Jared Loughner: Source: New York Daily News A sinister shrine reveals a chilling occult dimension in the mind of the deranged gunman accused of shooting a member of Congress and 19 others.
PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
Hidden within a camouflage tent behind Jared Lee Loughner's home sits an alarming altar with a skull sitting atop a pot filled with shriveled oranges.
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
Read more: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/01/10/201... ...
Giffords condition improves after shooting
TUCSON, Ariz - U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords is breathing on her own and doctors Tuesday were hopeful about her recovery from a head wound suffered in an Arizona Shooting Spree that killed six people. Giffords, a popular 40-year-old Democrat, remained in critical condition at a Tucson Hospital but is “holding her own,” responding to simple commands and breathing without aid of a tube although a bullet passed through her brain, doctors said. “She has no right to look th...
Limbaugh: Jared Loughner Has The Full Support Of The Democrat Party
The mugshot of alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner really angered Rush Limbaugh today. Not only because Loughner is getting all the attention he wanted, but also because “he’s snickering at every one of us in that mugshot.” While everyone can agree the photo is disturbing, it’s likely few would agree with Rush’s actual explanation as to why Loughner is smiling.
Limbaugh theorized:
“What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political...
"You can't outsmart crazy"
By Edward Copeland
With those words, Jon Stewart gave another eloquent Speech at the beginning of Monday night's Daily Show, dispensing with humor to address Saturday's horrific events in Tucson.
With each passing hour and day since alleged gunman Jared Lee Loughner opened fire on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, critically injuring her, killing six and wounding 14 others, it becomes clearer that this 22-year-old man was not a political partisan but someone who was severely mentally ill. With Arizona...
Tucson shooting victim shielded wife from hail of bullets
By Brad Poole
TUCSON, Arizona | Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:05pm EST
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - An elderly man who died using his body to shield his wife from a withering hail of bullets when a gunman sprayed a crowd in Tucson on Saturday, was remembered for his heroics on Tuesday.
Dorwan Stoddard, a 76-year-old retired Construction Worker, died saving his wife, Mavanelle, by covering her on the ground as the gunmen shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others at a street corner congressional outreach ...
Arizona Shootings: The Culture of Guns
New York Times columnist David Brooks chided the media for making the "extremely murky" link between political Rhetoric and actual violence. Jon Stewart says "you don't know what a troubled mind will get caught on." And conservative radio talk hosts have characterized Jared Lee Loughner as an isolated case, while their liberal critics are seizing on the tragedy for political gain. In all of the passionate takes on what led to the tragedy, up to now relatively little atten...
The Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona and Jared Lee Loughner prosecution.
Peter King proposing law banning guns within 1,000 feet of President, VP, members of Congress, and judges. https://slate.me/enyX8B What did you think of all those crazy trick plays in last night's BCS National Championship Game? https://slate.me/hkyR0s 10 Percent Unemployment Forever?...
Gunman fired 31 times in Ariz. shooting
Investigators say 31 shell casings were recovered from the scene of Saturday's shooting. That means, they say, that Jared Loughner fired 31 times. They say he had a 30-round magazine on his Glock-19, plus one round in the chamber, for a total of 31 rounds on the weapon. Of the 31 rounds, 20 struck those present -- killing six and wounding 14. It's not entirely clear whether Loughner was able to put the second magazine into the Glock to continue shooting. An examination of the second magazine sho...
Is Jared Lee Loughner linked to Tea Party, conservatives, or libertarians? (Gabrielle Giffords shooting)
Q. Is Jared Lee Loughner linked to the Tea Party, conservative, or Libertarian movements?
A. At this time, there's no indication that Loughner was a member of any organized political movement. He was a registered independent who hadn't voted in 2010 (link). The DHS claim that he was linked to the white racial separatist group AmRen is false. Given what we know now, the chances of him being welcomed as a member of any group outside the far fringe is remote [1]. Given his history, the chances th...
Neighbors: Jared Lee Loughner and His Family Were Very Isolated
Randy and Amy Loughner, the parents of accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner, haven't said anything publicly since their son allegedly took a Glock 19 with a high capacity clip to an event hosted by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and killed six people and injured 14, including the congresswoman.
But the picture that is emerging from media interviews with their neighbors indicates they are isolated and have clashed with others in their neighborhood.
On Monday, a ply wood Blockade in front of their...
Jared Loughner's Parents Devastated, Neighbor Says
TUCSON, Ariz. — The parents of a man charged with trying to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords are devastated and guilt-ridden, a neighbor said, mourning their own tragedy as Tucson residents prepared Tuesday for a community memorial service and a visit from the president.
Jared Loughner's mother has been in bed, crying nonstop since the shooting rampage on Saturday, neighbor Wayne Smith, 70, told KPHO-TV. Amy and Randy Loughner want to know where they went wrong with their 22-year-old ...
Loughner's Parents: Did They Know About His Mental Illness?
Alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner is the only child of Randy and Amy Loughner, described by neighbors as an unfriendly, isolated couple. Claire Martin and Masada Siegel report on their odd behavior—and why they’re hiding from the media. Plus, full coverage of the Arizona shooting....
Whats Missing
I am tired of talking about the Arizona shooting. The left has done its best to try to pin it on the right. We know now that not only was Loughner of the left before he went nuts, but that, in fact, Loughner was nuts. His actions can be pinned on neither the left nor the right. All of the media handwringing over the “tone” in the country and the “Extremist Rhetoric” distracts from and implies that the tone and rhetoric had something to do with Jared Loughner’s rampa...
