Grover Norquist: Via The Jawa Report: Islamic Extremist Suhail Khan to be featured at CPAC 2011 Frank Gaffney at Big Peace reports today on the appearance of Islamic Extremist Suhail Khan at CPAC 2011 next month.
PHOTOS: Grover Norquist in pictures
Note that Khan is on the board of the American Conservative Union (ACU), which operates CPAC and is a protege of GOP Activist Grover Norquist, who as Gaffney notes co-founded the Islamic Institute with top Al-Qaeda Fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi.
VIDEOS: Grover Norquist in videos
Gaffney says "It's a Time to Choose for...
Islamic extremist Suhail Khan to be featured at CPAC 2011
Frank Gaffney at Big Peace reports today on the appearance of Islamic Extremist Suhail Khan at CPAC 2011 next month. Note that Khan is on the board of the American Conservative Union (ACU), which operates CPAC and is a protege of GOP Activist Grover Norquist, who as Gaffney notes co-founded the Islamic Institute with top Al-Qaeda Fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi.
Gaffney says "It's a Time to Choose for the Conservative Movement":
Then, this evening, WND raised troubling questions about the role...
A Time to Choose for the Conservative Movement
Tonight, World Net Daily continued its pathbreaking coverage of what amounts to an assault on the Conservative Movement. Ironically, this assault is not coming from outside the movement’s ranks. Rather, it is being perpetrated by some of the key organizers of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) next month in Washington. First, WND revealed troubling information about the apparent misappropriation of $400,000 in ACU funds , embroiling Chairman David Keene ...
Conservatives claim anti-tax crusader secretly leading Muslim indoctrination
Stumble This! Are a growing cross-section of American Conservatives really secret Muslims bent on destroying western civilization? But that's not stopping right-wing Activist Frank Gaffney from claiming the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) had been infiltrated by radical Muslims because of the inclusion of Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist and former Bush Staffer Suhail Khan. American Conservative Union (ACU), the oldest conservative lobbying organization in the ...
World Net Daily: Homos And The Muslim Brotherhood Have Taken Over CPAC 2011
As part of their continuing campaign to destroy CPAC 2011 for allowing GOProud to participate, today World Net Daily announced that the nation's largest annual conservative conference is being secretly run by the "Muslim Brotherhood." For realz! With the Conservative Political Action Conference under fire for allowing participation by a Homosexual Activist group called GOProud and for a financial Scandal in which some $400,000 was misappropriated under the watch of current leadership, Frank Ga...
Frank Gaffney Appointed To Clarion Fund Board
Last month, the Clarion Fund announced a new Advisory Board "to help steer the editorial composition of the company’s productions, and assist in ongoing marketing and distribution efforts." The board includes the Center for Security Policy's Frank Gaffney, who is spearheading efforts to pressure Congress to investigate the supposed threat of shari'ah law, and who has been frozen out of the Conservative Political Action Conference because, a Muslim Board Member of the American Conservative ...
The CPAC War: Getting Weirder
So the movement right is having a huge fight over who gets to attend CPAC. Some background here and here as the bigfeet of Christianism - from NOM to FRC - refuse to attend if a splinter gay-right group, GOProud, is included. But who could have predicted this development: it's all being orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood:
Frank Gaffney, a leader of the Conservative Movement for the last 30 years, charges that CPAC has come under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is working to ...
Right-Wingers Claim Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated CPAC
The right-wing site World Net Daily and conservative columnist Frank Gaffney came up with a new reason this week to hate the Conservative Political Action Conference, arguing that it has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood thanks to Grover Norquist, the Republican group Muslims For America, and Ex-Bush Staffer Suhail Khan.
In an interview with TPM today, Khan described how "every few months there's a different iteration of [Gaffney] and his cohorts' wild accusations," but it is simply u...
Right Wing Boycott Movement Links CPAC to the Muslim Brotherhood
Incensed over the participation of the conservative gay-rights group GOProud in the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, far-right Activists are now trying to connect the major conservative event to the Muslim Brotherhood. The American Conservative Union (ACU), which hosts CPAC, has been the target of Religious Right groups and leaders over their handling of GOProud’s involvement, with Joseph Farah even calling for Conservatives to “Purge” the ACU from the movemen...
