Jared Loughner: The mugshot of alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner really angered Rush Limbaugh today.
PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
Not only because Loughner is getting all the attention he wanted, but also because “he’s snickering at every one of us in that mugshot.” While everyone can agree the photo is disturbing, it’s likely few would agree with Rush’s actual explanation as to why Loughner is smiling.
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
Limbaugh theorized: “What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political...
Quote of the Day
QUOTE OF THE DAY.... Rush Limbaugh actually said this on the air today. He wasn't kidding.
"What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He's sitting there in jail; he knows what's going on. He knows that a Democrat [sic] Party -- the Democrat [sic] Party -- is attempting to find anybody but him to blame.
"He knows if he plays his cards right that he's just a 'Victim.' He's the latest in a never ending parade of victims brought about by t...
We're Arizona shooting victims too, says Tea Party co-founder
Source: The Guardian
A nine-year-old girl lies in the morgue. A member of Congress faces a lifetime of struggle to recover from a bullet in the brain. A city is bracing itself for a string of funerals as it tries to fathom the carnage.
But Trent Humphries says there is another innocent Victim left by Jared Lee Loughner's killing of six people and wounding of 14 others in his Assassination attempt against Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. It is his Tea Party movement and, more particularly, his f...
Loughner shoots Palin and Angles political careers to death
It may be weeks, months or perhaps never that we find out what really motivated 22 year-old Jared Lee Loughner to purchase a 9 mm gun with an extended clip and Murder real people in what he calls “conscience dreaming” [sic]. While he is being assessed, should we wonder why Sarah Palin removed her “crosshairs map” hours after six people were slaughtered and fourteen wounded in a spate of violence? While a person as deranged as Loughner c...
Arizona fast tracks legislation to impede Westboro Baptist Church at funerals
Fox News reports that today Arizona lawmakers are rushing through a bill requiring Protesters to remain 300 feet away from Funerals. Governor Jan Brewer will sign the bill, which will take effect "immediately." Although applicable to all funerals , the bill is aimed at the Kandas based Westboro Baptist Church, which has issued a Press Release announcing plans to picket the Thursday funeral of Christina Greene, the nine year old Victim of the Jared Lee Loughner Shooting Spree last Saturday. Biker...
Rush Limbaugh: Its insane to fault Sarah Palin for Ariz. shooting (Daily Caller)
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Talk Radio ma...
Beck, Limbaugh respond to shooting
Conservative media figures like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are raising fears that liberals could use the Tucson shootings as an excuse to clamp down on their voices, even as two prominent liberals made public statements urging that the FCC and Fox News do just that.
Limbaugh and Beck, along with other conservative voices like Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly, had come under fire in the hours after the shooting from liberals such as Keith Olbermann and Paul Krugman, who accused them of us...
Fighting Words: In Tucson Massacre Debate, The Shooter Becomes Irrelevant
Before anyone knew anything about Jared Loughner beyond his name, pundits and politicians began a mad dash to assign ownership of his motives. Clearly, he was driven by conservative politics because Rep. Gabrielle Giffords supported health-care reform and was therefore an enemy of the Tea Party. No, wait. He was a liberal because he once read "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "The Communist Manifesto." The funny thing is that, despite Loughner's written targeting of Giffords and a past, bizarre claim ...
Whats Missing
I am tired of talking about the Arizona shooting. The left has done its best to try to pin it on the right. We know now that not only was Loughner of the left before he went nuts, but that, in fact, Loughner was nuts. His actions can be pinned on neither the left nor the right. All of the media handwringing over the “tone” in the country and the “Extremist Rhetoric” distracts from and implies that the tone and rhetoric had something to do with Jared Loughner’s rampa...
Surprise! Harry Reid Once Used Senate Floor to Heap Praise on AZ Sheriff Dupnik as a Man of Integrity
“Clarence Dupnik is known as a man of action, integrity and innovation,” Reid said. “These skills have been invaluable to his 50 years of service to Arizona, and the nation.” A number of media figures and lawmakers, including conservative talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, have criticized Dupnik for saying that a high level of political “vitriol” was connected to the incident that ended with Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.) being shot in the head at clos...
Tuscon Rorschach Test
Verbal reactions should be almost as spent now as the bullets on the Safeway Parking Lot, but the fusillade of shooting mouths is heavier than ever.
As families go about burying Victims, their deaths are translated from horrendous personal loss to political posturing that denies them the humanity they deserve.
Reading from Left to Right, start with mouthy Sheriff Clarence Dupnik who only hours afterward, instead of relaying facts, insisted on turning his grief into a screed against the "anger, ...
Giffords condition improves after shooting
TUCSON, Ariz - U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords is breathing on her own and doctors Tuesday were hopeful about her recovery from a head wound suffered in an Arizona Shooting Spree that killed six people. Giffords, a popular 40-year-old Democrat, remained in critical condition at a Tucson Hospital but is “holding her own,” responding to simple commands and breathing without aid of a tube although a bullet passed through her brain, doctors said. “She has no right to look th...
CBS poll: 57% of Americans reject Palin did it media spin on Arizona massacre
According to a CBS poll, a 57% majority of Americans do not believe this weekend’s mass Murder had anything to do with politics. Bad news for the Far Left which has worked overtime to smear Sarah Palin and the Far Right in the wake of the shooting. Just how badly folks on professional left failed at politicizing this tragedy for their own political gain? Even a 49% plurality of the survey’s Democratic respondents does not buy the meme that Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are at fault ...
