At least one potential Republican Presidential Candidate is not joining the right-wing Boycott of CPAC over its inclusion of a gay conservative group: Sen. John Thune (R-SD), who will be headed there to speak. Several prominent social conservati…
Read more >>Friction between parts of the social conservative and Libertarian wings of the Conservative Movement has escalated into a shooting war in the run-up to the 28-year old Conservative Political Action Conference, with accusations of embezzlement (t…
Read more >>Tonight, World Net Daily continued its pathbreaking coverage of what amounts to an assault on the Conservative Movement. Ironically, this assault is not coming from outside the movement’s ranks. Rather, it is being perpetrated by…
Read more >>On Fox News’s “Special Report” tonight, discussing potential new Cabinet members for President Obama, Weekly Standard senior writer Stephen Hayes dismissed former senator Chuck Hagel as ”an anti-Republican Republican &…
Read more >>Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS), a potential Republican Presidential Candidate, has an interesting perspective on the tumults of the Civil Rights era that swept through his Deep South state. As Barbour recalls it in a new profile in The Weekly Standar…
Read more >>Most folks familiar with the history of the last half century know the 'White Citizen's Council' movement as the pro-segregationist para-government movement dedicated to preserving White Supremacy as federal laws began forcing school integration…
Read more >>Several socially conservative organizations have threatened to Boycott one of the largest gatherings of conservative Activists of the year if a group of gay Republicans is allowed to serve as a participating organization at the event. Social Conse…
Read more >>Fred Upton ran the perfect campaign. Faced with blistering assaults from his right, the Michigan Republican played it cool every step of the way en route to winning the nod Tuesday to become the next chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Co…