Law Enforcement: Now in the wake of the tragedy that left the Arizona Democrat gravely wounded and six others dead - including a Federal Judge, a congressional Staffer, a nine year-old girl, and an elderly gentleman who shielded his wife with his body, sacrificing his own life - the Far Left can’t restrain itself from intruding upon Tucson’s grief.
PHOTOS: Trent Franks in pictures
Banning guns and silencing dissent is not the solution, and Conservatives are not to blame.
VIDEOS: Trent Franks in videos
It started with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, a D...
AZ sheriff knew in advance about Loughner
Even as Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik launched into yet another rampage against Rush Limbaugh yesterday, new information has emerged showing that the sheriff knew in advance about Jared Lee Loughner and the danger he posed. According to a special report, Pima County Sheriff's Office records indicate that deputies had been called numerous times to the Loughner residence to address complaints by neighbors and others who were clearly frightened by Jared Loughner's growing anti-social, psych...
Arizona Sheriff, College Refusing To Release Public Records About Tucson Shooter
In response to Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, among others, blaming Conservatives and Talk Radio for creating an “atmosphere” that inspired Jarred Loughner to his Saturday Shooting Spree many have questioned whether or not Law Enforcement and other government officials in the Tucson area might not have had enough information on Loughner to have identified him as a threat before he hurt anyone. It’s a valid question worth asking (certainly more valid than blaming Rush Limb...
Officers stopped suspect on day of Ariz. shooting
(01-12) 10:55 PST Tucson, Ariz. (AP) --
In the hours before the Assassination attempt against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Jared Loughner went to Walmart, was pulled over for running a red light and ran from his father after an angry confrontation.
Investigators are piecing together the timeline of Loughner's frenzied morning before the attack that killed six.
"What he did and the morning before the shooting, we're just trying to find all that out," said sheriff's Capt. Chris Nanos.
Nanos wouldn't...
Video: Shooter a nonpartisan nutcase, says friend
ABC’s Good Morning America tracked down a close high-school friend Jared Lee Loughner had to find out more about the motives behind the attack that left six dead and fourteen wounded in Tucson this weekend, including a Federal Judge and a 9-year-old girl who loved politics. Zach Osler explains that Loughner didn’t have a particular love or hate for politics, at least not in a partisan sense. Contrary to assumptions made by the media and the Pima County Sheriff, Osler says the shoot...
Enough AlreadyIt Is Time for Sheriff Dupnik to Go
Since he first opened his mouth on Saturday night to address the nation about the terrible shootings at a Tucson Safeway, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been inaccurate, deceptive, and completely biased in his handling of the case.
Sheriff Clarence Dupnik must resign.
Never have we witnessed a prominent public figure so inaccurately and viciously politicize a national tragedy like Sheriff Dupnik did this week. And in all of his statements he has either been wrong or misdirected. This bitter part...
Ariz. Rep. wishes there was 'one more gun' in Tucson
Rep. Trent Franks, an Arizona Republican who has been outspoken in remembrance of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the wake of the shooting, said he wishes there was one more gun in Tucson, Ariz., the day of the massacre.
"I wish there had been one more gun there that day in the hands of a responsible person, that's all I have to say," Franks said, visibly irritated at a question about increased Gun Control.
The comment came as GOP lawmakers were being briefed by the FBI, sergeant at arm...
Arizona Rhetoric In 2010 Driven By Immigration Bill
In the wake of the tragic shooting last weekend in Tucson that targeted Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik's said that Arizona has become the "mecca for prejudice and Bigotry" and "sort of the capital" of hatred. The remarks sparked instant impassioned responses from both the left and right and attention from the media, immediately thrusting a debate over the validity of his comments into the political realm. It's become clear that overheated political vitriol...
Malkin: The worst sheriff in America
You must read Michelle's roundup of the history of the Pima County Sheriff's interaction with dangerous nutbag Loughner.There are many heroes who showed indomitable courage and grace under fire during this weekends horrific Tucson massacre. Blowhard Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was not one of them.
