Homelessness news


N.Y. GOP mum on weatherization

Watertown Daily Times - 4hrs 18mins ago

WASHINGTON — Monday may dawn with temperatures in the minus teens across most of upstate New York, but the region's newly elected members of Congress are mum so far about a proposal to end a Federal Program to protect homes against har…


Limbaugh: This New Call For Civility Is Just Censorship From The Left

Mediaite - 4 days ago

Today Rush Limbaugh wanted to make it perfectly clear that anyone thinking political Rhetoric in the 1980’s was more civil than it is today doesn’t remember the Reagan era very well. Rush claimed the “hatred for Ronald Reagan was…


"We will be THE city of the 21st Century"

Examiner.com - 6 days ago

So it’s coming down to Homeless people voting. Here’s the thing. Homeless people are allowed to vote. Political parties are allowed to drive people to the polls. Anyone is allowed to suggest to anyone else how they should vote. Anyone …


HUFFPOST HILL - Reverend Al And Tim Geithner -- Of Course!

The Huffington Post - 9 days ago

As if Pluto's demotion from "planet" wasn't bad enough, HuffPost Hill is suddenly no longer a Taurus. What the hell? Back in this terrestrial realm, we apparently have the Live Music Capital of the World to thank for Tom DeLay's legal difficulti…


Freezing weather kills 13 more in north India

Washington Examiner - 12th Jan 2011

Police say near-freezing temperatures and Himalayan winds killed at least 13 Homeless people in northern India, raising the death toll from a severe cold spell to 129. Temperatures dipped below 33 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) in parts of …


A Veterans Perspective on the United States in 2011

Examiner.com - 11th Jan 2011

Tom expressed his optimism in the United States but thinks the country is so much in a state of flux that it will take years to adjust and stabilize. He thinks that the USA will never be the same as it was prior to the current economic downturn an…


Charles Feldman: The Browning of California: Jerry's Mean-Spirited Budget

The Huffington Post - 11th Jan 2011

No wonder we didn't hear much from Jerry Brown between the time he got elected Governor -- again -- and the time he took office. He was apparently busy preparing the feel-bad Budget of all time. Among the horrors: the state welfare program would…


Cold wave kills 9 more people in northern India

Washington Examiner - 10th Jan 2011

Second hand auto parts traders sit near a bonfire in New Delhi, India, Monday, Jan. 10, 2011. Near-freezing temperatures and icy Himalayan winds killed 13 people overnight in northern India, bringing the death toll to nearly 100 from a cold snap t…