Julius Genachowski: Conservatives have kept a close eye on Julius Genachowski, chair of the FCC, especially after his first attempt to regulate the Internet by regulatory decree got slapped down by Congress. Now it looks like the chastened Genachowski has lost the Left, too. His scaled-down “Open Internet” proposal had no chance of winning support from the conservatives on the FCC board, and his Net Neutrality allies are urging the Democrats on the panel to oppose it as well: Opposition to Federal...
PHOTOS: Julius Genachowski in pictures
VIDEOS: Julius Genachowski in videos
Key net-neutrality advocates oppose Genachowski's plan
A who's-who of the most influential net-neutrality advocates has decided to oppose Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski's plan for regulating Internet lines, which he announced earlier this month.
The groups declared their opposition to the proposal in a meeting with Democratic FCC Commissioner Michael Copps and his staff on Thursday. The groups released the ex parte document describing the meeting on Monday.
"At the outset of the meeting, the participants expres...
SavetheInternet.com 'Can-You-Hear-Us-Now-a-Thon' Delivers 2 Million Petitions to FCC
Source: freepress.net/press-release
SavetheInternet.com Can-You-Hear-Us-Now-a-Thon Delivers 2 Million Petitions to FCC
Date: December 13, 2010
Contact: Craig Aaron 202-265-1490 x 25 Jenn Ettinger 202-265-1490 x 35
WASHINGTON -- SavetheInternet.com Coalition allies and Activists kicked off a marathon of petition deliveries at the Federal Communications Commission on Monday morning with plans to drop off 50,000 signatures every hour until the public comment period cl
OVERNIGHT TECH: Opposition building to Genachowski's net neutrality proposal
Net Neutrality advocates come out against Genachowski's plan
Opposition to Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski's open Internet proposal is building on both the left and the right ahead of a potential vote on the proposal at the Commission's December 21 open meeting. A group of net neutrality advocates declared their opposition to the plan during a meeting with Democratic FCC Commissioner Michael Copps on Thursday.
A number of prominent individuals and organizations in...
Upton: No net-neutrality rules for NBC-Comcast
Incoming House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) wrote to the Federal Communications Commission on Friday urging them not to impose net-neutrality conditions on Comcast as part of the proposed acquisition of NBC Universal.
Upton said the only thing the commission should be reviewing is whether or not the new entity would be able to unfairly influence the markets for video content creation and distribution to the detriment of consumers. He warned against using the merg...
Level 3 Feigns Net Neutrality Violation in Contract Dispute
Internet company Level 3 recently claimed that Comcast, in violation of Net Neutrality principles, was attempting to impose a new “toll” against Level 3 to deliver online movies on behalf of its client, Netflix. This dispute comes at a time when the Federal Communications Commission is currently in process of codifying its ‘net neutrality’ principles into law. After undergoing a competitive bid process, Level 3 was selected to house and distribute the majority of Ne...
Comcast, the biggest cable company in Bay Area and nation, looks to get bigger
WASHINGTON -- Comcast is by far the biggest pay-TV provider in the Bay Area. It controls TV rights to Giants, A's, Sharks and Warriors games. Many of its customers also sign up for high-speed Internet service. And the company, if it has its way, is about to get a whole lot bigger.
In a deal valued at $30 billion that was announced a year ago but has received scant attention outside the nation's capital, Comcast is attempting to buy a majority share of NBC Universal. The Merger would give the nat...
Comcast, the biggest cable company in Bay Area and nation, looks to get bigger
WASHINGTON -- Comcast is by far the biggest pay-TV provider in the Bay Area. It controls TV rights to Giants, A's, Sharks and Warriors games. Many of its customers also sign up for high-speed Internet service. And the company, if it has its way, is about to get a whole lot bigger.
In a deal valued at $30 billion that was announced a year ago but has received scant attention outside the nation's capital, Comcast is attempting to buy a majority share of NBC Universal. The Merger would give the nat...
