Looks like it, Politico, the flagship of lying media, is hyping Democratic Sen. Mark Udall’s clever suggestion for the Dems and Pubes to sit randomly together in a clever showing of bi-partisanship. Many, including el Rushbo, believe t…
Read more >>While certain politicians are mainly sworn at, a swearing in of Representative Cathy McMorris to the 112th Congress took place this week. Starting a new term, she says: "I am committed to listening to the Amer…
Read more >>It was largely a "meet and greet" and perhaps a bit frustrating for those eager to do more than talk at Thursday night's No Labels Meet-Up in Denver. The non-partisan No Labels organization seeks to build public pressure to convince politicians to…
Read more >>I've been saying that the ACA Repeal vote now scheduled in the House for next week is basically a symbolic payoff to Tea Partiers and other core Republicans, who the leadership hopes can be bought off with symbols since their real goal -- full Re…
Read more >>House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer has signed on to a plan for Bipartisan seating at the State of the Union address. He said Thursday that ending a long tradition of Democrats and Republicans sitting on different sides of the aisle for the nationa…
Read more >>President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2010. (Credit: CBS/ AP) In the wake of President Obama's call for a more productive discourse following the Tucson tragedy, Democ…
Read more >>In what appears to be the first official reaction from a member of the Democratic leadership, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) has now endorsed the call by Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) that members of both parties sit together at the upcoming St…
Read more >>Susan Schulten has another great piece up on the NYT's Civil War site. This time, she writes about the failed Crittenden Compromise, a last-ditch effort to avoid the Civil War by extending the border between slave and free states all the way to C…