Hanoi Jane Pins Tucson Shootings on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Tea Party

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Glenn Beck, Jane Fonda, Jared Loughner, Sarah Palin
Treason, Troops, Aircraft

Glenn Beck: Jane Fonda — who traveled to North Vietnam during the war to propagandize against our Troops and to pose cheerfully with the sort of anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down our pilots — still hasn't finished making her contributions to American politics.

PHOTOS: Glenn Beck in pictures

The tragic events in Tucson Saturday were yet another opportunity for her to vent her hatred of patriots.

VIDEOS: Glenn Beck in videos

Here's what she's been spewing on Twitter: That she can't even spell Beck's first name is an indication of the general cluelessnes...

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Kimberly Boldt posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

"Hanoi" Jane Fonda blames Giffords shooting on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party... gee, there's a surprise?

Mark Withrow posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Jane Fonda at it again. Suggesting Tea party & Glenn Beck r responsible for this Shooting atrocity is nothing short celebrity ignorance.

UnumCommunitas posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Hanoi Jane Fonda Blames Giffords Shooting on Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the Tea Party

✡ Giborah Girl ✡ posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Dried up old skank Hanoi Jane Fonda blaming Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck for Giffords shooting

Gene McVay posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Yes, I know what Hanoi Jane Fonda said about Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck , Tea Party & Arizona shooting. I will not dignify her with a response.

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