Charles Krauthammer: On December 14th, 2010 Bill O’Reilly discussed Sarah Palin’s prospects of becoming the Republican Party’s representative in the 2012 race against President Obama with the leading conservative commenter Charles Krauthammer.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
Krauthammer recently annoyed many Conservatives when he suggested on PBS Inside Washington that Conservatism does not begin and end with Sarah Palin and previously in July 2009 when he stated that Sarah was not a serious contender for President: She has star...
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Does Sarah Palin Now Need the 'Lamestream' Media?
So now she needs us. I'm talking about Sarah Palin and the "lamestream media." Ever since her 2008 campaign with John McCain ended in defeat (and recriminations), Palin has waged war on the media. She blamed news reporters for her public image as an intellectual lightweight. (Katie Couric, this means you.) She has denounced both liberal and conservative Journalists who have . . . well, been mean to her. She's mounted a feud against Joe McGinniss, who is writing a book on her. After Politico ran ...
Palin: Sorry I'm not 'hoity-toity'
Sarah Palin is hitting back at criticism that her Reality TV show and books don’t help her efforts to appear presidential as she continues to consider whether she'll run in the 2012 Republican nomination.
"Oooh, I'm sorry I'm not so hoity-toity,” Palin said in a faux-British accent on Fox News Channel Thursday night.
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Host Bill O’Reilly had asked her if spending time in a forest with reality star Kate Gosselin, who is be...
Sarah Palin's MSM dtente (Politico)
After making attacks on what she memorably labeled “the lamestream media” one of her signature issues, Sarah Palin has started to experiment with a new strategy toward the press — engaging it.
The former Alaska Governor has started cautiously cooperating with some of the same media outlets she and her supporters have accused of unfair and inaccurate coverage they feel has caricatured her as a flaky lightweight — a narrative her team seems determined to rewrite as Palin...
Post-ABC poll: Sarah Palin lags Obama in theoretical 2012 presidential election
Sarah Palin has played a prominent role in defining Republican Party politics this year but still faces sizable obstacles if she decides to run for president in 2012, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
This Story
Post-ABC poll: Sarah Palin lags Obama in theoretical 2012 Presidential Election
Washington Post-ABC News Poll data
Six in 10 voters say they would not even consider voting for the former Alaska Governor if she launches a White House bid, and she loses badly to Presiden...
Palin: 'Double standard' for politicians who cry
Sarah Palin says there's a Double Standard when it comes to politicians who cry in public. The former Alaska Governor and possible 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate says she would be "knocked a little bit" if she cried while giving a Speech. But Palin tells ABC's "Good Morning America" that House Speaker-in-waiting John Boehner gets a "pass" when he cries in public. Palin says that's OK, but that it makes women in politics work harder and "be that much tougher." Palin's comments came in an ...
Bill OReilly To Sarah Palin: Is That Presidential, You And Kate Gosselin In A Forest?
Bill O’Reilly had Sarah Palin on the Factor tonight, and he wanted to know something many have wondered: are Palin’s TLC program and new book presidential, or might they hurt her politically? Palin, of course, didn’t seem concerned.
Palin said she thought there was nothing non-presidential about the book, since it talks about her vision for America, so O’Reilly asked how the show, specifically, helps her politically - if it does at all. It was a bit surprising here ...
Sarah Palin's college daze.
Sarah PalinSarah Palin's performance in her CBS News interviews has been so poor that one can't avoid speculating about the depth of her ignorance. As I noted earlier, the Republican vice-presidential nominee can't be faulted for fumbling Charlie Gibson's pompous question about the Bush Doctrine in her ABC News interview, because there's no consensus about what the "Bush Doctrine" even is. (Click here and here to read essays by Charles Krauthammer that provide two contradictory definitions—...
Barbara Walters vs. Sarah Palin
When ABC's Barbara Walters deems Sarah Palin one of the year's "Most Fascinating People," it's a backhanded compliment. Walters knows Palin has an adoring fan base, and she's definitely not part of it. When the Dec. 2 special began, Walters greeted Palin with "Many people find the thought of you as president a little scary." This is not what Walters asked President Obama in yet another gooey Barack-and-Michelle hour-long ABC interview on Thanksgiving night. Clearly, a large, energized chunk of t...
