Herman Cain: Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Florida judge signals opposition to ObamaCare. RNC's chief Fundraiser calls it quits. Tim Pawlenty regrets not running for another term. Herman Cain explores 2012 presidential run. YouTube staffs up to rid site of al Qaeda Propaganda videos.
PHOTOS: Herman Cain in pictures
Subliminal Zionism? John Daugherty: "The Patriots, Tom Brady, and Stats Padding."
VIDEOS: Herman Cain in videos
Don't sacrifice unit cohesion for a social experiment. And there's a role for Congress. The Afghan gov...
Republicans Kill the Omnibus Spending Bill
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Due to a lack of Republican support for the 2,000-page spending bill, the Majority Leader will not be calling it up. Looks like the Senate will be doing a short-term CR instead. "There is only one reason Cloture is not being filed" on the 2,000-page omnibus spending bill, McConnell said. They "don't have the votes." Don't sacrifice unit cohesion for a social experiment. And there's a role for Congress. The Afghan governme...
All the Omnibus's Earmarks
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Oklahoma's junior senator Tom Coburn has compiled a "working database" of every earmark in the omnibus appropriations bill in the form of an Excel Spreadsheet. Here are some of the Most Expensive Earmarks listed: $40,000,000 for an "International Program for the Elimination of Child Labor for the US contribution to a multinational effort to combat child labor consistent with Executive Order 12216 and the William Wilberforce Traffick...
Herman Cain: Im forming an exploratory committee for 2012
I know the basics of his bio — accomplished CEO, talk-radio host, Cancer survivor — but not much more beyond that. Even so, it got my attention a few days ago when he won Red State’s 2012 “tournament,” topping Mike Pence in the semifinal and Palin in the final. Is that because Cain’s a Red State favorite or is the Grassroots support for him out there broader than anyone realizes right now?
Either way, the Daily Caller says to get ready.
Former Godfathers Piz...
Statement by Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) on Transferring Gitmo Detainees to the United States
From his office:
“Instead of providing Congress with a clean Defense Authorization bill that could win overwhelming Bipartisan support, Speaker Pelosi buried a provision in the House defense bill that permits bringing Guantanamo Terrorists to the United States. Such a provision would weaken the security of our country. Therefore, should the Defense Authorization bill come to the Senate with the Gitmo terrorist transfer provision included, I will place a hold on the bill and would seek to ...
Kirk's vote defeats $$1.3T spending bill, warns of Reid's last gasp
CHICAGO (WLS) - Newly elected Illinois Senator Mark Kirk was the pivotal vote that prevented a nearly $1.3 Trillion monster spending bill from passing Thursday night. Kirk was the 41st vote that caused Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to give up on the 1,924-page measure stuffed with over 6,000 Earmarks after several retiring Republican members that were likely to vote for the bill pulled back their support. But Kirk says though your wallet will be safer, one last gasp by Reid still needs to be...
Kirk's vote defeats $$1.3T spending bill, warns of Reid's last gasp
CHICAGO (WLS) - Newly elected Illinois Senator Mark Kirk was the pivotal vote that prevented a nearly $1.3 Trillion monster spending bill from passing Thursday night. Kirk was the 41st vote that caused Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to give up on the 1,924-page measure stuffed with over 6,000 Earmarks after several retiring Republican members that were likely to vote for the bill pulled back their support. But Kirk says though your wallet will be safer, one last gasp by Reid still needs to be...
New York Times: The Surge Is Working
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. As the Obama Administration reviews its strategy in Afghanistan, residents and even a Taliban commander say the surge of American Troops this year has begun to set back the Taliban in parts of their southern heartland and to turn people against the Insurgency — at least for now. The stepped-up operations in Kandahar Province have left many in the Taliban demoralized, reluctant to fight and struggling to recruit , a Taliban com...
Gitmo North: House bill could bring terrorists to Illinois
Oh no. Like Jason in the Friday the 13th films, the move to bring Terrorists who are now jailed at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility to Illinois is back. Some things, I guess, cannot be killed. Luckily, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) is watching our backs while Jason Nancy Pelosi stalks us. Rep. Ike Skelton (D-MO), a Lame Duck, inserted language into the fiscal 2011 Defense Authorization Bill will allow the Obama Administration to bypass language in other pending Legislation that will prevent the ...
