Therapy news


Prescott woman inducted into Veterans Hall of Fame

Washington Examiner - 31st Dec 2010

K. Renee Ball holds a special recognition certificate from her was recent induction as part of the 2010 Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame on Dec. 21, 2010 in Prescott, Ariz. Ball, an active member of Disabled American Veterans, was looking for a way t…


Michael Friedman, L.M.S.W.: You Cannot Age Well Without Mental Health

The Huffington Post - 23rd Dec 2010

Contrary to the fundamental Ageism of our society, it is possible to live well in Old Age. Yes, there are financial, physical, and emotional challenges, but there are also great opportunities to be a productive worker -- paid or volunteer -- who…


Pentagon Health Plan Won't Cover Brain-Damage Therapy for Troops

NPR - 20th Dec 2010

During the past few decades, scientists have become increasingly persuaded that people who suffer brain injuries benefit from what is called cognitive rehabilitation Therapy — a lengthy, painstaking process in which patients relearn basic li…


Michele Weiner-Davis: The Biggest Divorce "Don't" of All

The Huffington Post - 30th Nov 2010

Are you sitting on the, "Should-I-stay-or-should-I-go" fence, endlessly weighing the pros and cons about your marriage? You're not alone. But before you take the plunge to start checking the "D" box, consider the most important "Divorce don't" o…


Republicans against Palin

Politico - 30th Nov 2010

Sarah Palin's increasingly clear positioning against the GOP Establishment, and her they-bring-a-knife-we-bring-a-gun approach to criticism, seems to be freeing members of that Establishment to take open shots at her. There was her comparison of…


John Feffer: China: Already on Top?

The Huffington Post - 24th Nov 2010

"The Communists have taken over the World Bank!" So far, this phrase hasn't appeared on Glenn Beck's infamous chalkboard. I'm still waiting for Beck or Rush Limbaugh to make a big stink that the World Bank's chief Economist is from Mainland Chin…


Can Avatar Therapy Fix D.C.'s Partisan Strife?

The New York Observer - 24th Nov 2010

A key to Therapy has always been empathy, but according to a fascinating piece in today's New York Times, that process can be supercharged by putting patients into new bodies in the form of virtual avatars. Dr. Jeremy Bailenson, director of the …


Senate Gets Cold Feet Over Cutting Medicare Physician Fees 23% Again.

Weasel Zippers - 19th Nov 2010

Instead they approved a 2.2% increase (paid for by cutting off some of grandma’s Outpatient Therapy) and kicked the can down the road.  This is the fourth time this year they’ve been jacking around with this thing.  Fi…