American Nihilism

Jared Loughner: For all the hand-wringing over whether the gut-wrenching massacre in Tucson was the result of America's virulent political discourse, the hand-wringing itself quickly became another instance of the virulence, and then the inanity, of American political discourse.

PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures

First, liberal writers declared that Jared Lee Loughner was the product of right-wing incitement: Sarah Palin shamefully putting cross hairs over liberal congressmen's districts; Michele Bachmann's call to Tea Party legions to be "arm...

VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos

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Lynn posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Why do assassins always have middle names? Jared Lee Loughner . John Wilkes Booth . Lee Harvey Oswald. Mark David Chapman...the list goes on.

Jeff Himelman posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

What is it with deranged nutters, guns,and three part names? John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark David Chapman.. Jared Lee Loughner ?

Marc posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth , Richard Allen Davis, Jared Lee Loughner ... good idea to stay away from people with full names!

Travis Woodke posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Why does everyone know the worst criminals middle name? i.e Jared Lee Loughner .... John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald......

Puddle Of AIDS posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Why does the media need to put middle names in people who commit assassination attempts?James Earl Ray, John Wilkes Booth , Jared Lee Loughner

Arbitrary Babble posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

All lone gunmen have three names... John Wiles Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark David Chapman, James Earl Ray...& now Jared Lee Loughner

Matthew W. DeCoste posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

John Wilkes Booth . Lee Harvey Oswald. Mark David Chapman. Jared Lee Loughner . I'm just gonna steer clear of people who go by three names.

Dean Schmidt posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner ..Why do USA political assassins have their middle name used? Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth ..

Anthony Striggles posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

John Wikes Booth ,James Earl Ray,Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, now add Jared Lee Loughner to the Conspiracy

Fiona Macfie posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

What is it about assassins and having 3 names? First John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark David Chapman and now Jared Lee Loughner .

Sef Gray posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Why do all lone assassins have 3 names? Jared Lee Loughner , lee harvey oswald, John Wilkes Booth , Mark David Chapman

Sarah Joseph posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

1/2 Jared Lee Loughner . Mark David Chapman. Lee Harvey Oswald. John Wilkes Booth . Mehmet Ali Agca. John Hinkey junior.

amanicdroid posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner , John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswalt, etc. It's seems they're desperate to separate themselves as individuals.

Lou Brutus posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner , Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth . Why do we always use the full three names of cowardly fiends like these?

Daniel Munoz posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald, Jared Lee Loughner is it just me or do all political shooters have 3 names ????

G-Rad posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Some big coincidence that Jared Lee Loughner decided to use his middle name, like Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth , Mark David Chapman.

evancollins posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

why is it that assassins always have three names... Jared Lee Loughner , Mark David Chapman, John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald......

Mattox posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

why do all shooters have 3 names? john wilkes booth , lee harvey oswald, jared lee loughner .

Patrick Toman posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, Jared Lee Loughner . Obviously we need to beware of men who use their middle name.

Mikey Mileos posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner , another political assassin with 3 names, just like Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth . I wonder if he's a patsy too...

New York Nightlife posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Assassins always have 3 names: John Wilkes Booth , Mark David Chapman, Jared Lee Loughner , New York Nightlife (I kill it on Twitter)

Keith Stoner posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald, Jared Lee Loughner son will NOT have a middle name, for fear that he may become an assassin.

Ryan Partelow posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Why do assassins always have 3 names? Jared Lee Loughner , Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth , Mark David Chapman, James Earl Ray, etc.

Mike Palmer posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

Why do American assassins always have 3 names? John Wilkes Booth . Lee Harvey Oswald. Jared Lee Loughner .

Dylan Crabb posted 9 days ago (via twitter)

John Wilkes Booth , Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and now Jared Lee Loughner . If you know anyone that goes by three names, run away.

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