Glenn Beck Opens Up About Violence: I Have 15 Operating Threats On Me At Any Given Time

Glenn Beck: Glenn Beck has been particularly vocal calling for political figures to renounce violence from all political ideologies while defending the right of said figures to use heated Rhetoric.

PHOTOS: Glenn Beck in pictures

The process has made him a bit of a target, something Bill O’Reilly touched on earlier this week, but last night on the O’Reilly Factor he gave us a better idea of just how much of a target he has become, sustaining 15 threats to his person at any given time.

VIDEOS: Glenn Beck in videos

Beck visited O’Reilly for his weekl...

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ArrestRoveNow3 posted 3 days ago (via twitter)

Frances Fox Piven is 78? That is Glenn Beck 's arch enemy? Classy, Biff. What's next? Knockers walkers out from under old people?

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