Creeping Jihadis Join Sodomites, Infiltrate CPAC
I don’t know why any good rock-ribbed conservative Tea Partier would even think of attending the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this year. I mean, look at the exhibitors! Not only are there going to be Sodomites, it’s also been infiltrated by the creeping stealth global Jihad: Right-Wingers Claim Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated CPAC.
The right-wing site World Net Daily and conservative columnist Frank Gaffney came up with a new reason this week to hate the Conserv...
'Family Research Council' Expains Boycot of Conservative Conference
In an email to supporters titled, "Sticking up for the 'C' in CPAC," Tony Perkins, president of the prominent social conservative Family Research Council, explained why his group would not attend this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). "FRC has chosen not to partner with a 'conservative' event that places the protection of marriage on the same plane as redefining it," wrote Perkins. "Would CPAC team up with the Brady Campaign which fights to restrict--if not abolish--the Se...
For the record, this does bother me
I usually, as a rule, do not link to WorldNetDaily — But this story here stands out a bit….
Via Farah’s Site:
WASHINGTON - Another Headache has emerged for the largest annual gathering of Conservatives slated for next month.
With the Conservative Political Action Conference under fire for allowing participation by a Homosexual Activist group called GOProud and for a financial Scandal in which some $400,000 was misappropriated under the watch of current leadership, Frank Gaf...
FRC: Conservatives and Gays "Cannot Coexist"
[W]e continue to believe in the founding principles behind CPAC--even if some of its organizers seem to have forgotten ... FRC has chosen not to partner with a "conservative" event that places the protection of marriage on the same plane as redefining it. Would CPAC team up with the Brady Campaign which fights to restrict--if not abolish--the Second Amendment? Would it collaborate with groups who promote doubling capital gains taxes? Regardless of what CPAC organizers may believe, cons...
RNC Candidates Push for Credibility, Conservatism in GOP
Few major differences emerged Monday in a debate between the five remaining Candidates vying to chair the Republican National Committee, but the four Candidates hoping to oust current chair Michael Steele pushed the need to restore "credibility" to the committee.
That message was an indirect jab at the criticisms that have arisen over Steele's leadership of the committee. But Steele revealed himself to have learned some lessons that may have been lost of the others, including the boundaries of...
House 'Radicalization' Hearings Worry U.S. Muslims
By Daniel Burke
Religion News Service
WASHINGTON (RNS) Mass Protests against planned Mosques in New York City and Tennessee. An Oklahoma Referendum to ban Islamic law. A media circus around a Florida pastor's threat to burn Qurans. An outbreak of homegrown Islamic Terrorists. Two U.S.-led wars in predominantly Muslim countries.
There was no shortage of topics to discuss at the recent Muslim Public Affairs Council convention in Los Angeles. But the prospect of congressional hearings on the "ra...
Frank Gaffney has written on Big Peace about some serious downsides to CPAC, including misappropriation of funds, and even most disturbingly, Islam apologists Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan, who are covered in this important WND article here.
Norquist and Khan's involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood is something that Conservatives who understand the threat of Islamofascism and shari'a are going to have to ponder, because in order to combat the threats effectively, that's why they must not b...
Muslim World League launches war on those making movie on Mohammed or companions
The ban has so many filmmakers and industry officials scared already that no director or producer in the Islamic World, anyway, is actually willing to even come close to testing the Islamic ban. Currently, only one Islamic production that depicts Mohammed is known of; it was supposed to be a $150 million epic in English about the life of Mohammed (lots of conquering and killing in the name of Islam, I’m betting). However, since it was first announced in 2009 at the Doha TriBeCa Film Festiv...
Guess What? Islamic Countries Most Dangerous for Christians
Of the top 10 countries on the 2011 WWL , eight have Islamic majorities and persecution of Christians has increased in seven of them. They are: Iraq , which saw Extremists massacre 58 Christians in a Baghdad cathedral on Oct. 31. Of the top 30 countries on the list, only seven have a source other than Islamic Extremists as the main persecutors of Christians. The top 10 in order are North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Maldives, Yemen, Iraq, Uzbekistan and Laos, which has a Comm...
