Federal Reserve: A small-town bank in Oklahoma is under siege by governmental secularizing forces this Holiday Season, as the Federal Reserve is very jealous of their impressive Jesus-themed bank and wants to ruin it for everyone.
PHOTOS: Federal Reserve in pictures
According to a local teevee news station website, the Fed comes ’round every four years with a list of Regulations to make sure banks are not just stealing their customers’ money or whatever, one of which prohibits discriminatory preference for the religion of some customer...
VIDEOS: Federal Reserve in videos
Lawmakers Call Out Bernanke After Feds Force Bank To Remove Crosses
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe and U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas issued a joint letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday over what the two view as a distressing interpretation of Federal Reserve Regulation B concerning a bank in Perkins. Dec. 17: Business Owner Shoots Burglar, Police Say Dec. 16: Okla. Executes Man With Controversial Drug Dec. 14: Police Raid 'Sex Abuse Compound,' Arrest 11 Slideshow:Who Got Arrested? Oklahoma Mugshots Get Wireless Alerts! Federal ...
Fed Backs Down on Oklahoma Bank
There can be a Christmas in a Perkins, OK bank:
The small-town bank in Oklahoma will be able to restore its Christian signs and symbols after all, thanks in part to public outcry against the Federal Reserve.
The president of Payne County Bank, Lynn Kinder, said he spoke with the second in command at the Federal Reserve late Thursday evening. Both sides agreed to work out the issue.
“The federal reserve immediately took action, ” Kinder said in a statement. “And allowed us to r...
FOMC statement: Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, Bank of Canada, Bank of England, and Swiss National Bank
The Federal Open Market Committee has authorized an extension through August 1, 2011, of its temporary U.S. dollar Liquidity swap arrangements with the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank. The swap arrangements, established in May 2010, had been authorized through January 2011. ...
For our Troops who are deployed away from home: A Merry Christmas video for you
All too often when we watch the news we are bombarded by national and international news that is gloomy and sad. With the advent of 24 hour Cable News in our lives we are fed an “unbalanced meal” of despair and hopelessness; unexplainable violence, war, crime, perverts and of course Unemployment. Well, its 4 days before Christmas and in an attempt to balance an indigestible buffet of bad news with a healthy serving of positivity, I’ve come across a Christmas video that is dedic...
Congressman Paul says Fed transparency is his goal
WASHINGTON | Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:27am EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Congressman Ron Paul, the new head of the subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, said on Sunday he will seek greater transparency but will not be sending Subpoenas to the Central Bank chairman from Day One.
Paul, a longtime critic of the Fed, will be the new chairman of the domestic Monetary Policy subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee when the new Congress is seated in January.
"Now that doe...
Congressman Paul says Fed transparency is his goal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Congressman Ron Paul, the new head of the subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, said on Sunday he will seek greater transparency but will not be sending Subpoenas to the Central Bank chairman from Day One.
Paul, a longtime critic of the Fed, will be the new chairman of the domestic Monetary Policy subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee when the new Congress is seated in January.
"Now that doesn't mean that the first week in January I se...
Charlotte Safavi: On Christmas Cards and Season's Greetings
I'm thinking of tweeting my holiday cheer in 2011 on Twitter: Wishing you a Merry Christmas or Have a Happy Holiday Season!
Done under a minute. Definitely in less than 140 characters.
After all, I'm a married mom and freelance writer. Busy doesn't even begin to describe my days and nights. When I'm not following up with editors on pitches and assignments, I'm navigating the obstacle course between being Betty Crocker and Cruella De Vil--thankfully, got rid of the white streak--to my husband...
The man we know as Santa Claus has a history all his own. Long before the advent of Christianity, plants and trees that remained green all year had a special meaning for people in the winter. The middle of winter has long been a time of celebration around the world. Centuries before the arrival of the man called Jesus, early Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them and they...
War On Christmas, Part Deux: Are Christmas Trees Offensive?
Fox News Channel organized what America Live host Megyn Kelly accurately dubbed the “best panel ever,” comprised of Catholic League president Bill Donohue and president of the American Atheists, Dave Silverman . The two men discussed — what else? — the divisiveness and alienation some non-Christians feel this time of year, particularly when faced with a veritable twinkling forest of Christmas Trees.
According to a new study out of Canada, land of friendly woodland creatur...
U.S. Stock Futures Advance on Earnings Forecasts, Retail Data
Dec. 21 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stock futures rose, indicating the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index may advance for a fourth day, as earnings forecasts from Adobe Systems Inc. to Jabil Circuit Inc. beat analyst estimates and a gauge of Retail Sales accelerated. Adobe, the top maker of graphic-design programs, and Jabil Circuit, an electronics manufacturer, rallied more than 5.7 percent. Macy’s Inc. and Abercrombie & Fitch Co. gained after the International Council of Shopping Centers ...
Survey: For many, Jesus isn't the reason for the season
Rusty Steil enjoys the sweet side of Christmas.
His family gathers at his Denver home where there's a little tree and gifts for his wife, step-daughters and three Grandchildren. Jesus just has nothing to do with it. Steil, 47, is an atheist. He never goes to church or tells the Nativity story to the little ones.
But Christmas parties? Sure, Steil says. "Most atheists I know celebrate in some way. They will get together for solstice or holiday parties."
Come-all-ye-partiers trumps OCome, All Ye F...
About the manger, not the mall
The intersection of sectarian and Secular is crowded with dented fenders and smashed bumpers. At no time is that more evident in the United States than the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. In a nation that values free Speech, individual freedom and the ability to worship the deity of one's own belief -- or not -- the co-opting of a religious observance into the commercial world makes for trouble. Advertising on city buses, a sign on city property, an artificial tree in a bank and the gre...