Upton Wants FCC to Expedite Review of Comcast, NBC Merger
In a letter to Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski dated December 10, U.S. Representative Fred Upton (R-MI) inquired into the FCC’s commitment to a fair, fact-driven review of the Comcast-NBC Universal Merger. The merger would call for the transfer of assets to a new Joint Venture for NBC Universal. The Joint Venture combines NBC and Telemundu as well as 26 NBC television stations and national Cable Networks with Comcast’s regional sports networks and ...
Regulators Concerned About What Comcast-NBC Merger Means For The Internet
Here's hoping Waxman manages to plug up the worst Loopholes before this deal gets rammed through, because they're right: the future of the Internet will be greatly affected by this Merger. Is there no merger too large that the Justice Department won't rubberstamp? .Although there has been a lot of talk in media circles about what Comcast's ownership of NBC Universal would mean for viewers' choice of news and entertainment, the two branches of the Federal Government reviewing the merger — ...
Why Campaign Finance Rules Are an Affront to Free Speech, Vol. MCMLXII
Bookmark this tale next time you hear another lefty pal complain that those of us who oppose campaign-finance restrictions are just trying to enable the Billionaire buyout of Democracy:
The Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, the nonprofit group that has spearheaded opposition to the nation's first offshore Wind Farm for nearly a decade, may have breached Federal Tax law by airing a radio ad critical of Governor Deval Patrick in the final days of the governor's race, according to a [Boston] Gl...
Virginia Health-Care Case: Virginia v. Seblius
For those who are opposed to ObamaCare and mandated health-care coverage today was a big day for us. A federal District Court in Virginia ruled that the Individual Mandate portion of ObamaCare does indeed violate the Constitution and it is too much of an expansion of the Commerce Clause. You can read the full ruling here if you have the mind.
I’ve had some time to digest the ruling and here are some of my initial thoughts. First of all let’s remember that this is a district court, s...
Cuccinelli wins Round One
AG Ken Cuccinelli of Virginia:
The first thing I did as Attorney General was swear an oath to protect and uphold the U.S. Constitution and that's exactly what we're doing in this case.
Via William Jacobson, the judge finds that Congress went too far:
The unchecked expansion of congressional power to the limits suggested by the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision would invite unbridled exercise of federal Police powers. At its core, this dispute is not simply about regulating the business of i...
Sarah Palin vs. JFK
The former Governor of Alaska does a fabulous job of taking on John F. Kennedy’s famous Houston religion Speech in her America by Heart book. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend defensively didn’t like it (she also didn’t read it all that carefully), naturally. But it’s something Palin deserves some credit, not slap-down for. And Palin is in good company taking on that Speech — with Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum, among others, have criticize...
Summers Departs
White House economic adviser Larry Summers gave his final Speech before his return to academic life, National Journal reports, and "expressed no regrets for the administration's choices. He refused to cede ground either to Conservatives who said the stimulus had been ineffective or Liberals who argued that it had been too small."
Felix Salmon: "More notable, to me, is the fact that Summers did not, on leaving the White House, take the opportunity to thank the president for the opportunity to se...
Rep. Pence Announces Opposition To Tax Cuts For Everybody
Here's Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) in September, explaining that his top priority is making sure nobody's taxes go up at the end of the year: There's no question that there should be no higher priority for the Congress of the United States today than making sure that no American sees a Tax Increase in January of 2011, not one. I have to tell you, for all of the world, this seems like a moment where Congress is putting politics ahead of prosperity. What they're proposing here, even if they found some ...
This Bill of Rights Day, Celebrate the Whole Constitution
Many Americans praise the first ten amendments to our Constitution, collectively called the Bill of Rights, as providing the true protection of our liberty. But if the Bill of Rights had not been added on December 15, 1791 (which we now celebrate as Bill of Rights Day), would our fundamental liberties still be protected? Would the original Constitution be enough to guard our liberty?
A bill of rights was Controversial during the ratification Debates over the Constitution. The Anti-Federalists ...
