Conservative Political Action Conference

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Conservative Political Action Conference news


Thune heads to GOP conference

CNN Political Ticker - 1day 2hrs ago

(CNN) - Republican South Dakota Sen. John Thune accepted an invitation to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February. Thune spokesman Kyle Downey said the senator turned down previous requests to appear because of Sch…


Thune To Appear At CPAC

TPMDC - 1day 7hrs ago

At least one potential Republican Presidential Candidate is not joining the right-wing Boycott of CPAC over its inclusion of a gay conservative group: Sen. John Thune (R-SD), who will be headed there to speak. Several prominent social conservati…


Thune to speak at CPAC

Politico - 1day 8hrs ago

Don't count John Thune among CPAC's critics. The Senator will speak at the conservative conference, in another sign he's weighing a presidential bid. In another sign that Sen. John Thune seriously is considering a bid for president, he has accep…


CPAC Boycott No Deterrent For Prez Hopefuls

Hotline On Call - 2 days ago

The Conservative Political Action Conference won't see some social conservative organizations at their annual gathering, but one important constituency still plans to show up: Prospective White House contenders. CPAC, the annual gathering that att…


GOP Rep. Jim Jordan Also Boycotting CPAC

TPMDC - 3 days ago

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has said that he is joining the conservative Boycott of CPAC. Ben Smith of Politico reports that spokesman Brian Straessle confirms Jordan will not be attending the conference. Several right-wing organizations have announ…


Iowas Shame

FDL News Desk - 3 days ago

pic from theqspeaks at Steve King (R-Iowa), Iowa’s primary congressional spokesperson for people who don’t like Iowa, was live on television on Saturday fresh from being denied a long-prized committee chair on Immigration.…


Jordan joins CPAC boycott

Politico - 3 days ago

A leading conservative in the House of Representatives is joining a move by social conservative Activists to Boycott the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, which they have criticized for including a gay Republican group. The chairm…


House suspends vote on health care repeal

The Daily Caller - 5 days ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House of Representatives is postponing a vote on repealing the recently enacted Health Care law because of the Shooting Spree in Tucson, Ariz. that killed a Federal Judge and wounded Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giff…