Shepard Smith: The 9/11 First Responders bill still hasn’t passed the Senate, Sen.
PHOTOS: Shepard Smith in pictures
John Kyl is “skeptical about that bill,” and Shepard Smith is outraged.
VIDEOS: Shepard Smith in videos
Today, he addressed the bill again with former New York Governor George Pataki , and it’s safe to say he’s still not happy. Smith was so unhappy, in fact, that he read off a list of Republican senators the show contacted…who then declined to speak with him about the issue. There were several especially prominent names on t...
Shep Smith Names Every GOPer Who Wouldn't Talk 9/11 Bill With Him
Fox News' Shep Smith is continuing to hammer Republican senators who wouldn't pass the 9/11 First Responders bill, this time calling out by name those who wouldn't appear on his show to discuss the issue.
"We called a lot of Republicans today who are in office at the moment," he said Monday afternoon. "These are the ones who told us 'no': Senators Alexander, Barrasso, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Enzi, Grassley, Kyl, McConnell, Sessions, Baucus, Gregg, and Inhofe. No response from Bunning, Coburn, ...
Shepard Smith Unloads On Blockers Of 9/11 Responders Bill: 'How Do They Sleep At Night?' (VIDEO)
Shepard Smith excoriated the Senators who are holding up the so-called "Zadroga Bill" to assist 9/11 First Responders who suffer from medical problems as a result of their time at Ground Zero. The bill, which provides $7 billion for the responders, passed the House but is being held up by Republicans in the Senate.
Speaking to Fox News colleague Chris Wallace on Friday, Smith asked, "How do they sleep at night after this vote on Ground Zero First Responders from 9/11? Are they going to get tha...
Shep Smith to Tom Coburn: I cant believe youre blocking this 9/11 health care bill
Via Mediaite, I’m paraphrasing — but only a little. Shep’s emphatically in scold mode here, not only devoting a chunk of airtime to sympathetic video of 9/11 responders complaining about the delay but taking care to put Coburn’s photo onscreen at the end of the clip as a sort of lame shame ritual. Cloture on the bill failed last week, but Schumer and Gillibrand said over the weekend that they expect tomorrow’s second attempt to succeed. Quick passage assured, then...
Shepard Smith attacks Tom Coburn for blocking 9/11 first responders bill
For the second day in a row now, Fox News' Shepard Smith used his 3 p.m. show to publicly shame specific Republicans for blocking passage of the bill that would fund healthcare for ailing 9/11 First Responders. Yesterday, Shep called out a dozen Senators who refused to come on his show and explain themselves. Today, Shep singled out Senator Tom Coburn, a conservative's conservative, who is at this point the last Republican still willing to publicly block the bill from coming to the floor.
Shep Smith Zeroes In On Tom Coburn For Opposing 9/11 First Responders Bill
Fox News' Shep Smith has been shellacking Republicans left and right for opposing the 9/11 First Responders bill, and today he zeroed in on Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) for vowing to slow down or block the bill until the next session of Congress.
In this latest installment, he showed a picture of Coburn and said:
He is the man who is vowing to slow this down or block it, so that the necessary funding for the illnesses of the First Responders who made it to Ground Zero to try to save lives on the d...
Shocker: Fox host calls out Republicans who blocked 9/11 responders bill
Stumble This! At least one Fox News host is willing to hold Republicans accountable for blocking a bill that would provide health benefits to 9/11 First Responders. FOX News' Shepard Smith called out Republicans by name Thursday, placing individual responsibility for their successful Filibuster of the bill but would not come on his show to talk about it. "We called a lot of Republicans today, who are in office at the moment," he said. "These are the one who told us no: Sens. Alexander, Barrasso...
Jon Kyl Still Making Sorry Excuses for Not Supporting First Responders Bill
It looks like Shep Smith isn't the only person on Fox News that was shamed by Jon Stewart into getting a bit tougher on these Republicans for filibustering the First Responders bill. Chris Wallace brought up Stewart's interview with First Responders to Jon Kyl, and in response we just got more sorry excuses as to why he still would not support the bill. Last week, an incensed Jon Stewart invited 9/11 First Responders to The Daily Show to offer their thoughts on this callous behavior. “Disg...