Illinois Republicans block Gitmo prisoner transfers
WASHINGTON — Illinois Republicans were successful Friday in stripping a provision from a House defense bill that would have given permission for the transfer to the U.S. of Detainees in the Guantanamo Bay Military Prison. The issue is of special importance to Illinois GOP lawmakers because earlier this year the Obama Administration moved to buy an underutilized state prison in Thomson, Ill., in part to house Guantanamo detainees. Closing Guantanamo was a central Obama pledge that the pre...
Gitmo Trials Ban Is Back, and on Steroids
Someone inserted the ban on federal funds for the use of federal trials for Gitmo Detainees, this time into the National Defense Authorization Act which the House is meant to vote on soon. The Senate was apparently going to pass the DADT-repeal free NDAA by anonymous consent, but Republicans might try to force a debate as part of their strategy to "run out the clock." But this time, the ban is actually more aggressive, and more directly aimed not just at preventing Terrorists from being tried in...
The New York Times, Lap Dog of the GOP?
Honest to God, did NYT’s Bill Keller send out a memo banning the use of “obstructionism” when writing about GOP? #lapdogs Evie Axdahl, the Republican national committeewoman from Minnesota, has endorsed Maria Cino for chair of the RNC. A founding member . . . Go Finally! 'A Klingon Christmas Carol' Chicago—Across the country this week, productions of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" are warming hearts. In this city, one version . . . Go The Politically Incorrect Gui...
Paul Revere's Ride
Evie Axdahl, the Republican national committeewoman from Minnesota, has endorsed Maria Cino for chair of the RNC. A founding member . . . Go The New York Times, Lap Dog of the GOP? Finally! 'A Klingon Christmas Carol' Chicago—Across the country this week, productions of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" are warming hearts. In this city, one version . . . Go The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism hits store shelves on January 10. You can pre-order from Amazon here or buy . . . Go...
You Know You're Reading a New Yawk Newspaper When . . .
“With this disappointing decision, the FDA has chosen to place itself between patients and their doctors by Rationing access to a life-extending drug,” said Sen. David Vita (R-La.). “We can’t allow this government takeover of Health Care to continue any further.” Evie Axdahl, the Republican national committeewoman from Minnesota, has endorsed Maria Cino for chair of the RNC. A founding member . . . Go The New York Times, Lap Dog of the GOP? Finally! 'A Klingon Chr...
Assange Walks Out of ABC Interview
Evie Axdahl, the Republican national committeewoman from Minnesota, has endorsed Maria Cino for chair of the RNC. A founding member . . . Go The New York Times, Lap Dog of the GOP? Finally! 'A Klingon Christmas Carol' Chicago—Across the country this week, productions of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" are warming hearts. In this city, one version . . . Go The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism hits store shelves on January 10. You can pre-order from Amazon here or buy . . . Go...
Top RNC fundraiser quits
The Finance Chairman of Michael Steele's Republican National Committee resigned today, a Republican source said.
Peter Terpeluk, a major George W. Bush Fundraiser who served as Ambassador to Luxembourg, had struggled to raise large-dollar contributions from Big Donors skeptical of Steele. But his departure narrows Steele's crumbling base of support and deals another blow to what appear to be the chairman's re-election hopes.
RNC Fundraiser Calls It Quits
The Finance Chairman of Michael Steele’s Republican National Committee resigned today, a Republican source said. Peter Terpeluk, a major George W. Bush Fundraiser who served as Ambassador to Luxembourg, had struggled to raise large-dollar contributions from Big Donors skeptical of Steele. But his departure narrows Steele’s crumbling base of support and deals another blow to what appear to be the chairman’s re-election hopes....
The mudslinging begins in the race for RNC chair (The Ticket)
The fight over who will be the next chairman of the Republican National Committee is already getting ugly.