Palin to Krauthammer: Im Sorry Im Not Hoity-Toity Enough for Ya!
Sarah Palin responds to criticism from the right in an very entertaining interview with Bill O'Reilly....
Poll Watch: PPP (D) 2012 Ohio GOP Primary
PPP (D) 2012 Ohio GOP Primary
Sarah Palin 21% (20%)
Mike Huckabee 19% (17%)
Newt Gingrich 18% (19%)
Mitt Romney 15% (14%)
Ron Paul 6%
Mitch Daniels 5% (3%)
Tim Pawlenty 3% (6%)
John Thune 2% (0%)
Someone else/Undecided 11% (18%)
Among Conservatives
Sarah Palin 24% ( 21% )
Newt Gingrich 21% ( 21% )
Mike Huckabee 18% (19%)
Mitt Romney 14% (13%)
Mitch Daniels 4% (2%)
Ron Paul 4%
Tim Pawlenty 4% (6%)
John Thune 2% (0%)
Someone else/Undecided 10% (15%)
Among Moderates
Mike Huckabee 23
Poll Watch: PPP (D) 2012 Wisconsin GOP Primary
PPP (D) 2012 Wisconsin GOP Primary
Sarah Palin 21% (18%)
Mike Huckabee 18% (15%)
Mitt Romney 17% (12%)
Newt Gingrich 13% (14%)
Tim Pawlenty 10% (8%)
Ron Paul 4%
John Thune 3% (1%)
Mitch Daniels 2% (2%)
Someone else/Undecided 12% (28%)
Among Conservatives
Sarah Palin 23% (20%)
Mike Huckabee 18% (14%)
Mitt Romney 16% (12%)
Newt Gingrich 14% (16%)
Tim Pawlenty 9% (8%)
Ron Paul 4%
John Thune 3% (1%)
Mitch Daniels 2% (2%)
Someone else/Undecided 11% (26%)
Among Moderates
Mike Huckabee 20% (
Sarah Palin Learns To Tame The Lamestream Media
Tomorrow morning on Good Morning America, Co-Anchor Robin Roberts airs her visit to Alaska, where she spent a day-in-the-life of Sarah Palin and interviewed Palin about her new book and current political issues. Such exclusive access is normally reserved for Fox News host Greta van Susteren. Although recently branching out beyond the Fox News comfort zone has become a regular occurrence for Palin, with interviews granted to The New York Times, Time, and Barbara Walters. As Palin embraces mainst...
Charles Krauthammer - The new comeback kid
If Barack Obama wins Reelection in 2012, as is now more likely than not, historians will mark his comeback as beginning on Dec. 6, the day of the Great Tax Cut Deal of 2010.
Obama had a bad November. Self-confessedly shellacked in the Midterm Election, he fled the scene to Asia and various unsuccessful meetings, only to return to a sad-sack lame-duck Congress with ghostly dozens of defeated Democrats wandering the halls.
Now, with his stunning tax deal, Obama is back. Holding no high cards, ...
Poll: Obama handily beats Palin
Published: Dec. 17, 2010 at 9:46 AM If President Obama were to face former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in the 2012 Presidential Election, Obama would be re-elected by a landslide, a poll says. UPI/Jim Ruymen NEW YORK, Dec. 17 (UPI) -- If President Obama were to face former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in the 2012 Presidential Election, Obama would be re-elected by a landslide, a poll says. A Wall Street Journal-NBC poll conducted Dec. 9-13 indicates Obama leads the 2008 Republican vice presidential candi...
Sarah Palins Trip To Haiti
I earlier commented on Lori Ziganto’s excoriation of the hate-filled leftist lamestream media’s dishonest smearing of Palin over her trip to Haiti, with all the leftist lamestream media’s PDS-filled lies. Lori quoted a PuffHo author’s lie-filled, hate-filled smearing of Palin and responded to him, straightening him out (although I highly doubt the liar over at PuffHo ever saw it). And then, the multiple shots of Sarah sanitizing and washing her hands suggests the former G...
Iowa GOP, Fox co-sponsor debate
Iowa's Republican presidential Straw Poll will be Aug. 13, state GOP officials said Thursday. And as an incentive for Candidates to participate, the state party organization is co-sponsoring a nationally televised debate with Fox News Channel two days earlier.