Shep Smith Shames Republicans On 9/11 First Responders Bill (VIDEO)
Fox News' Shep Smith shamed Republicans holding up a bill to help the First Responders to the September 11th tragedy Monday on "Studio B."
Smith hosted Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and discussed the possibility of a "Christmas miracle" — that is, the Senate taking up the Legislation before its recess.
After wishing Gillibrand luck and playing video of Republican Senator Jon Kyl expressing skepticism over the bill, Smith then called out Republican senators by name for either decl...
Tuesday Open Thread
Joining in on Jon Stewart’s outrage over the failure of the 9/11 First Responders bill today was Fox News’ Shep Smith, who asked: “How do they sleep at night?” Stewart devoted his whole show last night to gravely attacking Senate Republicans for voting against the bill, which would provide Health Care to the First Responders on September 11. Shep was equally incensed: “Who’s going to hold these people’s feet to the fire? We’re able to put a 52-stor...
Leftovers - December 21, 2010
After clearing a major hurdle, New START is on track for ratification tomorrow. Sen. Lindsey Graham: "Harry Reid has eaten our lunch." Senate Democrats have some fun at Sarah Palin's expense. Curb Your Enthusiasm star Larry David says, "Thanks for the Tax Cut!" Sen. Mitch McConnell giddily promises to be even less reasonable next year. The FEC ignored its own lawyer by letting Sen. John Ensign off the hook. Ta-Nehisi Coates takes Gov. Haley Barbour to school. Fox News anchor Shep Smith is ...
Senate Should Get It Together and Vote on 9/11 Health Care bill
Jon Stewart got the ball rolling, and now even Shepard Smith is so disgusted by GOP obstructionism on the 9/11 Health Care bill that he read a list of the names of Republican senators who would not appear on Fox News to speak on the issue. DeMint, McConnell, Graham, Hatch, McCain… nobody wants to appear on TV and take responsibility for what they are doing.
Now the ball is in Harry Reid’s court. As Dave Dayen says, the Senate probably can’t take it up until Wednesday, and...
The Morning Plum
* New START showdown set for today: With a key Senate vote set for today on the treaty, the pressure from the White House and Military leadership on wavering GOP senators couldn't be more intense. The Military leadership is engaged in a last-ditch push to undercut the two primary GOP objections, insisting that all reasonable concerns about the treaty have been met and that it must be ratified sooner ...
Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday
From the GREAT STATE OF Maine...
Time once again to play History: Cruel...or Kind?
Round 1:
Citing fears that it could lead to funding for Abortions, House Republicans vote against a bill---co-sponsored by 112 colleagues and previously passed unanimously by the Senate---that would prevent girls from being forced into child marriages.
History will be kind because... no abortions will be funded, thus allowing more girls to be born and forced into child marriages. (Note: this assumes that histor...
Democrats laud Jon Stewart for pushing 9/11 responders bill (The Ticket)
Could Jon Stewart be looking at a new career as a Lobbyist?
Probably not, but the Comedy Central host is winning kudos from Washington Democrats for pushing a Sept. 11 First Responders bill on the "Daily Show."
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters Tuesday that he hopes Stewart can help Democrats win passage of the bill, which would offer Health Care compensation to responders and their families:
I think if there's the ability for that to sort of break through in our politica...
White House praises Jon Stewart for plugging bill to help 9/11 responders
Source: The Hill
White House praises Jon Stewart for plugging bill to help 9/11 responders
By Jordan Fabian - 12/21/10 11:45 AM ET
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs praised television host Jon Stewart on Tuesday for talking about Legislation stalled in the Senate that would provide health benefits for 9/11 First Responders.
"I think he has put the awareness around this legislation, and that's good," Gibbs said of the "Daily Show" host. During his press briefing, Gibbs said he hoped Stewa...
GOP lawmakers face criticism for opposing Sept. 11 responders bill
Reporting from Washington and New York —
Congressional Republicans are coming under growing criticism for their opposition to a bill that would provide medical care for Sept. 11 attack responders and survivors, including ailing police officers and Firefighters.
As advocates press for Senate approval, Republican resistance to the measure has grown increasingly untenable.
After the Sept. 11 attacks, the GOP fashioned itself as the party that celebrated the heroism of the Sept. 11 workers,...
