Gabrielle Giffords: The documents, obtained by The Daily Caller and can be seen here, show his problems began in October 2008, where he was listed as a “criminal” for an unspecified “local charge.” That action, described by AZ Central as a “minor drug offense,” was dismissed by the local city attorney.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
Loughner also had a complaint for a “UNIFORM CITATN,” shorthand for a universal citation, filed against him. “But all of that changed last year,” reports AZ...
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
Climate of Hate?: Murdered Judge Was w/ Giffords About Illegal Alien Prob
The most notable thing about Saturday’s Safeway massacre, aside from the lives tragically lost, is the plethora of hypocrites and blame-gamer attention whores who’ve predictably crawled out from under their rocks. As I noted Saturday evening, ABC News and the other Mainstream Media outlets wasted no time blaming Saturday’s Safeway massacre by Jared Lee Loughner on supporters of Arizona’s Immigration law and secure borders . And you’ve seen the rest of the left...
What Does Jared Lee Loughner Believe?
This March 2010 photo shows a man identified as Jared L. Loughner at the 2010 Tucson Festival of Books in Tucson, Ariz. Jared Lee Loughner, the young man who allegedly shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and killed six others in Tucson on Saturday, would seem to defy easy categorization. Yet the evidence does provide clues into the mind of a man who even the staunchest partisans should be able to agree held muddled politics far outside the mainstream. It seems clear based on Loughner's YouTu...
Meet Your Arizona Superhero: Gabrielle Giffords Gay Latino Intern
Most modern-day interns spend a lot of time listening to hip-hop music on their iPods and refusing to perform any tasks that require actual intellectual or (gasp!) physical effort. How startling, then, that during Saturday’s awful massacre in Tuscon, one of these entitled Mileybots conclusively proved himself to be the Awesomest Intern In The History Of Ever. And in addition to being a brown, he is a gay. This University of Arizona junior, Daniel Hernandez, was only five days into his in...
Shooting revives gun control proposals in Congress
The shooting in Arizona that killed six people and injured 14 others — including Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords — is reviving Legislation to impose tighter controls on guns and ammunition.
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., is drafting Legislation in response to the shooting that would revive a now-expired ban on high-capacity ammunition clips, like the one reportedly used by the 22-year-old suspect to gun down a Federal Judge, a 9-year-old girl and others at Giffords’ “...
Russ Belville: Arizona Shooter Loughner Used Marijuana... So What?
As you may know by now, in a tragic act of insane violence, Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords was targeted for Assassination, but survived the point-blank gunshot allegedly fired by Jared Lee Loughner, a 22-year-old man whose rambling Internet paranoia calls his sanity into question. Loughner also allegedly fired into the crowd, killing a 9-year-old girl (born on 9/11/2001, incidentally), a federal Circuit Court judge, a Giffords Staffer, and three others, and wounding several more. All of us at...
Tucson Gunman Jared Loughner Who Shot Gabrielle Giffords Described by Classmate as Left-Wing Pothead
Hmm, the Tea Party gunman as inaccuratly described by the liberal MSM is described as a LEFT-WING POT HEAD by former classmates. That seems to be a much different profile than the NY Times, liberal media and left-wing political agenda propagandists want America to believe. This punk, was a loner, a deranged individual, with no real political affiliation who appears by all accounts to have been fixated on this Assassination attempt long ago. This kid was a delusional loner who was hell bent o...
Congresswomans condition stable; 8 hospitalized
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Doctors are breathing a sigh of relief as Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords reaches a second day since her surgery without increased swelling in her brain. Neurosurgeon Dr. Michael Lemole of Tucson’s University Medical Center says Giffords is still responding to doctors and her condition is stable. Her brain remains swollen, but the pressure hasn’t increased. He says they’re much more optimistic. Of those injured in the deadly shooting Saturday in Tucso...
Rep. Giffords still critical after deadly shooting spree
TUCSON Shooting suspect Jared Loughner is scheduled to appear in court Monday afternoon charged with two counts of Murder and three counts of Attempted Murder in Saturday's Mass Shooting that left U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords clinging to life.
Doctors were breathing a "collective sigh of relief" Monday about Giffords, who was critically injured during what authorities called the targeted attempt on her life by a gunman. Six people died in the attack.
"No change is good and we have no cha...
Giffords shooting leads nation to introspection and political finger wagging
In the wake of the shooting in Arizona this weekend that critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and that killed and injured more than 20 people, many pundits and politicians are pointing fingers. Others are hoping the incident will serve to ratchet down rancor. Yet emerging details make it clear the shooter wasn’t primarily motivated by politics, right or left. Jared Lee Loughner seems mainly to have been struggling with Mental Illness and was angry at being thrown out of Pima Communi...
Arizona's Eighth Congressional District Epitomized Over-The-Top Demonization Of Liberals
While it is critical to understand that Jared Loughner's Terrorist Attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and dozens of her constituents over the weekend was not directly caused by the words of her political opponents, the tragedy in Arizona presents an opportunity to examine the nature of our political discourse. Giffords' district, the Arizona Eighth, is a prime example of overheated Rhetoric. Her 2010 campaign was plagued by Vandalism and death threats from anonymous citizens, as well as hyperbol...
Caitie Parkers Tweets Re Jared Loughner
In reverse chronological order (latest to earliest) from Twitter:
Caitie Parker
@johnedelstein possibly. I’m looking back at this at a 14-19 year old. Who knows if any of us knew what for sure we were yet.
@johnedelstein not as I knew him no. Very accepting of everyone. But that was 3 years ago.
@FriendThatCooks 3 years ago when I saw him last he was more leftist. Now I don’t know.
@johnedelstein & when I say "us" or "our" I mean our group. There were 5-6 ...
