Limbaugh says Dems playing politics with Giffords shooting

Rush Limbaugh: Washington (CNN) - Conservative Talk Radio host Rush Limbaugh offered a vigorous defense of himself and Sarah Palin Monday in response to claims from some media commentators and those on the left that some of their charged statements and colorful language may have inspired the Arizona shootings. "[The media] is unnecessarily stirring up the country in ways that don't merit," Limbaugh said on his radio program Monday. "It's fatuous and silly to even verify and justify these accusations by defend...

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Washington (CNN) - Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh offered a vigorous defense of himself and Sarah Palin Monday in...

Lambda Devel posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

[instafeed] Washington (CNN) - Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh offered a vigorous defense of himself and Sarah Palin Monday in...

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