Hatch Calls Vote On Immigration Bill He Once Co-Sponsored A Cynical Exercise
Back in 2003, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) sponsored S.1545 — the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. Back then, the bill attracted co-sponsors like Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), John McCain (R-AZ), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Sam Brownback (R-KS). All of those Republican senators voted against a more conservative version of the same bill this past Saturday. Hatch simply didn’t bother to show up.
Yet, Hatch couldn’t just leave it at that. The Deseret News ...
Obstruction-Obsessed McConnell To Democrats: If You Think Its Bad Now, Wait Till Next Year
The 111th Congress witnessed a record amount of Republican obstruction. Wielding an unprecedented number of Filibusters, the GOP waged war against the Democratic agenda to defeat Obama, apparently viewing unemployed workers, judicial nominees, service members, and even 9/11 Rescue Workers as Collateral Damage. As Congress entered the lame-duck session, Senate Republicans threw ‘operation obstruction’ into overdrive. In a rare moment of honesty, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) openly admitte...
Another Reason Its Good To Be A Liberal
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Sen. Tom Coburn should be ashamed of himself.
Sen. Mitch McConnell should too.
Where are these supposed “Christians” when American heroes and other citizens need help?
They’re more worried about Tax Cuts for the mill-billionaire club and the heirs of wealthy estates.
Neglected by press, Senate Dems use YouTube to batter GOP over 9/11 health bill
All but one of the 42 Republican senators stood together last week to wage a successful Filibuster against the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010. The bill would provide $7 billion in benefits to workers that responded to the Terrorist Attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Many of those workers are now experiencing Health Problems such as Cancer, Heart Disease and respiratory disease. The video begins by recalling that then-President George W. Bush stood at Ground Zero after the attacks...
The GOP's emergency-room argument lives
THE GOP'S EMERGENCY-ROOM ARGUMENT LIVES.... I'd hoped we would hear the argument much less after the Affordable Care Act became law, but the notion that the Uninsured can just rely on Emergency Rooms hasn't gone away quite yet.
Here, for example, was Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) on Fox News the other day:
"The fact is a lot of people that don't have Insurance are getting [care] right now. They're not denied in the emergency rooms. They're generally not denied by doctors. It's not a pretty s...
Will Senate Republicans continue to block health care for 9/11 responders?
Last week Senate Republicans blocked Health Care for 9/11 responders because Millionaires hadn't received their Tax Cuts, and according to Tom Coburn (R-OK), even though the tax-cut ransom has been paid it may not be enough to free the hostages.
Appearing this morning on Fox News, Coburn said:
... that passage of the bill is a "maybe, doubtful."
And that:
"This is a bill that's been drawn up and forced through Congress at the end of the year on a basis to solve a problem that we didn't have ti...
Reaactions to Obama and GOP Tax-Cut Deal
Who would have thought that our first black president could be brought down by Democrats? Unless there is a real attitude adjustment in the Democratic Party before 2012—a greater respect for the president’s ability to reach Compromises with very hostile adversaries—Obama’s own party will probably prevent him from getting a Second Term. If President Obama wanted to accomplish anything, he had to compromise. It seems that many Democrats would rather have a political civil...
Do Republicans Want the Economy to Fail?
Jonathan Chait: "Of all the strange things that Republicans have freaked out over during the last two years -- a federal version of Mitt Romney's Health Care plan, a continuation of George W. Bush's bank Bailout, a failed attempt to implement John McCain's Climate Bill -- perhaps the strangest target is Milton Friedman's monetary policies. Yet here we are."
Pataki, Giuliani Weigh in In Zadroga Bill
Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Gov. George Pataki, both of whom were in office when the Twin Towers were attacked by Terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001, are taking members of their party to task, calling on them to pass the 9/11 Health Care bill. Giuliani has been more critical in his remarks, saying on Fox this morning that Congress has an “obligation” to help First Responders to rushed to Ground Zero and are now ill because of the time they spent on the pile. He said he has b...
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President
Maine Lift Had Problems Other Than Wind
Cop Fatalities up in 2010
Wayne Furniture Store Explodes, Trapping Three Inside
Danes Foil Terrorists
Self-Defense Claimed after Body Discovered in Suitcase
Tracking Terror " Even on Vacation
Tea Party Gets Dunked: Murkowski Good to Go
California: More Death Sentences, Still No Executions
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
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