Heritage Foundation: As the Conservative Movement moves further and further to the fringe, the Heritage Foundation, once the bastion of conservative intellectualism, has decided to align itself with the hard right.
PHOTOS: Grover Norquist in pictures
The Washington Times reports that Heritage is among several conservative groups that will be skipping this year's Conservative Political Action Conference in response to the participation of GOProud — a gay Republican group — in the popular annual gathering.
VIDEOS: Grover Norquist in videos
Other social-issues groups opting t...
Conservatives Running Away from Conservative Conference Because Some Gays Might Show Up
Uh oh! Looks like some of the heads of Conservative Movement's "values voters" wing has caught wind that some gay people are planning on attending their annual orgiastic patriot party.
Can't risk being associated with those types…
Some of the nation's most prominent social Conservatives are sending a message to their economic brethren by dropping out of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in response to the decision to include GOProud, a gay conse...
Heritage Foundation to Boycott CPAC (or, Fear of a Gay Planet)
In the latest bail-out from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the far-right creationist Climate Change denial organization known as the Heritage Foundation is joining the fundamentalist groups who are afraid of gay cooties.
Similar to last year’s CPAC, more than a half dozen groups say they won’t attend the three-day forum to Protest the involvement of GOProud. Most of the groups are conservative Christian organizations such as the American Family Association or th...
Heritage Foundation and Media Research Center Join CPAC Boycott
Back in November, the far-right American Principles Project declared that it would not take part in CPAC as long as GOProud, a conservative group which supports gay-rights, remains a participating organization. GOProud’s status as a “participating” organization prompted many Religious Right groups to Boycott CPAC, including: American Values; American Vision; the Capital Research Center; the Center for Military Readiness; Concerned Women for America; the Family Research Council;...
More Conservative Groups Pulling Out OF CPAC --And Blasting Gay Inclusion
Is the annual CPAC conservative Activist conference coming undone -- with the inclusion of gays being the final straw?
As we've posted before, some social conservative groups have been pulling out of the annual event, due to the inclusion of the gay conservative group GOProud. As the right-wing World Net Daily, which has been hammering away at this issue, now reports, the Heritage Foundation and the Media Research Center -- an organization that cover a variety of issues, not just social conser...
CPAC Chair David Keene Responds to Social Conservatives
Friday afternoon, I had a chance to catch up today with David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union, the group that runs the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) each year. In recent days, CPAC has come under criticism from social conservative groups for allowing GOProud -- a gay conservative group -- to co-sponsor the event. Some conservative groups, including The Family Research Council (FRC), have even announced they are boycotting this year's gathering for this reaso...
GOProud Scares Off the Right
The fable about the giant elephant becoming panicked at the sight of a tiny little mouse turns out to be true. Media Matters for America, a giant elephant in the Conservative Movement, is joining the “no gays allowed” Boycott of this year’s CPAC. Other large conservative groups such as the Family Research Council and even the Heritage Foundation are evidently terrified of a tiny little gay mouse, namely a fledgling group of gay Conservatives known as GOProud.
Humiliation ...
'Family Research Council' Expains Boycot of Conservative Conference
In an email to supporters titled, "Sticking up for the 'C' in CPAC," Tony Perkins, president of the prominent social conservative Family Research Council, explained why his group would not attend this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). "FRC has chosen not to partner with a 'conservative' event that places the protection of marriage on the same plane as redefining it," wrote Perkins. "Would CPAC team up with the Brady Campaign which fights to restrict--if not abolish--the Se...
Absurd CPAC drama continues
The infighting amongst Conservatives escalated this week as Focus on the Family became the latest sponsor of CPAC to threaten a Boycott of the conference because of the role GOProud, a gay conservative group, is playing this year:
Focus on the Family and other conservative ministries are boycotting or questioning their commitment to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., next month because a gay Advocacy Group is cosponsoring the event.
Tom Minnery, senior vice ...
For the record, this does bother me
I usually, as a rule, do not link to WorldNetDaily — But this story here stands out a bit….
Via Farah’s Site:
WASHINGTON - Another Headache has emerged for the largest annual gathering of Conservatives slated for next month.
With the Conservative Political Action Conference under fire for allowing participation by a Homosexual Activist group called GOProud and for a financial Scandal in which some $400,000 was misappropriated under the watch of current leadership, Frank Gaf...
David Keene: Full steam ahead for CPAC
Earlier this afternoon, I spoke with David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union, about the Controversy surrounding the inclusion of GOProud at CPAC and the subsequent Boycotts from a handful of social-conservativism organizations, most prominently the Family Research Council. Keene discussed the Controversy at length, as well as the revelation that the ACU had initiated a Probe into possible embezzlement that got aired in part because of the boycott over GOProud’s inclusi...
Frank Gaffney has written on Big Peace about some serious downsides to CPAC, including misappropriation of funds, and even most disturbingly, Islam apologists Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan, who are covered in this important WND article here.
Norquist and Khan's involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood is something that Conservatives who understand the threat of Islamofascism and shari'a are going to have to ponder, because in order to combat the threats effectively, that's why they must not b...
Hating the Sinner
it’s Social Conservatism that will most often turn those with Secular sensibilities away from the right. Even within the movement, a Libertarian vs. social conservative debate has roiled on forever. This dynamic is only going to change when political expediency becomes a force more powerful than faith — which is to say the day after we pay off the National Debt.
