One for the Table's Most Confusing People of 2010 Congressman Ron Paul For so many reasons, it’s hard to know where to start—He’s the head of the Congressional Federal Reserve Oversight Committee but he wants to abolish the Fe…
Read more >>Upwards of 60 percent of Americans opposed ObamaCare before it was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. Now that it's on the books, the same percentage want ObamaCare repealed, according to Rasmussen Reports. Now add another …
Read more >>Net neutrality is the policy under which Internet service providers can't speed up, slow down or block web content based on source, ownership or destination. It has created a level playing field on the Internet, with an open platform that ha…
Read more >>An Appeals Court ruled that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) no authority over web traffic. The ruling placed and obstacle in the FCC’s Chairman Julius Genachowski goal to enact a policy call Net Neutrality, a concept that m…
Read more >>Published: Dec. 22, 2010 at 10:35 AM In modern times, it is hard to muddy unsullied waters, because, frankly, there aren't many unsullied waters left. There are footsteps on The Moon. That would be, some would say Wednesday morning, because Democr…
Read more >>Paulding County, Georgia - In Paulding County, there are a few media reporting entities of various types including the Paulding County Republican Examiner, The Paulding Sentinel, and a few blogs and the FCC’s decision today may have a …
Read more >>In the wake of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) passing of a Net Neutrality plan, some Congressmen are already planning how to fight back. For some, that means the 1996 Congressional Review Act (CRA). Michigan Republican Rep. …
Read more >>WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal Regulators adopted new rules Tuesday to keep the companies that control the Internet's pipelines from restricting what their customers do online or blocking competing services, including online calling applications and We…