....As Sheriff Dupnik himself has now admitted, Loughner leveled death threats against others that were investigated by Law Enforcement and then apparently shrugged off. Locals note that L..
Legends of Law Enforcement: Sheriff Clarence L. Dupnik
In this episode of Legends of Law Enforcement, we celebrate the legendary and storied career of Pima County Sheriff Clarence L. Dupnik. Dupnik was the first to identify the infamous Serial Killer 'Jack the Ripper' as an ancestor of William F. Buckley. "America's Sheriff" states that Jimmy Hoffa, possibly buried at the Meadowlands, was "whacked" by Barry Goldwater. Dupnik also believes that Charles Manson was wrongfully imprisoned for the "Redrum" murders of Sharon Tate and others. The sheriff as...
Gun Controls Golden Opportunity
As a result of Saturday’s tragedy in Tucson there have been renewed calls for tighter Gun Control laws across the nation. Arizona is one of the most gun-friendly states in the union, causing some on the left to conclude that if the Grand Canyon State had tighter controls on Gun Ownership, six lives would have been saved and Representative Gabrielle Giffords wouldn’t be lying in a Hospital bed. There’s more here than just the usual sort of Monday morning quarterbacking that occu...
Rep. Peter King would surround himself with 72-acre Constitution-free zone
As Los Angeles Gun Rights Examiner John Longenecker has already discussed, Congressman Peter King (R-NY) has come up with a . . . novel approach to protecting, well . . . . himself, from the kind of sick, deranged lunatic who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and so many others in Tucson Saturday. According to Politico, he wants to forbid Firearms carried by Private Citizens within 1,000 feet of himself and other "important figures" (who would include Congressmen Russ Carnahan and Will...
Five days later, where are we at?
Well, Sarah Palin is sinking... bottom feeding.
Palin cannot acknowledge misjudgment, as she cannot admit error. It would require rising to an occasion, rather than sinking to it. ... Andrew Sullivan
America has been polled and finds Conservatives, media, guns Not Guilty.
Most Americans reject the idea that inflammatory political language by conservatives should be part of the debate about the forces behind the Arizona shooting that left six people dead and a congresswoman in critical condit...
Poll: Conservatives not to blame for Ariz. shooting
WASHINGTON Most Americans reject the idea that inflammatory political language by Conservatives should be part of the debate about the forces behind the Arizona shooting that left six people dead and a congresswoman in critical condition, a USA Today/Gallup Poll finds.
A 53% majority of those surveyed call that analysis mostly an attempt to use the tragedy to make Conservatives look bad. About a third, 35%, say it is a legitimate point about how dangerous language can be.
And there is lit...
For those about to Glock (fire!), we do not salute you
Two truisms about America: 1) There's no such thing as bad publicity and 2) There are second acts in American life...
...especially if your name is Glock:
After a Glock-wielding gunman killed six people at a Tucson shopping center on Jan. 8, Greg Wolff, the owner of two Arizona gun shops, told his manager to get ready for a stampede of new customers.
Wolff was right. Instead of hurting sales, the massacre had the $499 semi-automatic pistols -- popular with police, sport shooters and gangsters...
The Right Word: Fox and inflammatory rhetoric | Sadhbh Walshe
Rightwing talkshow hosts were horrified by the Arizona massacre - and by the allegations that their fiery Rhetoric may have somehow influenced the shooter. O'Reilly is convinced that the attack was simply the work of an out-of-control "nut job" and was furious with others in the media for suggesting that anyone on the right was in any way responsible for fostering a hostile political environment (View clip here). "The killer Jared Loughner is a psychopath. Civilisation has always had them ...
Sharron Angle: I condemn all acts of violence (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Heavy metal band responds to allegations that their music had any influence on AZ shooter
Chris Christie to Rudy Giuliani: Butt out
Police visited Loughner's home before shooting
Face of evil: Mug Shots of famous assassins [SLIDESHOW]
Poll of Conservatives shows support for broad cuts to spending, including Military Spending
Former Republican Senate Candidate Sharron Angle condemned Tucson shooter Jared Loughner and expressed concern about the politicize...
