Who says the science is settled? San Diego’s Lyncean Group continues the debate, examining the science of Climate Change at its 61st meeting on January 12 at Balboa Park’s Fleet Science Center. Dr. S. Fred Singer will delive…
Read more >>Given the terrible beginning of winter in the U.S. and Europe this year, we ought to reward those who accurately predicted it and condemn those who got it wrong. It's time to choose the winner of this year's "Best Climate Predictor" awar…
Read more >>Becky Sharp, Thackeray's anti-hero in Vanity Fair, lived beyond her means and rarely paid her bills, particularly those she owed to "tradespeople" who had provided her with basic but unglamorous services. Are we really ready to emulate her as a …
Read more >>Scientists Fight Inhofe Attack On Climate Fund The Wonk Room is reporting and tweeting live from the international climate talks in Cancun, Mexico. A group of four Republican senators, led by climate denier Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), have lashed o…
Read more >>The 16th Conference of Parties (COP) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change started in Cancun with few of the grandiose announcements that occurred at last year’s COP in Copenhagen. The somber mood is reflected by decidedly more mo…
Read more >>Pachauri Debunks Myth Of IPCC As Money-Hungry Bureaucracy The Wonk Room is reporting and tweeting live from the international climate talks in Cancun, Mexico. Right-wing opponents of climate action such as Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Koch Indust…
Read more >>My latest is up at Pajamas Media, and it’s about Global Warming and the battle between Neanderthal Republicans and the Marxian dolts who want to politicize the science of Global Warming to achieve massive Wealth Redistribution. What’…
Read more >>Hawaii Representative Crafting ‘Environmentally Responsible’ Plan That Would Endanger His State It seems that Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) is crafting a plan that could lead to the inundation of Hawaii’s beaches, the extinctio…