History Channel has year to remember
There's an old saying that those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.
Fortunately for the History Channel, that's a good thing. The Cable Network saw its prime-time audience grow by 35% this year, according to Nielsen. History Channel, which is co-owned by Walt Disney Co., NBC Universal and Hearst Corp., averaged 1.6 million viewers in Prime Time. Its audience among adults 18-49 was up by 34%, to 754,000. Both were the biggest gains of any top 10 cable network.
Of course, ...
Video: Seton Motely With The Best Explanation Of Net Neutrality That Ive Seen
G.I. Wood Shop Inc. Mrs. Peel Oh…My Valve! V The K’s Caption This! An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later....
What the State Fears Most: Information
[An MP3 audio file of this article, read by Steven Ng, is available for download.]History tells a cyclical story of man versus state: man persistently creating new ideas and the state tirelessly laboring to destroy them. Bureaucracy has never been a friend to the ideas that undermine its artificial legitimacy. All too often, history provides us with examples of state-enforced Book Burnings and other forms of extreme Censorship. Many of us today take our so-called Freedom of Speech for granted, a...
Wallison, Peter J.
Peter J. Wallison, a codirector of AEI's program on financial policy studies, researches banking, Insurance, and securities Regulation. As General Counsel of the U.S. Treasury Department, he had a significant role in the development of the Reagan Administration's proposals for the Deregulation of the Financial Services industry. He also served as White House Counsel to President Ronald Reagan and is the author of Ronald Reagan: The Power of Conviction and the Success of His Presidency (W...
Tough Spot
An unhappy Al Franken blames Obama for having "punted on first down" but will vote for the temporary extension of Tax Cuts for the wealthy: "I am taking the President at his word that he will fight harder to put an end to these wasteful Tax Breaks in 2012 than he did in 2010."
Executed in haste, exonerated at leisure
In its fury, America deemed that the civilian courts were too good for these men, who would go instead before a Military Tribunal, without defence counsel and with relaxed rules for the admissibility of evidence. That one of those condemned would prove later to be innocent was not so surprising. But this is not about Taliban-trained Terror Suspects in 2010, but Dakota Indians in 1862, the year when warriors of the tribe, starved of food and money and diminished by the confiscation of their lands...
Momentum Grows for Stand-Alone DADT Repeal Bill; Now 40 Co-Sponsors
The effort to pass “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Legislation as a stand-alone measure is gaining momentum with 40 Bipartisan cosponsors already. Last week after the Senate failed to take up the Defense Authorization Bill to which DADT Repeal language is attached, Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME) led a group of Senators in proposing an alternative legislative strategy that would pass Repeal language apart from the defense bill. The new measu...
Census Bureau: 1 in 3 US Somali Muslims Live in Minnesota
The land of Al Franken slides into the Turd World sewer…
Minneapolis (Associated Press) - Nearly one in three people with Somali ancestry in the United States now live in the Minnesota, which has the largest concentration in the country, according to government data released Tuesday.
The latest report from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey found about 25,000 of the 85,700 Somalis in the U.S. live in Minnesota. Ohio, Washington and California also had large p...
Al Franken Holds His Nose And Votes For Obama's 'Bad Policy'
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) voted to end debate on the Bush Tax Cut Compromise yesterday, but he's not happy about it. In a strongly-worded statement sent to his supporters today, Franken pokes at President Obama for negotiating the deal, which he called "bad policy."
"A lot of people are unhappy that the President punted on first down, and I'm one of them," Franken wrote in the message to supporters. "Extending the Bush Tax Breaks for the super-wealthy will explode our Deficit over the next two ye...
Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
Republicans Fail To Get Two Members Sworn In, Read Constitution
Dear Media: Michele Bachmann Is Not Presidential
Republicans Plugging Ears To Health Reform Repeals' Cost
New WH Chief Of Staff William Daley Raises Questions
Mailbombs That Aren't Affect Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley
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