Glenn Beck: Glenn Beck has been particularly vocal calling for political figures to renounce violence from all political ideologies while defending the right of said figures to use heated Rhetoric.
PHOTOS: Glenn Beck in pictures
The process has made him a bit of a target, something Bill O’Reilly touched on earlier this week, but last night on the O’Reilly Factor he gave us a better idea of just how much of a target he has become, sustaining 15 threats to his person at any given time.
VIDEOS: Glenn Beck in videos
Beck visited O’Reilly for his weekl...
Glenn Beck Opens Up About Violence: I Have About 15 Operating Threats On Me At Any Given Time (Video)
Beck: "The only thing that could be worse is actual violence...I have about 15 operating threats on me at any given time" O'Reilly: "And you have security and so do I"..Here's the exchange from last night's O'Reilly Factor
OK, Glenn Beck: Are you man enough to take the CrooksandLiars Pledge?
Sniff. Kinda makes you feel sad, doesn't it? Nobody wants to sign Glenn Beck's phony "non-violence" pledge. Hmmmmm. Wonder why that could be? BECK: The number of people so far who signed this pledge denouncing violence: 14 -- 14. Over 500 members in the House and Senate, and 14. Now, I was going to show you the 14 names because I'm proud of those guys, but maybe some other time. I don't want this to turn into -- I mean, this is not the Committee on Un-American Activities. That's for Congress to ...
'Jewish group tells Fox to fire Glenn Beck'
Jewish Funds for Justice urges that the popular political pundit be fired over a series of 'disturbing' remarks, including attack on left-wing Jewish Billionaire George Soros....
Is the liberal mindset responsible for the Tucson tragedy?
In the days following the worst tragedy ever seen in Tucson, everyone is turning to point fingers at most everyone and everything other than Jared Lee Loughner. How did a madman like this get access to a gun? Why did no one see the warning signs? Conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck were the cause of this according to the Sheriff of Pima County. The NRA and gun toting Right Wing radicals are always a favored target after a tragic shooting. It is v...
Tea Party Nation leader: Founding fathers would have hated Bill Maher
Tea Party Nation leader Judson Phillips wrote in a blog post that the Founding Fathers would have hated Bill Maher because of his support for Socialist policies. Now, I want you Teabaggers out there to understand one thing: while you idolize the Founding Fathers and dress up like them, and smell like them, I think it’s pretty clear that the Founding Fathers would have hated your guts. And what’s more, you would’ve hated them. They were everything you despise. They s...
Audio of Randi Rhodes: Glenn Beck 'Wants To Poison' Nancy Pelosi, Others
Will, it's a good thing that liberals don't use the Rhetoric of violence like those on the right. And yes, Randi Rhodes is essentially irrelevant, but the point that the Rhetoric of the left far outweighs anything on the right stands:
UPDATE: Liberal Talkers’ Vitriolic ‘New Civility’
Radio Equalizer: After a week of holier-than-thou preaching from state-run media scolds and Obamists aimed at conservative Talk Radio, one would imagine their "progressive" counterparts would happ...
SNL: Greta With Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and Guest James Carville (Video)
SNL: Fox News special 'embracing civility'
Tiny violin time - Beck, Hannity lose their Philly area stations (4th largest market)
Does anyone feel like popping the cork on a bottle of champagne over this news?
Mediaite has learned Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are being dropped from their Philadelphia Radio Station, WPHT 1210 (The Big Talker), in January.
The station is a CBS affiliate, and Philadelphia is the fourth largest radio market.
Taking Beck's 9am-noon slot is the local Dom Giordano, currently 6-10pm. Then comes Rush Limbaugh, noon-3pm, and Smerconish - who replaces Sean Hannity.
Semi-related hilarity:
* NYT ...
Libtalker: Glenn Beck "Is Just as Deranged In His View of Government as Lougher Was"
Randi Rhodes : "This guy [Beck] is a manifestly insane man who's been given a platform, several platforms books, radio, television and that he is just as deranged in his view of government as this Loughner dude was"
From the Randi Rhodes Radio Show
The Sarah Palin, The Glenn Beck and The Rush Limbaugh
Now I understand the logic (h/t Moonbattery).
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Jewish Group Wants Glenn Beck Dropped From Fox News
Jewish Funds for Justice (JFSJ), a charity that campaigns for social change, delivered a petition with 10,000 signatures to Fox News Thursday demanding that Talk Show host Glenn Beck get the pink slip. The petition drive began in November after Fox News aired a three-part Beck special on businessman and philanthropist George Soros called "Puppet Master." The television show was deemed anti-Semitic by many in the media and Jewish groups. Beck's Thursday night show highlighted nine people of the ...
George Soros Threatens To Kill Glenn Beck
Related: O’Reilly Calls Soros Death Threat Against Beck “Ominous”
“I don’t think you hear me, I don’t think you understand.” - What’s the implication of this, other than “Mr. Soros will in no way tolerate Mr. Beck continuing to stand in the way of his plans.”? And that means Beck will be stopped by whatever means necessary.
The gift is insignificant, it’s just an insult, a cherry on top of the sundae of the death threat.
Is Bill O'Reilly upset with Sarah Palin for not interviewing with him (Video)
Sarah Palin will do her first interview since the Arizona shootings interview next Monday on Fox News. Palin has been engrossed in the debate about "heated political Rhetoric" in the year before Congresswoman Giffords (D-AZ) and 18 others were shot. Palin's "crosshairs map" has been cited as an example of this kind of "toxic Rhetoric", though Palin vehemently denied any connection in her recent statement released through Facebook. Palin has chosen Sean Hannity to be her intervi...
