Eric Boehlert news


Eric Boehlert: Jon Stewart Did What Pundits And Reporters Should Have Done

The Huffington Post - 23rd Dec 2010

There's lots of media chatter about Comedy Central host Jon Stewart in the wake of yesterday's Senate vote to pass the 9-11 First Responders bill. The chatter surrounds what appears to be the central media role Stewart played in shining a spotli…


Eric Boehlert: Memo To The Media: They're Called "Obstructionists"

The Huffington Post - 14th Dec 2010

That sore-loser phrase doesn't seem to get much use these days. Yet watching Senate Republicans in the minority essentially close down the chamber, not allowing any votes to proceed until their demands are met regarding Tax Cuts for the very wea…


Eric Boehlert: Times Halperin Speaks: The D.C. Cool Kids Don't Like Obama

The Huffington Post - 8th Dec 2010

If life really were like High School, Barack Obama would so be frozen out of the cool kids' table in the cafeteria right now. And Time pundit Mark Halperin would probably the one talking trash to the popular kids and making sure Obama remained o…


Eric Boehlert: Brent Bozell Is Afraid Of Ants

The Huffington Post - 3rd Dec 2010

All I want to know is what took Brent Bozell so long? Sure, the right-wing warrior sounded the alarm about a gay-themed art exhibit at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. And yes, Bozell, with the help of top House Republican leaders, Fox…


Pure Deception

Hold Fast - 30th Sep 2010

Eric Boehlert’s piece on the sad state of the Right Wing media in the wake of yesterday’s revelations about James O’Keefe’s plans to sexually assault a CNN reporter as a “prank” is a must-read. With O’Ke…


Chris Matthews: 'We Rely on' Media Matters

Mediaite - 21st Sep 2010

Right near the end of a segment examining the continued relevance of Newt Gingrich , Hardball host Chris Matthews made a comment that probably seemed offhand to most viewers, but not all. In a modern Media warscape that has each side out …


Eric Boehlert: Glenn Beck's Incendiary Angst Is Dangerously Close to Having a Body Count

The Huffington Post - 27th Jul 2010

On his Monday Radio show, Glenn Beck highlighted claims that before he started targeting a little-known, Left-leaning organization called the Tides Foundation on his Fox News TV show, "nobody knew" what the Non-profit was. Indeed, for more than…


Eric Boehlert of Media Matters Race Baits on GMA

Red State - 22nd Jul 2010

Please take a moment to watch the debate on Good Morning America …