As CNN's Peter Hamby first reported, an anonymous GOP operative is circulating photos of Wisconsin GOP chair Reince Preibus posing with current RNC chair Michael Steele in attempt to remind Republican power brokers of the pair's once-close ties.
In 2009, Priebus headed up Steele's campaign for RNC chairman, and the photos appear to depict their travels together. In one shot, Priebus and S...
Herman Cain mania
There's a place in every primary for an ideological purist and debate champ — think Dennis Kucinich — and radio talker Herman Cain seems to be the early front-runner for that slot on the Republican side in 2012.
Cain, an African-American conservative with a real Private Sector background — he was a Pillsbury executive and then took over and ran Godfathers Pizza — is a regular on the conservative event circuit and a compelling speaker, though he's little known outside co...
Palin and the Tax-Deal Chart
A note on the chart: Some commenters have been complaining that Palin is a “no,” but has been left blank. Perhaps in an excess of care, we don’t mark potential Candidates “yes” or “no,” until they tell us they are a “yes” or “no” (and we’ve reached out to everyone), or make an absolutely unambiguous statement to that effect (e.g., Pence had been critical of the deal, but we didn’t push him into the “no” cat...
Herman Cain: The Right Wing Sleeper Candidate in 2012?
Politico’s Ben Smith discussed today the unforeseen possibility that Right Wing Activist Herman Cain could be a surprise Republican Candidate for president, after he bested all other Republicans in an online Straw Poll conducted by the conservative blog RedState. Cain, an African American businessman and radio Talk Show host, even topped Sarah Palin, who came in second, to be the favorite of the Right Wing blogosphere. Erick Erickson of RedState writes, “I like Herman Cain and, thoug...
Potential Dark Horse: Herman Cain in 2012
RedState recently polled their readers to see who they would like to see as the GOP Presidential nominee. The winner was Herman Cain.
Who is Herman Cain? Cain is a big Private Sector Candidate - he was a former Pillsbury executive and later ran Godfathers Pizza. He’s also a Talk Show host and PAC founder. He had previously ran for US Senate in Georgia in 2004 - he came in 2nd place, but did not garner enough support to force a runoff. He’s a great speaker who, apparentl...
Herman Cain is definitely forming 2012 exploratory committee (Daily Caller)
Former Godfathers Pizza chief executive Herman Cain says he’s definitely forming an Exploratory Committee — likely within the next several weeks — to test the waters for a possible Republican presidential run in 2012.
Cain, a radio Talk Show host and favorite of the Tea Party movement, confirmed the news in an interview with The Daily Caller. He suggested that a Presidential Campaign is likely, but said he hasn’t made a final decision.
“Bottom line is, all of the ...
Herman Cain is 'definitely' forming 2012 exploratory committee
Alex Pappas is a political reporter at the Daily Caller. He is a graduate of The University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn. Former Godfathers Pizza chief executive Herman Cain says he’s definitely forming an Exploratory Committee — likely within the next several weeks — to test the waters for a possible Republican presidential run in 2012. Cain, a radio Talk Show host and favorite of the Tea Party movement, confirmed the news in an interview with The Daily Caller. He suggested t...
Herman Cain Set to Form Exploratory Committee Soon
Herman Cain, who I profiled earlier this week, has told the Daily Caller that the formation of an Exploratory Committee is likely to occur in the next several weeks. Here’s an excerpt from the article, including comments from Cain:
“Bottom line is, all of the indicators and all of the benchmarks that I had laid out and we had laid out as a team are all moving in the direction of yes,” Cain said. “We haven’t gotten there yet, but we’re moving in that direction.”
Dont Ask, Dont Tell Repeal Passes
This entry was posted in Civil Rights, Military, National Politics, US Senate, YouTube Video and tagged Congress, dadt, democratic party, Discrimination, LGBT, politics, republican party, video. Bookmark the permalink. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Eric Austin. Eric Austin said: ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal Passes… https://bit.ly/fAGWGF [...] » Get Skype, call free! ...
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
Murkowski Certified as Official Senate Race Winner
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President