CAMP WILLIAMS — Today's groundbreaking for a $1.5 billion National Security Agency Data Center is being billed as important in the short term for construction jobs and important in the long term for Utah's reputation as a technology center. …
Read more >>Talk show diva and cultural Kingmaker Oprah Winfrey expands her media empire Saturday with the high-stakes launch of her OWN Cable Network. While Winfrey's comfy couches have launched scores of careers -- from Dr. Phil to the inventors of her 'fa…
Read more >>Published: Dec. 22, 2010 at 9:18 AM Halliburton will pay Nigeria $35 million to settle a Bribery case that led to charges against Richard Cheney and others, the company said. (UPI Photo/Kevin Dietsch) HOUSTON, Dec. 22 (UPI) -- Halliburton will pay…
Read more >>First we must determine who is the enemy. Is it China in this case or the Reid and Pelosi lead Congress? When it comes to wasting the Taxpayer’s money, who better than Senator Harry Reid along with Democratic Donors willing to buy his …
Read more >>Dick Cheney. (Photo: Jean-Bernard Sieber / World Economic Forum) Dick Cheney is officially a wanted man. The former Vice President was indicted Tuesday by Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crime Commission along with eight other current and former…
Read more >>Dick Cheney has been charged with Bribery ... in Nigeria. Officials from the African nation's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission said the ex-vice president is one of nine accused of "Conspiracy and distribution of gratification to public o…
Read more >>Published: Dec. 8, 2010 at 9:54 AM Former Vice President Dick Cheney speaks on America's National Security policy at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington on May 21, 2009. Cheney said that Waterboarding and the Guantanamo Bay Prison…
Read more >>Stumble This! Nigeria's anti-corruption agency on Tuesday charged former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney over a Bribery scheme involving oil services firm Halliburton Co. during time he served as its top official, a spokesman said. The charges st…