Judicial Watch: Goverment was cause of Tucson Tragedy?
The following is commentary by Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch, and Freedom Watch, and himself a U.S. Senate Candidate in 2004. His commentary comes on on the heels of Rhetoric by the left who blame everyone from guns, Republicans, to Sarah Palin. The left conveniently forgets the seminal act that led to the creation of this nation; the Declaration of Independence. In 1776, the Founding Fathers declared our independence and proclaimed that force may be appropriate -- as ...
President Obama has a chance to be Clintonian tonight if he doesnt waste it
I recently wrote about the shameless attempts by some on the left to politicize the tragedy in Arizona. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and Pima County Sherriff Clarence Dupnik were among the voices rushing to blame Right Wing talk, Cable News and a “climate of hate” for the Arizona shooting that claimed six lives, including a 9 year old girl and Republican Federal Judge, and injured Democrat Representative Gabrielle Giffords. That they were doing so within ho...
A Fool With a Badge is Still a Fool
Michael Reagan,
When a would-be assassin shot my Dad, President Ronald Reagan, nobody questioned the fact that the shooter was certifiably nuts.
Authorities recognized that fact and put him in a mental institution as his obvious disturbed mental state demanded.
Now we have another attempted killing of a public official, Arizona’s widely admired Rep. Gabby Giffords, and just about everybody recognizes the fact that the shooter, one Jared Loughner, is crazy as a loon.
No More Mister Nice Blog
Lefties have been looking for ties between Jared Loughner's state of mind and recent expressions of right-wing rage; the right, in response to this, has lashed out, aggressively attacking commentators and others -- including Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik -- who've criticized the right.
And now along comes Limbaugh. The soundbite from Rush Limbaugh's Tuesday Radio Show that's Sheriff Dupniks Officers Visited Loughner in his Home Multiple Times Before Shooting Incident
From the New York Times:
The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on more than one occasion before the attack here on Saturday that left a congresswoman fighting for her life and six others dead, the Pima County Sheriff’s Department said on Tuesday.
A spokesman, Jason Ogan, said the details of the calls were being reviewed by legal counsel and would be released as soon as the review was complete. He said he did not know what the calls were about — the...
Sheriff Dupnik Seems To Be Hiding Something
Posted by Melissa Clouthier on Jan 12 2011 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
What if it turns out that there were multiple warning signs about sweet, misunderstood Jared Loughner that were ignored by Law Enforcement? From the New York Times:
The news of police involvement with the Loughners suggests that County Sheriff’s deputies were at least familiar with the fam...
A Thank You Call to America’s Worst Sheriff
The worst sheriff in America, Pima County's irresponsible Clarence Dupnik, has accomplished notable achievements in the past. For example, he assisted in the non-prosecution of fellow moonbats who threw pies at Ann Coulter when she tried to speak at the University of Arizona. When SB1070 passed with the overwhelming support of Arizona citizens alarmed by the inundation of the state by Illegal Aliens, this sheriff of a border county refused to enforce it. But only after ignoring numerous warnings...
Neither Tucson Sheriff Or Campus Police Will Release Psycho Killers Records
Arizona Republic:
Sheriff’s Department and community-college officials in Pima County are refusing to release a wide range of public documents about the man charged in Saturday’s shooting rampage that left six dead and more than a dozen wounded.
The Pima County Sheriff’s Department and Pima Community College have declined to release documents that could shed light on run-ins they had with 22-year-old Jared Loughner in the months prior to the shooting.
The Arizona Public Recor...
Media to Sheriff Dupnik: Can We Have Your Records on Giffords Shooter? Dupnik to Media: No, No You Cant..
whthfk on Will The MSM Play The Blame Game With Obama? It’s almost like he’s hiding something. (Arizona Republic)- Sheriff’s Department and community-college officials in Pima County are refusing to release a wide range of public documents about the man charged in Saturday’s shooting rampage that left six dead and more than a dozen wounded. The Arizona Public Records Law requires that records be “open to inspection by any person at all times” unless officials ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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