Tying the party Fundraiser in Ames with the debate on Fox, an influential outlet for Conservatives, will give incentive to Candidates campaigning for Iowa's leadoff nominating caucuses to participate in the straw poll, state party Chairm...
Does David Cameron want the Lib Dems to win the Oldham byelection?
There is a degree of unease in Conservative circles about the Oldham East + Saddleworth by-election. (See here for an example). Some Tories worry that their leaders, all wrapped up in their warm, snuggly coalition-blanket, don’t want to give the Lib Dems a kicking and actually try to win the thing for the Conservatives.
David Cameron’s words in Brussels just now will fuel those worries.
After he said he’d go to Oldham to campaign, I asked the PM if he could spell out just w...
The Uses and Misuses of Culture in Presidential Politics
The following is a guest post from Waylon Fairbanks. Waylon writes on international politics and modern culture. He is a Guest Blogger for My Dog Ate My Blog and a writer on accredited online universities for Guide to Online Schools. If you are interested in guest posting at Geek Politics, check out the guidelines here. As President Obama’s sweep to power in 2008 has proven, attracting non-voters to the polls is perhaps just as effective of a strategy as appealing to the active voter. The ...
Rand Paul: Tea Party Candidate or Leftist Machine Darling?
Kentucky, birthplace of both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, has selected Rand Paul to be her next United States Senator. Certainly, if Lincoln and Davis were alive today, Lincoln’s choice would have been either of the decidedly conservative, pro-14th amendment Candidates Trey Grayson or Bill Johnson, while Davis would have chosen Paul, the “states rights” candidate whose supporters often refer to Lincoln as a “war criminal” and share attitudes consistent wi...
A Palin Presidency? Early Polls Show Possible Candidacy Tanking
Sarah Palin may have her own TV show, a gig on Fox News, and two books to her name, but there's one thing she is unlikely to add to her resume, according to a number of recent polls: the presidency.
Of course, it's still very, very early. And with nearly two years until Election Day 2012, anything could happen. But in hypothetical matchups with President Obama, Palin consistently polls very poorly. In the last week or so, three national polls found Obama leading her by double digits, including...
Obama's Bad Numbers Are The Real Headline
The headline at The Washington Post, quite predictably, is that Sarah Palin's poll numbers are terrible.
But the more important story for 2012 is that Barack Obama has lost 44% of the voters, and has weak core support (emphasis mine):
Still, the survey shows limits to Obama's appeal. More than four in 10 voters - 44 percent - say they would not even consider voting for him in 2012, with about one in four definitively behind him. Among Independents, 40 percent say they would not vote for him, 36...
Krauthammer On Sarah Palin: Shes Not Well Grounded In Policy Matters
Charles Krauthammer weighs in on the GOP 2012 field, and doesn't have many kind things to say about his fellow Fox News Contributor: I think in part it's...
Sarah Palin has the press and the media unhinged over her probable primary run
Yesterday, the Oregonian featured an editorial and excellent hit piece called, “ A prediction for 2012: Sarah Palin will toss her hat into the ring.” The article written by featured columnist, Todd Huffman, a Eugene, Oregon pediatrician was entertaining to say the least. Sadly for Dr. Huffman, virtually everything he wrote about Governor Palin cannot be factually proven. Huffman is quite the dilettante writing on a plethora of topics. When he veers to his obsession...
Poll: Six in ten say they won't consider Palin
Washington (CNN) - The 2012 Presidential Election is still a long way away, and Sarah Palin hasn't even decided if she will make a run for the White House, but a second straight poll brings troubling results for the former Alaska Governor if she does launch a bid. An ABC News/Washington Post poll indicates that nearly six in ten Americans say they wouldn't even consider voting for Palin if she runs. Eight percent of the people questioned in the survey, which was released Friday, say they would d...
Post-ABC poll: Sarah Palin lags Obama in theoretical 2012 presidential election
Source: Washington Post
Sarah Palin has played a prominent role in defining Republican Party politics this year but still faces sizable obstacles if she decides to run for president in 2012, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Six in 10 voters say they would not even consider voting for the former Alaska Governor if she launches a White House bid, and she loses badly to President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 General Election test.
Despite her high profile, amplified this fall by he...
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