Did Liberal Rhetoric Influence Eric Fuller to Threaten Tea Party Member?
ABC News held a town hall event in Tucson, Arizona and a tea Party Leader, Trent Humphries, stood up and spoke. According to Gateway Pundit, Humphries has a neighbor who was killed by Jared Loughner, so Humphries was personally effected by the tragedy. He’s also received death threats since the shooting. Eric Fuller, who was shot in the knee by Loughner, didn’t like what Humphries had to say and descended into a fit of rage.
Fuller then swiveled in his chair, raised his camera an...
Talk Radio and the Toxic Commentary About Toxic Commentary
You’d never know it from this week’s “toxic commentary about toxic commentary,” but there was a time when Progressives considered Talk Radio hosts brave martyrs for truth.
Back in 1984, an outspoken, belligerent Denver Talk Radio host on the brink of national stardom was shot to death by gunmen who had blatant political motives.
The incident inspired a Pulitzer Prize nominated play that was recently revived on Broadway to great acclaim, along with other plays, movies an...
The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Left-Wing Attacks on U.S. Conservatives Following the Arizona Shootings
From Nile Gardiner, at Telegraph UK, "A Shameful Week for America's Liberal Elites": This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the 2...
The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Left-Wing Attacks on U.S. Conservatives Following the Arizona Shootings
From Nile Gardiner, at Telegraph UK, "A Shameful Week for America's Liberal Elites": This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the ...
Arizona shooting victim arrested after alleged death threat to Tea Party leader
Fuller was subsequently escorted away by deputies. He is set to be charged with threats, intimidation, and disorderly conduct. It is unclear if ABC News has footage of the incident, or if they will be airing the footage if they have it. For his part, Fuller has made Tea Partiers upset by directly blaming Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Sharron Angle for the shootings. Fuller is age 61, a Military Veteran, and an avid supporter of Congresswoman Giffords. is looking for...
Setting limits on contentious debate
From a discussion on NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday this morning with Scott Simon and Ed Deggans:
NPR: Has heated Rhetoric become a format?
Eric Deggans, TV and media critic for the St. Petersburg Times: Oh-h-h, yes! It's a format that earns millions of dollars for several people particularly in Cable News and on Talk Radio. Contentious political debate is what fuels Ratings and what earns big profits.
NPR: In the wake of the shootings in Tucson, we...
Bill Maher lashes out at Teabaggers identification with Founding Fathers
Stumble This! Comedian Bill Maher took issue with the Tea Party's identification with America's "Founding Fathers' at the end of the season premiere of his cable show Friday night. “I think it's pretty clear that the Founding Fathers would have hated your guts, and what’s more, you would have hated them," he said, seemingly speaking directly to the followers of the right-wing Astroturf group. He continued, "They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, Hung out...
Another Tucson Shooting False Narrative Goes Bad
There have been multiple false narratives involved in the Tucson shooting.
The first false narrative was that Sarah Palin, Tea Parties and Conservatives were responsible, directly or indirectly, for the shooting. That narrative has been thoroughly debunked in the past week, although writers such as Paul Krugman and political figures such as Clarence Dupnik still cling to the fantasy.
One other person who clung to the fantasy that right-wing vitriol inspired Jared Lougner was Eric Fuller, one of...
'SNL' Mocks Fox News' Attempt At 'Embracing Civility' In Cold Open (VIDEO)
Like all topical comedy outlets this week, "Saturday Night Live" was faced with the difficult task of commenting on the tragic events in Tucson. In last night's cold opening, "SNL" addressed it by mocking Fox News for their attempt at a toned-down Rhetoric, finding humor in what has not been a humorous week.
In the sketch, Kristen Wiig plays Fox News host Greta Van Susteren and is joined by Sean Hannity (Bobby Moynihan), Michelle Malkin (Nasim Pedrad) and of course Glenn Beck (Jason Sudeikis) ...
No More Mister Nice Blog
I've been extremely uncomfortable with our side's Rhetoric over the past week. I detest Sarah Palin and the Tea Party/Talk Radio/Fox News right, and I agree that the ratcheting up of angry Rhetoric on the right is bad for America, but I simply don't agree that that Rhetoric must have been a contributing factor in what happened in Tucson eight days ago -- every day it seems to become more and more obvious that Jared Loughner was a paranoid schizophreni...
ABC tragedy: Tea party leader spoke of love but Fuller said 'You're dead'
"My neighbor was one of those people," who was a Victim of the Tucson tragedy, explained Trent Humphries, co-founder of the Tucson Tea Party, when asked at an ABC televised Town Hall by co-host David Muir about whether the response to the Tuscon tragedy should be a debate about guns. Humphries gently offered that a national debate should include the Mental Health laws as well as Gun Laws, as he also made an elequont plea for that discussion to be delayed - providing enough time for i...
Glenn Beck sees Spider-Man musical twice and raves
FILE - In this May 5, 2009 file photo, conservative Talk Show host Glenn Beck attends the Time 100 Gala, a celebration of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world in New York. The Spider-Man musical on Broadway has a big-name cheerleader with a big megaphone — Glenn Beck. The conservative commentator has seen the $65 million "Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" twice, and he's giving it glowing reviews both on the air and on his Twitter account. "This is better than 'Wicked!'" ...
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Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
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Frances Fox Piven is 78? That is Glenn Beck 's arch enemy? Classy, Biff. What's next? Knockers walkers out from under old people?