Leadership news


Congress' record unpopularity

The Fix - 15th Dec 2010

The best of the best of state-based political blogs -- as of April 2009. A record low 13 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, the lowest rating in Gallup Poll history and an indication that Americans remain largely dissatisfi…


The logic -- and illogic -- of changing the tax deal

Ezra Klein - 14th Dec 2010

It looks likely at this point that the House will vote to amend the Estate Tax in the tax deal. If the vote succeeds, there's somewhere between zero chance and no chance that Senate Republicans will accept it, particularly given that they can just…


Where Does DADT Repeal Go From Here?

TPMDC - 14th Dec 2010

When we last checked in with the legislative effort to Repeal the Military's ban on Openly Gay servicemembers, Senate supporters of Repeal had been stymied by a failed Cloture vote on the defense spending bill that included Repeal language. A la…


Steffen Thybo Moller: School Reform's Greatest Challenge: Leadership

The Huffington Post - 13th Dec 2010

"Blame tenure for bad education!" That is the claim made by a Charter School leader in the Controversial education documentary Waiting for "Superman". And he is not alone. For decades, education reformers and union critics have blamed the tenure…


Tax Deal Passes Senate 83 to 15

The Weekly Standard - 13th Dec 2010

Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. The final tally of today's tax vote in the Senate was 83 ayes to 15 nays. The only Republicans to vote nay: Coburn (Okla.), DeMint (S.C.), Ensign (Nev.), Voinovich (Ohio), and Session…


Video: Stage set for the Obama boom?

Hot Air - 13th Dec 2010

Neil Cavuto waxed nostalgic this morning over prospects of an economic boom, thanks to Barack Obama’s actions last week in reaching a Compromise and then reaching out to the model of triangulation, Bill Clinton. Cavuto says that the action…


Republicans name Rep. Ruth Samuelson as Whip and announce Raleigh meeting

Examiner.com - 13th Dec 2010

N.C. House Republicans on Saturday, Dec. 11, elected Rep. Ruth Samuelson of Charlotte Majority Whip, giving Mecklenburg County another top Leadership position in the new GOP-controlled legislature. Samuelson joins a Leadership team that includes …


Get ready for the most conservative Congress ever

War Room - 12th Dec 2010

"I am hoping this won't be the last time we can do something for the country on a Bipartisan basis." -- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, this past week Although the recent agreement between President Obama and Republican congressional lea…