Activist : WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 (UPI) -- A coalition of conservative Activists issued a statement Thursday warning Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress to keep their promises.
PHOTOS: George W. Bush in pictures
The group of 47 included longtime fiscal and social Conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle Forum, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, The Hill reported.
VIDEOS: George W. Bush in videos
They laid out an eight-point plan that includes cutting Government Spending to the ...
Absurd CPAC drama continues
The infighting amongst Conservatives escalated this week as Focus on the Family became the latest sponsor of CPAC to threaten a Boycott of the conference because of the role GOProud, a gay conservative group, is playing this year:
Focus on the Family and other conservative ministries are boycotting or questioning their commitment to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., next month because a gay Advocacy Group is cosponsoring the event.
Tom Minnery, senior vice ...
The implicit lie that the GOP will endlessly repeat
By cutting its own Budget by 5 percent, Speaker John Boehner said Thursday that “the House has sent a strong signal of its commitment to making the tough choices necessary to end Washington’s job-killing spending binge .”
In comments today on raising the Debt Limit, Boehner called for action to “cut spending and end the job-killing spending binge in Washington.”
In announcing the tax-cut agreement last month with President Obama, Boehner said that “if we actually wa...
Cantor's local critic
In a scathing video column that all but accuses newly-minted House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of neglecting his safe district by playing the Beltway influence game, the Richmond Times-Dispatch's Jeff Schapiro takes Cantor to task over his alleged political contradictions.
"All Republicans seem to believe he's on their side," says Schapiro. "Corporate elites welcome his pro-business views. Translated: anti-union, anti-tax, anti-regulation. Social Conservatives are comforted by h...
Daniels Close to Presidential Run, Abortion Truce May Hurt Him
Reports indicate Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is inching closer towards a presidential run for the Republican nomination, but he may be hurt by an Abortion truce he declared last summer. Erin McPike of Real Clear Politics writes, “Republican sources in Indiana say Daniels is about 75 percent of the way in for a presidential run.” “The last 25 percent of his decision will come during the next four months of the Indiana legislative session, when he will try to pass education re...
The Constitution Is Just Words, Until We Give Them Meaning
The new Republican leadership of the House of Representatives, in a Tea Party-inspired Publicity Stunt, kicked off the 112th Congress yesterday by inviting members of both political parties to read the entire text of the Constitution aloud for what appears to be the first time in the chamber’s history. Ascendant Conservatives hoped to paint their movement as the legitimate, deferential protector of our founding document. But Students of (non-redacted) Civil Rights history and of Constituti...
Tax Train Starts Rolling Slowly.
Tax Train Starts Rolling Slowly. Yahoo! Buzz House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R.-Mich.) says he wants to get rolling on moves to overhaul both the corporate and individual tax codes. “Tax Reform is about getting The Economy moving again,” he said in a brief interview Friday. “I’d like to begin discussions on both” individual and Corporate Tax changes, he said. That doesnt mean changes this year. But Mr. Camps comments are another...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
Heritage Foundation Moves Closer To Fringe, Drops Out Of CPAC
As the Conservative Movement moves further and further to the fringe, the Heritage Foundation, once the bastion of conservative intellectualism, has decided to align itself with the hard right. The Washington Times reports that Heritage is among several conservative groups that will be skipping this year's Conservative Political Action Conference in response to the participation of GOProud — a gay Republican group — in the popular annual gathering. Other social-issues groups opting t...
A Time to Choose for the Conservative Movement
Tonight, World Net Daily continued its pathbreaking coverage of what amounts to an assault on the Conservative Movement. Ironically, this assault is not coming from outside the movement’s ranks. Rather, it is being perpetrated by some of the key organizers of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) next month in Washington. First, WND revealed troubling information about the apparent misappropriation of $400,000 in ACU funds , embroiling Chairman David Keene ...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
A Bush-era stalwart is about to re-emerge after a four-year absence, wielding a hefty book, and with news of Elvis. Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's 832-page memoir, "Known and Unknown," is due on bookshelves Feb. 8; the author, who accepted no advance on the work, has said he'll donate profits to a private foundation. Meanwhile, the unflappable Mr. Rumsfeld -- once named one of People Magazine's "sexiest men in America" -- has granted exclusive interviews to...
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
The Unemployment Rate's Not Going Down Anytime Soon
More Threats To Congress Keep Popping Up
Obama To Arizona, Congress In Mourning
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
U.S. Budget Gap Narrows, Deficit Still High
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