WASHINGTON — Monday may dawn with temperatures in the minus teens across most of upstate New York, but the region's newly elected members of Congress are mum so far about a proposal to end a Federal Program to protect homes against har…
Read more >>The School Board of Wake County, where the state capital of North Carolina, Raleigh, is located, has been news a lot lately. Even Stephen Colbert used it in his "Word" segment on January 18, mocking the comments of a Board Member, John Tedesco. …
Read more >>Abortion politics: House Republicans led by House Speaker John Boehner introduced the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act" (H.R. 3) Thursday. The bill is a high profile Republican anti-abortion effort that, like the Health Care R…
Read more >>One aspect of the spending-cut proposals outlined by Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) in his Speech at the Heritage Foundation today is welfare reform. Congressman Jordan’s plan would reign in out-of-control welfare spending, encourage Job Creatio…
Read more >>Steve Benen looks at the serious thinking being done by the Republican policy shop. The Republican Study Committee has quite a laundry list in mind. These folks actually map out cutting $2.5 Trillion from the Budget without touching Social Secur…
Read more >>The Republican Study Committee is out with a plan to cut spending today, to the tune of $2.5 Trillion. As Brian Beutler and Megan Carpentier point out, it's mostly the whisper of a promise to cross fingers and hope for the best as the can skitte…
Read more >>Conservative House members on the Republican Study Committee, chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), have outlined a program they claim can cut $2.5 Trillion in spending over the course of a decade. Like most major Spending Cut proposals, this one's…
Read more >>WASHINGTON (AP) - Low-income Students may get smaller grants and the newly disabled might have to wait longer for their benefits. And just about every politician is going to get an earful from the local PTA if school aid gets whacked. Republicans…