WND And Frank Gaffney Afraid Muslims Are Infiltrating CPAC
First, the RWNJ’s were going to stay away from CPAC because GOProud, a conservative gay group would be in attendance. But World Net Daily and conservative Frank Gaffney (pictured) have a new reason to avoid the upcoming yearly Conservative Political Action Conference: the Muslims are coming! …in an article yesterday on World Net Daily called “Now look who else is infiltrating CPAC,” Gaffney “told WND that Islamism has infiltrated the American Conservative Union...
Grover Norquist cites Nelson Mandela in warning against taxes
Conservative leader Grover Norquist cites both former Republican State Legislator Jim Brulte and legendary former South African President Nelson Mandela in a letter sent this morning to legislators who signed an anti-tax pledge issued by Norquist's group Americans for Tax Reform .
Norquist's clear message: Any vote to put taxes before voters would be considered a violation of the pledge.
Gov. Jerry Brown will release a Budget proposal Monday that includes Budget cuts and asks voters to extend ...
Grover Norquist group: Putting taxes on ballot violates no-tax pledge
The national anti-tax group Americans for Tax Reform will e-mail and fax letters tomorrow to California legislators who signed its no-tax pledge, warning them the group will consider any vote to put tax extension measures on the ballot a violation of that pledge, said the group's state affairs director Patrick Gleason.
Gov. Jerry Brown is planning to make major Budget cuts and also ask voters to extend temporary Tax Increases that are set to lapse this year.
All of California's Republican legi...
Conservative Groups Split Over Participation Of GOProud At Annual CPAC Conference
Conservative Groups Split Over Participation Of GOProud At Annual CPAC Conference
The Family Research Council and a few other social conservative organizations like Concerned Women for America, American Principles Project and American Values are refusing to attend next month’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to Protest the participation GOProud, a Gay Rights group. But Focus on Family is staying put, at least for now:
“They made a mistake,” CitizenLink spoke...
CPAC infiltrated by radical gays, radical Muslims
I noted last week that the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington is currently the target of a Boycott by social Conservatives over the inclusion of the gay Republican group GOProud. Now, CPAC has angered a separate segment of the Conservative Movement by allowing the conservative group Muslims for America to participate.
As Politico's Ben Smith quipped, "Who knew that creeping Sharia was so gay-friendly?"
The conservative news site WorldNetDaily, which has been trum...
Heritage Foundation Moves Closer To Fringe, Drops Out Of CPAC
As the Conservative Movement moves further and further to the fringe, the Heritage Foundation, once the bastion of conservative intellectualism, has decided to align itself with the hard right. The Washington Times reports that Heritage is among several conservative groups that will be skipping this year's Conservative Political Action Conference in response to the participation of GOProud — a gay Republican group — in the popular annual gathering. Other social-issues groups opting t...
Now look who elseis penetrating CPAC
WASHINGTON – Another Headache has emerged for the largest annual gathering of Conservatives slated for next month. With the Conservative Political Action Conference under fire for allowing participation by a Homosexual Activist group called GOProud and for a financial Scandal in which some $400,000 was misappropriated under the watch of current leadership, Frank Gaffney, a leader of the Conservative Movement for the last 30 years, charges that CPAC has come under the influence of the Musl...
Should Gays Be a Part of the Conservative Movement?
Editor’s Note: A few weeks ago Activist Ryan Sorba challenged NewsReal Blog’s managing editor David Swindle to a debate about Homosexuality and Conservatism. This is the first round of what will be three rounds of debate. Each participant will have 700 words in each round.
By David Swindle
If you masturbate then you can’t call yourself a conservative. If you eat pork or shellfish then there’s no room for you on the Right. If you’ve been divorced then you̵
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
The Unemployment Rate's Not Going Down Anytime Soon
More Threats To Congress Keep Popping Up
Obama To Arizona, Congress In Mourning
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
U.S. Budget Gap Narrows, Deficit Still High
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