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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: The Angry American Male

The Huffington Post - 2 days ago

No sooner had Gabrielle Gifford been rushed to the Hospital with a massive gunshot wound to the head when the blame game got into full swing. Egged on by the comments of Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik the theory quickly emerged that right-w…


The Toddler and the Apple Sauce

Examiner.com - 6 days ago

 The other day, while waiting to be assisted by a highly skilled practitioner in the fine art of acquiring some delicious and nutritious cuisine, the patrons were assaulted by the ear splitting, cacophonous protestations of a self minded todd…


Socialist Roseanne Barr claims Reagan sold U.S. to Chinese

Examiner.com - 7 days ago

Shortly after calling Sarah Palin a traitor and attacking all of Palin's supporters as the "dumbest people on earth", Roseanne Barr appeared on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News program to declare, among other things, that she was a Socialist and that Rona…


Obama through the liberal-progressive prism

Examiner.com - 4th Jan 2011

Barack Obama preceded the lame-duck Congress with his usual vitriolic rants against any policy that would provide Private Sector jobs; a repeat of the Rhetoric of his first two years in office. His animus toward any Republican proposals that would…


If We Say It Is, It Is . . .

National Review Online - 4th Jan 2011

If you had gone to sleep in early 2006 and woken up today, you would learn that the Filibuster is no longer a necessary brake on the tyranny of the majority but rather is a fossilized impediment to necessary progressive change. Recess Appointments…


Former Obama Czar Van Jones on How He Oversaw Wealth Redistribution of Green Stimulus Dollars to The New Black Panthers

Weasel Zippers - 30th Dec 2010

whthfk on GOP Rep. Steve King: Republican Congress Will Investigate Pigford, ACORN… G-Kwik on Pakistani ISI Detains Haqqani Network Bigshot — And Moves Him to a SAFE House? Larry7 (prev. just Larry) on Blasts Kill (More) Iraqi Christia…


Is It a Right or Isn't It?

The American Spectator - 29th Dec 2010

In an October, 2008 debate against John McCain, Barack Obama said that Health Care "should be a right for every American." In rights parlance, his assertion is one of a "positive right" meaning that others may be compelled to provide a person's he…


Who Needs Tax Cuts? Part II

Examiner.com - 28th Dec 2010

Last time we talked about CEO’s and employees receiving Tax Cuts because “they will create jobs with that money.”   Well, we discovered that this is not entirely true.  So, lets dig a little deeper.  The liber…