism and the true face of this phony movement. And that failure has to do with more than just supporting jihadists.
In a recent television interview I gave to CTS Television’s “On the Frontline with Christine Williams,” Williams asked me what message I had for feminis...
HAMAS Terrorist Gets Only 1 Yr for Lying to ICE Agents, Leaves 5 Terrorist Anchor Babies
As I’ve noted repeatedly on this site, one of the biggest problems associated with imprisoning and then deporting Islamic Terrorists, like Mohammed Mustapha Ali Masfaka , is that they leave the many terrorist anchor babies they’ve fathered behind in this country. Those kids have been trained to hate America, hate Christians and Jews, and continue in their fathers’ footsteps. As you’ll recall, I wrote about Masfaka a/k/a “Abu Ratib” (also spelled “R...
Rep. Peter King Vows Muslim Witch Hunt in New Congress
Get ready, because it’s coming. The race-baiting of this year’s election will become the business of the House of Representatives beginning in January. There will surely be hearings on the Constitution’s birthright Citizenship clause. And New York Rep. Peter King, who will chair the Homeland Security Committee, vows in today’s Newsday that he will hold hearings on the “Radicalization” of American Muslims. The great majority of Muslims in our country are hardw...
Honor Killing
We have previously discussed Islamic Honor Killings, here and here. We have previous discussed an Indian honor killing here. We can now add a Christian honor killing to our rogue’s gallery. A newlywed couple was murdered by the brides’s older brother, to restore the family honor. The dishonor? The husband was Muslim, the wife was Christian. The bride’s family could not support the marriage. They had insisted that the groom convert to Christianity and the Wedding take place in a...
Sudans Bashir: Strict Sharia if Sudan Splits and Whats The Big Deal About Flogging a Woman?
"Everybody sing: My Sharia"
The 9 Billion Dollar Man speaks:
(The Guardian) — Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese president, said the country would adopt an Islamic constitution if the south split away in next month’s Referendum, in a Speech today in which he also defended police filming a woman being flogged.
“If south Sudan secedes, we will change the constitution and at that time there will be no time to speak of diversity of culture and Ethnicity ,” Bashir told s...
quick sermon on irreligion
A friend sent me this interview with the late Israel Shahak the other day, the anti-religious chemistry scholar and author. It's very good. Shahak puts Anti-Semitism in the category of xenophobia, and puts anti-Christian activity in the same category. I like when Shahak does not dispute the flowering of Jewish genius across Europe in the 1800s. He says that it came about because Jews overthrew their religious authorities, the rabbis, who would give them 613 rules to live their lives by.
I was ...
Spain: Muslims sue teacher for speaking about ham in class
Spanish ham (absolutely offensive to "Ham-o-phobic" Muslims...)
According to the account of the facts, the teacher was explaining the different climates in a geography class and cited the village of Trevelez due to its cold and dry climate. According to the newspaper account, "as a story, the teacher told his Students that such a climate was conducive to making hams (this refers to the procedure that it's necessary between the pig is killed and the ham is actually ready to be eaten). Then the ...
5 killed in Israeli air strike in Gaza
Published: Dec. 18, 2010 at 9:32 PM Gaza, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- Israeli Aircraft struck the Gaza Strip Saturday night, killing five men the Israel Military said were preparing to fire rockets into Israel. Ynetnews reported the Militants appeared to be targeting Negev communities. The casualties apparently were members of Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees, the Israeli news Web site said. The Jerusalem Post cited Palestinian medical sources saying five people died in the airstrike ea...
Israel Air Force kills 5 palestinian militants preparing to launch rockets into Israel
An Israel Air Force strike killed five Palestinian Militants in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, Israeli and Palestinian officials said. Palestinian Hospital officials said the five were militants. Militant groups identified the five dead as members of the Islamic Jihad and Popular Resistance Committees. Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, says it has tried to curb rocket fire at Israel, but smaller groups continue to carry out such attacks. The IDF said more than 200 cross-border missiles, rocket...
Sacrificed Survivors of 9/11
In the 2002 movie "The Guys," based on a true story, a lady English Professor is asked to help a New York City Fire Dept. Captain write eulogies for eight of his men who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11. A big part of the Captain's "needing a writer" (a line from the movie) is that he was in shock and quietly grieving shortly after their Deaths. A new documentary film "Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque" is, in many ways, the...
Updates: NATO to Pull Out of Macedonia, Castro Brothers' Feud
In view of the interminable name dispute (the Greeks demand that the Republic of Macedonia changes its name), NATO decided to effectively abandon Macedonia and withdraw most of its personnel from the country. Administrative, logistical, and Military capacities and assets will be gradually transferred, over the next few weeks, to neighboring countries, including Bulgaria, Albania, and even Serbia. This would be a serious blow, as inter-ethnic tranquility and the long-term cohesion of Macedonia de...
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
Holiday Shoppers Create Own Stimulus
EPA May Be Cooking Own Goose In Texas
Please Don't Call It A Lame Duck Miracle
Rahm Could Run Chicago Even Though He Was In DC
Bloomberg Payroll Exec Resigns Ahead Of Trial
Italian Anarchists Likely Culprits In Bombings
South Korea Begins Enormous War Games
Strangler On The Loose In Philadelphia
Republicans Stop Opposing 9/11 Health Deal