Loughner's Parents "Surprised" by Son's Troubles
Like this Story? Share it: New details about Tuscon gunman Jared Lee Loughner are being revealed as investigators search his home. Ben Tracy reports. Chris Wragge speaks with Tucson shooting survivor Eric Fuller about the gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, and his thoughts on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's recovery. Only On The Web: CBS News digital Journalist Arden Farhi spoke to Tucson-area residents as they reflect on Saturday's shooting and the impact it's had on their community. The home in Tucson, Ariz...
There are two possible explanations:
1. Birgeneau believes there is evidence that Jared Loughner was somehow connected to anti-immigration Activism. If so, Birgeneau simply hasn’t been following the news about which he has used the authority of his office to opine, or has been on the inside of a bubble that ...
Gabrielle Giffords, Christina Green & The Place The American Dream Went To Die
Like flies to feces, the Extremists who have so debased the American political system in recent years are feasting mightily on the latest watershed event out Arizona — the place where the American Dream went to die. The irony, of course, is that this debasement continues apace because the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to free Speech, no matter how vile, while Congress and Obama Administration, cowed by the NRA, all but assure the kind of violence that leaves a congresswoman with ...
Fighting Words: In Tucson Massacre Debate, The Shooter Becomes Irrelevant
Before anyone knew anything about Jared Loughner beyond his name, pundits and politicians began a mad dash to assign ownership of his motives. Clearly, he was driven by conservative politics because Rep. Gabrielle Giffords supported health-care reform and was therefore an enemy of the Tea Party. No, wait. He was a liberal because he once read "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "The Communist Manifesto." The funny thing is that, despite Loughner's written targeting of Giffords and a past, bizarre claim ...
Congresswoman Giffords breathing on her own, doctors say
Arizonans leave offerings at a shrine to Victims of Saturday's shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Brad Poole, Reuters · Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011 TUCSON, Ariz. — U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords is breathing on her own and doctors on Tuesday were hopeful about her recovery from a head wound suffered in an Arizona Shooting Spree that killed six people. Ms. Giffords, a popular 40-year-old Democrat, remained in critical condition at a Tucson Hospital but is “holding her own,” re...
What President Obama should say (#obamashouldsay)
President Obama is scheduled to speak in Arizona Wednesday evening. The Speech will come four days after a gunman, identified by police as Jared Lee Loughner, killed six people and wounded 14 during a shooting rampage in front of a Tucson Supermarket. Among the dead: a nine-year old girl who aspired to enter politics and a Federal Judge. Among the wounded: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), the apparent target. Analysts and commentators around the web are giving the president advice regarding wh...
No, Really: WND's Klein Tries to Blame AZ Shooting On Bill Ayers
No, Really: WND's Klein Tries to Blame AZ Shooting On Bill Ayers
Topic: WorldNetDaily
It appears that selectively quoting from Jared Loughner's reading list was only the beginning of the misinformation and outright falsehoods WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein intends to peddle about the Arizona shooting.
Because apparently Bill Ayers must be worked into this story somehow, a Jan. 10 article by Klein begins:
Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended...
Poor taste, weak tactics, tar brushes, and metaphors
First, it was mockery: “The Tea Party is a bunch of troglodytes,” they howled. (I’ll pass over references to scrota, dropped with the gusto of 12-year-olds at Summer Camp.) Then they flashed a familiar card: “The Tea Party is a bunch of Racists!” That didn’t work. People for whom liberty is a first principle almost always judge others by the content of their character. “The Tea Party is violent!” is the latest effort to tar the merry band of free...
Arizona Weighs Ban on Funeral Protests
Like this Story? Share it: Chris Wragge speaks with Tucson shooting survivor Eric Fuller about the gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, and his thoughts on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's recovery. (CBS/AP) Phoenix - Arizona legislators are planning to head off any Protests by a Topeka, Kan., church at the Funeral services for the Victims of Saturday's shooting that killed six people. Lawmakers are drafting emergency Legislation for consideration by the full Legislature on Tuesday to prohibit Protests at or ne...
The Violent Rhetoric End Game, Revealed.
The “Violent Rhetoric” End Game, Revealed. At last we see the end game of all the weekend “violent rhetoric” talk from the left. Several leading House Democrats blamed the inflammatory rhetoric for contributing to the Tucson massacre, while Republicans denounced criticism of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) following the tragedy. One lawmaker, Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.), has said he would introduce a bill to make it a crime to threaten or incite violence against a federa...
MSNBC's Richard Lui: 'Is It Time to Rethink the 2nd Amendment?'
"Is it time to rethink the Second Amendment?" MSNBC anchor Richard Lui asked viewers of the January 11 "Jansing & Co." on the way to commercial break around 10:15 a.m. EST. Lui was teasing an upcoming segment in which MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing would interview House Intelligence Committee Chairman and former FBI agent Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) about what measures Congress could or should take to explore greater security measures for congressmen and/or Gun Control legi...
Glock pistol sales surge in aftermath of Arizona shootings
After a Glock-wielding gunman killed six people at a Tucson shopping center on Jan. 8, Greg Wolff, the owner of two Arizona gun shops, told his manager to get ready for a stampede of new customers. Wolff was right. Instead of hurting sales, the massacre had the $499 semi-automatic pistols -- popular with police, sport shooters and gangsters -- flying out the doors of his Glockmeister stores in Mesa and Phoenix. “We’re at double our volume over what we usually do,” Wolff said tw...
Bloomberg: Let's talk gun control
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the shooting of an Arizona congresswoman should spark a renewed Gun Control debate, calling accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner “a disgrace to Democracy” as he advocated changes in federal gun policy.
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“This case is fundamentally about a mentally ill drug abuser who had access to guns and shouldn’t have,” Bloomberg said at a news conference Tuesday with members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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