Is Jared Lee Loughner linked to Tea Party, conservatives, or libertarians? (Gabrielle Giffords shooting)
Q. Is Jared Lee Loughner linked to the Tea Party, conservative, or Libertarian movements?
A. At this time, there's no indication that Loughner was a member of any organized political movement. He was a registered independent who hadn't voted in 2010 (link). The DHS claim that he was linked to the white racial separatist group AmRen is false. Given what we know now, the chances of him being welcomed as a member of any group outside the far fringe is remote [1]. Given his history, the chances th...
Sane Conservatism Watch
Heather Mac Donald brings it at The Corner:
I don’t think that questioning the possible role of political discourse in this tragedy merely represents callous opportunism on the part of the Left; it is a salutary human instinct after a tragedy of this dimension to search for any possible collective responsibility, even if that collectivity rarely includes oneself. And let’s not pretend that if a Republican politician had been shot during the Bush years, no one on the Right would have blamed...
Sen. Leahy: 'Seething Rhetoric' in Media 'Has Gone Too Far'
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Saturday's bloody spree outside a .....
The Violent Rhetoric End Game, Revealed.
The “Violent Rhetoric” End Game, Revealed. At last we see the end game of all the weekend “violent rhetoric” talk from the left. Several leading House Democrats blamed the inflammatory rhetoric for contributing to the Tucson massacre, while Republicans denounced criticism of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) following the tragedy. One lawmaker, Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.), has said he would introduce a bill to make it a crime to threaten or incite violence against a federa...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
The Hill:
Poll: Rhetoric, Arizona shooting unrelated
By Jordan Fabian - 01/11/11 08:13 AM ET
Almost 60 percent of the public believes that heated political rhetoric has nothing to do with an Arizona Shooting Spree that gravely wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) and killed a Federal Judge.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents in a new CBS News poll said rhetoric is unrelated to the shooting, while 32 percent said they believe the two are connected.
Many pundits and lawmakers have keyed in on ...
Poll: Shooting spree not due to rhetoric
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 (UPI) -- Most Americans don't blame the shooting rampage in which Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was wounded on violent political language, a poll released Tuesday indicated. While 57 percent said the Mass Shooting in Tucson, Ariz., was not related to political Rhetoric, 32 percent said the two are linked, CBS News reported. The poll was conducted by the CBS News Polling Unit. GALLERY: The aftermath of the Rep. Giffords shooting There was a partisan divide with 69 percent of Republ...
Neighbors: Jared Lee Loughner and His Family Were Very Isolated
Randy and Amy Loughner, the parents of accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner, haven't said anything publicly since their son allegedly took a Glock 19 with a high capacity clip to an event hosted by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and killed six people and injured 14, including the congresswoman.
But the picture that is emerging from media interviews with their neighbors indicates they are isolated and have clashed with others in their neighborhood.
On Monday, a ply wood Blockade in front of their...
Jared Loughner's Parents Devastated, Neighbor Says
TUCSON, Ariz. — The parents of a man charged with trying to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords are devastated and guilt-ridden, a neighbor said, mourning their own tragedy as Tucson residents prepared Tuesday for a community memorial service and a visit from the president.
Jared Loughner's mother has been in bed, crying nonstop since the shooting rampage on Saturday, neighbor Wayne Smith, 70, told KPHO-TV. Amy and Randy Loughner want to know where they went wrong with their 22-year-old ...
The Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona and Jared Lee Loughner prosecution.
Peter King proposing law banning guns within 1,000 feet of President, VP, members of Congress, and judges. https://slate.me/enyX8B What did you think of all those crazy trick plays in last night's BCS National Championship Game? https://slate.me/hkyR0s 10 Percent Unemployment Forever?...
Phony Comparison between Palins Lethal Crosshairs Map and Democrats Map
The loops that Tea Party Leaders, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and more staid conservative analysts, and even Barbara Walters has been amazing to watch to let Sarah Palin off the hook for her lethal crosshairs map that targeted House Democrat Gabriella Giffords and nineteen other Democrats is absolutely amazing to see and hear. Their argument mostly boils down to two points of defense. Palin’s map and her bulls eye target of Giffords and the other Democrats was politically savvy and focused ...
How the Zamudio story could have gone
HOW THE ZAMUDIO STORY COULD HAVE GONE.... In the wake of shooting tragedies, it's fairly common for Conservatives to call for more Gun Ownership -- the idea being there would be less violence if more of the public were armed.
This argument has already been presented in Arizona, where there's already a new measure pending to arm politicians and their aides. One state lawmaker said, "When everyone is carrying a firearm, nobody is going to be a Victim."
There's ample evidence that reality isn't t...
9-year-old Ariz. victim related to TV star
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 11 (UPI) -- Actress Sophia Bush says Christina Green, the 9-year-old shot and killed in Saturday's shooting rampage in Arizona, was her second cousin. Christina was one of six people killed in the shootings at a political event hosted by U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. Also killed was Federal Judge John Roll. GALLERY: The aftermath of the Rep. Giffords shooting Fourteen people -- including Giffords, who was shot in the head and critically injured -- were hurt in the shoo...
McCain to return from overseas trip to attend memorial service
Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) will return from a congressional delegation trip to attend a memorial service for the Victims of a Shooting Spree in his home state that resulted in the wounding of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D).
Brooke Buchanan, a spokeswoman for McCain, told The Hill he is cutting his trip short to go to the memorial in Tucson, Ariz., where the shooting took place.
McCain is traveling in South America with his Senate GOP colleague Tom Barrasso (Wyo.) The two were scheduled to vi...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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