Obama: Arizona Shooting Has America Shocked & Grieving
(AP) WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said the nation is still shocked and grieving after Saturday's deadly shooting rampage in Arizona that killed six people and left a congresswoman in critical condition after being shot point-blank in the head.
Speaking in the Oval Office Monday, Obama said Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is "still fighting". In total, 19 people were shot in the attack; among the six people killed were Arizona's chief Federal Judge, a 9-year-old girl interested in gov...
Clyburn Calls for Reinstatement of Fairness Doctrine
Clyburn said he thinks vitriol in public discourse led to a 22-year-old suspect opening fire Saturday at an event Democratic U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords held for her constituents in Tucson, Ariz. Six people were killed and 14 others were injured, including Giffords. The shooting is cause for the country to rethink parameters on free Speech, Clyburn said from his office, just blocks from the South Carolina Statehouse. He wants standards put in place to guarantee balanced media coverage with a re...
No Credibility, No Class-The Giffords Shooting and the American Left
Back in November 2010, in the wake of the massive defeat suffered by Democrats in the Midterm Elections, former Bill Clinton pollster Mark Penn said this:
Mark Penn: “Barack Obama needs an Oklahoma City bombing-type event to reconnect with the American People.”
Now look at how quickly Progressives and their compatriots in the Mainstream Media jumped to blame Conservatives for the shooting in Arizona that left six people dead and several others wounded, including
Doctor: No change in Giffords' condition
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- The condition of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, shot in an attack at a Tucson political event, was unchanged Monday, and a doctor said that was positive news. "We're not out of the woods yet," said Dr. G. Michael Lemole, section chief of Neurosurgery at University Medical Center in Tucson. "At this phase in the game, no change is good and we have no change," Lemole said at a briefing on the condition of Giffords and others wounded in the Saturday shooting rampage outside o...
Loughner Explanation Watch: Bad Metal Music
Over at Salon, the headline for a Sarah Hepola essays says that the early 90s grim metal song "Bodies" by Drowning Pool had its "encore" in Jared Loughner's Murder spree, because he seems to have liked the song--his "favorite" YouTube video being one that featured the tune, which because of its grinding unpleasantness has also been used by The Army to Torture and unnerve people.
The tune has, you see, "a troubled past," that is to say, that various people who the author seems to disapprove of h...
Liberals Blame Sarah Palin for Tucson Shooting Tragedy
The tragic shooting outside a Tucson strip mall, which left six dead and at least a dozen more wounded, is all because of Sarah Palin, liberals are saying today. So far, police have said they cannot find any motive for the attack, which tookplace during a "Congress on Your Corner" event arranged by Conservative Blue Dog Democrat Gabrielle Giffords, who represents Arizona's 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House. The suspect, Jared Lee Loughner, has allegedly told authorities he planned the...
The Politics of Assassination
On Saturday morning, the Nation took a collective gasp as it was reported that an attempted Assassination had taken place in Tuscan, Arizona. The target, Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot by a lone gunman. The Congresswoman survived, miraculously, because the bullet which entered her brain passed through completely and did not enter the other lobe. As the gunman, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, tried to reload his weapon a woman rose and hit the gun and clip fr...
The Tragedy of the Arizona Shooting
The Tragedy of the Arizona Shooting
Monday, 01/10/2011 - 1:47 pm by Mike Konczal | Post a Comment
There are many ways to look at it, but all say disturbing things about the country.
This weekend’s tragic shooting at a Safeway district meeting in which United States Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was seriously hurt and a dozen more injured and a District Court judge John Roll, a nine-year-old girl born on September 11th, and a congressional aide were killed has left us all stunned.
Judge in Loughner hearing probably knew judge who was killed
Lawrence O. Anderson, the magistrate judge who will preside over Jared Loughner's initial court appearance Monday, is a Phoenix native who was appointed to his role in 1998 after eight years as a Superior Court judge in Maricopa County. He was a star athlete in college at the University of San Francisco who suffered a severe injury that left him without the use of his legs, said Alan P. Bayham Jr., president of the Arizona Bar Association. He administers his courtroom from a Wheelchair. Anderson...
From Seattle P-I columnists Message in blood to dancing in it after Tucson
Outrage and exploitation seem to be running hand-in-hand, even here in the Pacific Northwest with perspectives on the Crosscut and Seattle websites, in the wake of Saturday’s deplorable attempted Assassination of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the “collateral” slayings of a Federal Judge, four other adults and a 9-year-old child. Giffords, a pro-gun Democrat who, in 2008, was targeted by the Far Left Daily Kos for having “so...
Loughner's Politics: Chaos. Pure Chaos
The past 36 hours have been a constant circle of finger-pointing, denial, finger-pointing, and more denial with a heavy dose of false equivalence thrown in. Conservatives say Loughner's liberal; liberals say he's conservative. Neither one is true. At best, Jared Lee Loughner was an Anarchist in how he viewed his impact on the external world. And he was a man with a grudge. Mother Jones has an exclusive interview with a friend that confirms the hunch I've had all day. His politics had nothing to ...
Limbaugh says Dems playing politics with Giffords shooting
Washington (CNN) - Conservative Talk Radio host Rush Limbaugh offered a vigorous defense of himself and Sarah Palin Monday in response to claims from some media commentators and those on the left that some of their charged statements and colorful language may have inspired the Arizona shootings. "[The media] is unnecessarily stirring up the country in ways that don't merit," Limbaugh said on his radio program Monday. "It's fatuous and silly to even verify and justify these accusations by defend...
Quote Unquote: Question from the Audience
Jared Lee Loughner's question to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords at a rally of hers several years ago…
"What is government if words have no meaning?"
MSNBC: Jared Loughner Wrote A Threatening Note To Gabrielle Giffords
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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