US Forest Service news


Washington Wants Even More Acres To Mismanage

Human Events - 4th Oct 2010

BOZEMAN, Montana — The next Congress should enact a Moratorium on Land Nationalization. The feds should stop fleecing exhausted Taxpayers for fresh Billions to purchase new acreage for Uncle Sam to mismanage. Washington, D.C. already lords…


GOP Lawmakers Sought Energy Stimulus Funds

Washington Wire - 23rd Sep 2010

By Louise Radnofsky Opposition to the Obama Administration’s economic-stimulus package didn’t stop at least 24 congressional Republicans from lobbying the Department of Energy on behalf of companies and constituents who wanted Stimulu…


What wastes money in stimulus?

Ezra Klein - 7th Sep 2010

The Obama Administration has dropped the idea of a Payroll-tax holiday. They're interested in making the R&D; Tax Credit permanent, but that's more of an effort to aid long-term innovation than short-term growth. The Bush Tax Cuts are going to b…


My Summer Home

The Opinionator - 1st Sep 2010

Timothy Egan on American politics and life, as seen from the West. Tags: National Parks , public land , Summer During the bittersweet days of September light, when a low-angled sun is unwavering in its withdrawal, I always have trouble sayin…


Coburn And McCain Troubled By Stimulus Debt, Which Is 488 Times Smaller Than Debt Impact Of Bush Tax Cuts

Think Progress - 5th Aug 2010

Yesterday, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Tom Coburn (R-OK) released a report that highlights 100 supposedly “ questionable Stimulus projects that are wasteful, mismanaged, and overall unsuccessful in creating Jobs.” “The only …


McCain to Obama: Stop the B.I.O.B.

The Speakers Lobby - 3rd Aug 2010

John McCain, R-Ariz., countering a stinging political attack by President Obama on Monday that Republicans, led by President George W. Bush, are to blame for the Recession having driven America's Economic car into the proverbial ditch, told repo…


Shocking Emails Show National Rifle Association Worked to Prohibit Rifles From National Parks

Red State - 13th Jul 2010

You know things are bad for the National Rifle Association when it has to get the New York Times to run a puff piece on it. But in their zeal to get a puff piece out there as well as their collaboration with the left on the DISCLOSE Act, the N…


Gun law complaints trail Obama during park tours

USA Today - 12th Jul 2010

Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. (AP) — Family in tow for a tour of National treasures far from Washington, President Obama is trailed by criticism from Gun opponents and Parks advocates for allowing firearms into such majestic places as Ye…