COLUMBUS, Ohio (CGE) - Ohio Speaker John Boehner (OH-8), newly sworn in as the nation's 61st Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives last Tuesday, was miles apart in both distance and political persuasion from Gabrielle Giffords, a Demo…
Read more >>Two Mississippi sisters were released from Prison Friday after serving 16 years, under an agreement in which the younger sister donate a kidney to her elder sibling suffering from organ failure. Jamie and Gladys Scott, who became symbols of the h…
Read more >>Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions has no hard feelings over snow banks, lauding New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for his Budget-cutting skills at a Senate hearing Friday. Sessions, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, praised Christie twice…
Read more >>Public spending is the number one problem. Taxes are too high. And we've got to eliminate Regulation. It sounds a lot like the Rhetoric of the House's new Republican majority, the folks who strenuously expressed their concern over Deficits, then…
Read more >>In the waning days of the legislative session, legislative leaders are still searching for a grand tax bargain that might involve dramatic reforms to the state's education system. The education package would disentangle some of the worst parts o…
Read more >>The Georgia Tea Parties now see that their ideas of spending less and less Government control over the lives of Georgians maybe coming true in 2011. The state is broke and there are no more Federal Bailouts to help supplement Georgia's current eco…
Read more >>In an uncharacteristic swing away from anything that has to do with illegal Immigration, Governor Jan Brewer (R) hopes to alter the protections from State Employees. State employees are lumped into two categories, covered and uncovered, which revo…
Read more >>With the start of the new year comes the new year's resolutions. We all have goals to lose weight, quit Smoking, be better people, or in my case finish that novel that's been sitting in my Laptop for three years. I'm not su…