Survey: For many, Jesus isn't the reason for the season
Rusty Steil enjoys the sweet side of Christmas.
His family gathers at his Denver home where there's a little tree and gifts for his wife, step-daughters and three Grandchildren. Jesus just has nothing to do with it. Steil, 47, is an atheist. He never goes to church or tells the Nativity story to the little ones.
But Christmas parties? Sure, Steil says. "Most atheists I know celebrate in some way. They will get together for solstice or holiday parties."
Come-all-ye-partiers trumps OCome, All Ye F...
Christmas Unwrapped: The Jews who believe in Jesus
Kristol Pitts, a woman of colour, is playing tambourine for the whirling Jews. The dancers, who are of a variety of ages, sexes, and races, are circling the nave of a multi-faith basilica-for-rent in an outer suburb of the Baltimore-Washington metroplex. In the chairs beyond them are Israelis in prayer shawls and skull caps, African-Americans dressed to the nines, and a Chinese man in a green and white toque. I am on a Christmas journey among believers and non-believers, spending a wintry Saturd...
After Outcry, Feds Back Down; Banks Can Display Crosses
PERKINS, Okla. -- The small-town bank in Oklahoma will be able to restore its Christian signs and symbols after all, thanks in part to public outcry against the Federal Reserve. The president of Payne County Bank, Lynn Kinder, said he spoke with the second in command at the Federal Reserve late Thursday evening. Both sides agreed to work out the issue. "The federal reserve immediately took action, " Kinder said in a statement. "And allowed us to restore our Christian display of items and verses ...
Saving Social Security: Stopping Obamas Next Bad Deal
President Obama insists that he is a really bad negotiator, therefore the deal he got on the two-year extension of the Bush Tax Cuts and the one-year extension of UI benefits was the best that he could do. This package also came with a one-year cut in the Social Security tax. This cut will seriously threaten the program’s finances if next year, the Republican Congress is no more willing to end a temporary tax cut than this year’s Democratic Congress. The logic here is straightforward...
Open Question
Well, I'm a single dad with three teenage boys adopted from Foster Care, so we kind of wing it around here. Typically, on Christmas Eve, we get a huge mess of Fast Food and eat it while playing Video Games. Then, we open presents at midnight. (Because it resolves the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day issue nicely.) Our tradition is on Christmas Eve making hot dogs in the fireplace. Home made fries and milk shakes and exchanging gifts with family friends. The men of my family (there are only 4 of u...
Many non-Christianscelebrate Christmas as non-religious holiday
More than nine in 10 Americans celebrate Christmas — even if they’re atheists, agnostics or believers in non-Christian faiths such as Judaism and Islam, according to two new surveys. But the surveys also indicate that while most call Christmas a holy day that’s primarily religious, their actions speak volumes to the contrary. Many skip church, omit Jesus and zero in on the egg nog, according to the polls done by LifeWay Research, a Nashville-based Christian research organizat...
Jamaicans using patois version of Bible's Luke
KINGSTON, Jamaica - During Sunday church services and private celebrations in Jamaica, Christmas week prayers are being flavored with the first patois version of a familiar biblical account of Jesus' birth. Based on the conviction that Scripture is best understood in a person's spoken tongue, the Caribbean island's bible society has started a new holiday tradition with audio and written versions of the Gospel of Luke in patois, or Creole — Jamaica's unofficial language. Proponents of...
Its Almost Christmas! Be Proud of your Faith!
Allentown, much like the rest of the Eastern half of Pennsylvania, is a very diverse City when it comes to Religion. One can find a Hindu Temple, Islamic Mosque, and the West End has a significant Jewish population. Of course though, Christianity is the chosen Faith of the majority of residents, with a strong Catholic and Protestant presence in the City much like the rest of the Nation. So it comes as no surprise that while...
12/21: No Consensus on Favorite Holiday Film
There’s a battle going on this Holiday Season - the battle for favorite holiday film. Among Americans, It’s a Wonderful Life is preferred by 24% while Ralphie’s quest for his dream Christmas gift in A Christmas Story receives 23%, and the heartwarming Miracle on 34th Street takes top honors from 22%. A Christmas Carol is the favorite of 13%, and White Christmas dances into the hearts of 12%. Five percent are unsure.
In Marist’s
Supporting 'The War on Christmas'
I've gotten a flood of e-mail supporting my book, "The War on Christmas." There have been hundreds and hundreds of these short notes from readers of the Focus on the Family newsletter, which ran a story about my book and encouraged readers to write to me. Thanks to all of you for your notes. I'm almost positive I won't be able to answer them all. The people writing almost all tell a story from their own lives in which they feel Christmas — the Christian holiday part of it — has been...
NPR Reporter Nina Totenberg Ashamed to Say She was at a Christmas Party I was at forgive the expression a Christmas Party
What is wrong with Liberals, have they completely lost their minds and their souls. They certainly have lost their religion.
From Newsbusters comes the following story of an NPR reporter Nina Totenberg interjected on Inside Washington, “I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party.” What? Why would she have to forgive the expression? Are NPR liberals now openly apologizing for dare referencing the word “Christmas” in public. Are we to understand that the LEFT n
Music Monday Christmas Hits White Christmas by Bing Crosby
A truly timeless classic.
Enjoy your Bing.
Merry Christmas, BDKS readers!
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i don't want the current Congress doing any more legislative measures. they have done enough damage since being seated in january 2009. let the new Congress work out the Budget and let's hope they newly elected / re-elected begin to follow their oath and uphold the Constitution. Cheers Peter.... i went for the CR too. Hey, while I see you, Merry Christmas to you and Carol.. the new forum may be ready this week and the confusion may get in the way to wish you a Merry Christmas lol.. take care. I ...
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