Now, it’s true that social Conservatives can be unfairly ridiculed as bigots in these debates. But sometimes,...
GOProud Grabs Spotlight from Real Activists
The gay conservative group GOProud scored a big political win over its most dangerous rival this week. No, I’m not referring to their social conservative adversaries. I’m referring to the more relevant and less conservative group GOProud splintered away from: the Log Cabin Republicans.
This is nothing new. Just as it did at last year’s CPAC conference, this year GOProud again created a stir by signing on to co-sponsor the annual gathering. Rather than take a firm
Conservative Groups Split Over Participation Of GOProud At Annual CPAC Conference
Conservative Groups Split Over Participation Of GOProud At Annual CPAC Conference
The Family Research Council and a few other social conservative organizations like Concerned Women for America, American Principles Project and American Values are refusing to attend next month’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to Protest the participation GOProud, a Gay Rights group. But Focus on Family is staying put, at least for now:
“They made a mistake,” CitizenLink spoke...
Creeping Jihadis Join Sodomites, Infiltrate CPAC
I don’t know why any good rock-ribbed conservative Tea Partier would even think of attending the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this year. I mean, look at the exhibitors! Not only are there going to be Sodomites, it’s also been infiltrated by the creeping stealth global Jihad: Right-Wingers Claim Muslim Brotherhood Has Infiltrated CPAC.
The right-wing site World Net Daily and conservative columnist Frank Gaffney came up with a new reason this week to hate the Conserv...
Another CPAC Dust-Up Over Gays
Yahoo! Buzz Nearly every presumptive 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate will be there, along with 120 conservative groups and thousands of Activists. But the first big conservative forum of the 2012 electionnext months Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC-is causing yet another kafuffle on the right because of the participation of a small group, called GOProud, that represents conservative gays. Similar to last year’s CPAC, more than a half dozen groups s...
FRC: Conservatives and Gays "Cannot Coexist"
[W]e continue to believe in the founding principles behind CPAC--even if some of its organizers seem to have forgotten ... FRC has chosen not to partner with a "conservative" event that places the protection of marriage on the same plane as redefining it. Would CPAC team up with the Brady Campaign which fights to restrict--if not abolish--the Second Amendment? Would it collaborate with groups who promote doubling capital gains taxes? Regardless of what CPAC organizers may believe, cons...
Right Wing Boycott Movement Links CPAC to the Muslim Brotherhood
Incensed over the participation of the conservative gay-rights group GOProud in the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, far-right Activists are now trying to connect the major conservative event to the Muslim Brotherhood. The American Conservative Union (ACU), which hosts CPAC, has been the target of Religious Right groups and leaders over their handling of GOProud’s involvement, with Joseph Farah even calling for Conservatives to “Purge” the ACU from the movemen...
The CPAC War, Ctd
A reader writes:
Grover Norquist's wife, Samah, is a Kuwait-born daughter of two Palestinians. I'd say that that makes the Muslim 5th Column slur even more vile, as it's a personal attack on immediate family, rather than on the man himself.
Side note: Within a half-hour of this post going live, a Dish reader updated Norquist's Wiki page with his self-description as a "boring white bread Methodist".
Space on the social right
Social Conservatism certainly isn't the flavor of the moment, and there's some question of how it'll fare in the next generation of the right.
But right now it's a clear, well-organized space for figures seeking a national profile, and Mike Pence is as good as anyone at holding it:
Rep. Mike Pence, the Indiana congressman who is considering a presidential bid, introduced an anti-abortion bill...
John Boehner Can't Think Of A Single Government Program He Would Cut
Email Sent! You have successfully emailed the post. New Speaker of the House John Boehner was unable to come up with a single government program he would cut when quized by NBC's Brian Williams (via Below The Beltway). WILLIAMS : Name a program right now that we could do without. BOEHNER : I don’t think I have one off the top of my head. The news is definitely concerning Conservatives who thought the new Congress was prepared to take a real hatchet to Government Spending. If after four ye...
Poll Watch: Public Policy Polling Nevada 2012 Presidential Poll
PPP Nevada 2012 Presidential Survey Poll
Barack Obama 47%
Mitt Romney 46%
Barack Obama 51%
Mike Huckabee 41%
Barack Obama 51%
Newt Gingrich 40%
Barack Obama 52%
Sarah Palin 39%
Survey of 932 Nevada voters was conducted January 3-5, 2011. The Margin of Error is +/- 3.2 percentage points.
Among Independents
Mitt Romney 52%
Barack Obama 41%
Barack Obama 57%
Sarah Palin 35%
Barack Obama 58%
Mike Huckabee 35%
Barack Obama 56%
Newt Gingrich 29%
Among Conservatives
Mitt Romney 76%
Barack O...
World Net Daily: Homos And The Muslim Brotherhood Have Taken Over CPAC 2011
As part of their continuing campaign to destroy CPAC 2011 for allowing GOProud to participate, today World Net Daily announced that the nation's largest annual conservative conference is being secretly run by the "Muslim Brotherhood." For realz! With the Conservative Political Action Conference under fire for allowing participation by a Homosexual Activist group called GOProud and for a financial Scandal in which some $400,000 was misappropriated under the watch of current leadership, Frank Ga...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
The Unemployment Rate's Not Going Down Anytime Soon
More Threats To Congress Keep Popping Up
Obama To Arizona, Congress In Mourning
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
U.S. Budget Gap Narrows, Deficit Still High
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