Anonymous names Saturday a global day of protest to defend free speech

Protest : In a video published to their central communications blog, "AnonOps Communications" sought to rally others who supported their actions against corporations that censored or otherwise impeded secrets outlet Wikileaks. "Stand up and fight," an online video pleaded. "Every city, everywhere."

PHOTOS: Wikileaks in pictures

It featured youthful Protesters wearing the mask of Guy Fawkes, a British Terrorist who led the gunpowder plot in 1605, which sought to blow up the king and members of parliament.

VIDEOS: Wikileaks in videos

He was revealed, however, an...

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Kayla Shampine posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Wikileaks protest , downtown Minneapolis, Saturday. Hmmm. Might be a good time to break out the Guy Fawkes mask. Woo-hoo!

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