Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said Sunday he will make good on his pledge to not seek Reelection to the Senate in 2016. "No way, no how. I will be through at the end of this term," Coburn said on "Fox News Sunday." Coburn ran on …
Read more >>At a news conference today to celebrate the passage of the 9/11 Health bill, Congressman Jerry Nadler took a shot at the U.S. Senate, calling it "the graveyard of so much good Legislation," and indeed, after the vote on the measure yesterday, ma…
Read more >>New York's two Democratic Senators are predicting that the bill to aid 9/11 First Responders will be able to pass the Senate -- after having previously been blocked by Senate Republicans -- in the wake of recent changes such as lowering the…
Read more >>This week, Congress is expected to continue funding the government at current levels through early March -- at which point a newly Republican House of Representatives will get to take an axe to the federal Budget. Naturally, they're promising dr…
Read more >>NEW YORK ( -- Since the Recession began three years ago, Congress has poured a total of $2.8 Trillion into The Economy in an effort to spur hiring, get people spending again and prop up industries struggling to stay afloat. While th…
Read more >>WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A retooled bill providing medical care for Firefighters and other emergency responders to the September 11, 2001 attacks could be resurrected soon in the Senate, a few weeks after Republicans blocked the measure, bac…
Read more >>WASHINGTON — New York's two senators said Monday that the votes are there for Congress to approve a scaled-back bill providing extra benefits to emergency workers who responded to the attacks on the World Trade Center. But one of them, Cha…
Read more >>WASHINGTON -- The long-stalled 9/11 health bill is headed for a Senate vote as soon as tomorrow after supporters shaved $1.2 billion from its Price Tag to satisfy skeptical Republicans, New York lawmakers said yesterday. "I believe we now have …