Private Sector news


Robert Creamer: Are Republicans Trying to Hurt Economy for Political Reasons - Or Have The Inmates Taken Over the Asylum?

The Huffington Post - 20hrs 38mins ago

Yesterday, ABC News leaked a confidential report from Investment Bank Goldman Sachs warning that the Spending Cuts proposed by the Republicans to take effect this year would slow The Economy by 2% of Gross Domestic Product. It also found that ev…


Freddie Mac reports $14 billion loss in 2010

The Hill - 1day 14hrs ago

Freddie Mac lost $14 billion in 2010, the troubled Mortgage giant reported Thursday. The government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) reported a loss of $113 million in the Fourth Quarter of the year alone. However, both those numbers are actually imp…


Democrats Use Class Warfare to Raise Money During Budget Crisis - 7hrs 53mins ago

As former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel infamously said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” and Ohio’s Democrat leadership are taking his words to heart during the current fight between Republicans and union su…


"Government employees are the new elite"

sisu - 10hrs 45mins ago

"Thnx. Keep on him," Michelle Malkin twittered yesterday re our own District 8 MA Rep. Michael Capuano's unfortunate slip of the tongue at a union rally in Boston Tuesday, when this me-too signer of the President's fatuous &quo;…


Don't blame the Wisconsin teachers

Washington Examiner - 11hrs 40mins ago

Wisconsin public School Teachers are not responsible for the credit collapse, the national Unemployment rate, the fall of the industrial sector or the fiscal crisis. Allowing them to bargain collectively has not bankrupted Wisconsin. Its declinin…


Damn Speaker Boehner, say it ain't so! - 16hrs 53mins ago

The U.S. House of Representatives did something this past week that while on the surface seems like common sense, was actually a bit of courageousness.  A Bipartisan group of representatives voted down the back-up engine for the F35 Strike Fi…


Cantor sees Social Security reform proposals soon

Breitbart - 17hrs 33mins ago

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Republican proposals on how to reform federal programs like Social Security and Medicare could be ready in about a month, the No. 2 Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Thursday. Speaking at…


Government Unions Play Key Role in Shutdown Fight

Big Government - 18hrs 1min ago

The potential government shutdown is not just history repeating itself between a Democrat President and a Republican House.  It’s also a repeat of a key role played by government employee Unions. What’s different now is that the…