ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — December’s wave of unusually cold weather has destroyed much of Florida’s green beans and sweet corn, which means shoppers will pay more at the Grocery Store and see more imports on the shelves. Florid…
Read more >>Vanity Fair's professionally rude interviewer Eric Spitznagel is on the Little Gold Men blog today, being all "I'm sorry I'm on vacay and can't write, have a collection of my most embarrassing moments of 2010 to tide you over," like he's super d…
Read more >>By John J. Pitney Jr. In the past couple of weeks, there have been several negative press stories about Haley Barbour. According to online Journalists, at least some of the material originated with opposition researchers. But whos…
Read more >>HONOLULU (AP) — President Barack Obama is expected to announce his choice for top economic adviser after he returns from his Hawaiian Vacation next week. It’s a decision that could signal a new direction for the administration as it st…
Read more >>WYNNEWOOD, Okla. (AP) — Oklahoma authorities say a small Explosion at an Oil Refinery has shaken the city of Wynnewood but no one was injured. Thick smoke poured into the sky from a fire that followed the blast about 6:50 a.m. Sunday. Garvin…
Read more >>MOSCOW (AP) — Icy rain has shut down Moscow’s largest airport, coated roads with ice and left more than 200,000 people and 14 Hospitals without electricity in winter, officials said. The rain struck the city Saturday night. Workers are…
Read more >>WASHINGTON (AP) — A new health Regulation issued this month offers Medicare recipients voluntary end-of-life planning, which Democrats dropped from the monumental Health Care overhaul last year. The provision allows Medicare to pay for volun…
Read more >>ATLANTA (AP) — Entertainment mogul Tyler Perry is offering to rebuild the home of an 88-year-old great-grandmother who lost all her belongings in a fire. Rosa Lee Ransby and her 4-year-old great-granddaughter escaped the fire Tuesday that de…