Grand Jury news


Robert Weller: Finally A Line Obama Won't Cross On WikiLeaks

The Huffington Post - 2hrs 36mins ago

It seemed there was nothing the Obama Administration wouldn't do to shut down Wikileaks and shut up Julian Assange. Today we found out there is. In a somewhat curious move, the Treasury Department declined a right-wing congressman's request to b…


Anti-war group active at 2008 GOP convention claims FBI infiltration

Politico - 2 days ago

Anitwar Activists who organized demonstrations in connection with the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn. are claiming that their group was infilitrated for years by an FBI-directed undercover Law Enforcement officer who took …


Scribbles from Gov. Rick Scott's meeting with Senate Republicans

Naked Politics - 2 days ago

Scribbles in my notebook as Gov. Rick Scott has his first meeting tonight with the Senate Republican Caucus. 1.) It's hard to imagine that companies are all of the sudden climbing over each other to come to Florida, but Scott told the Senat…


Sarah Palin could be charged with involuntary manslaughter - 4 days ago

Our Latino literacy event at the Phoenix Public Library was trampled by the news of the Attempted Murder of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the cold-blooded Murder of several others. Sarah Palin, who symbolically made Rep. Gabrielle Giffords a shootin…


Political Potpouri - 7 days ago

House Minority Leader Pat Bauer won't say whether Democrats will exercise the "walk out" option this session as a way to halt the Republican agenda.  The last time Democrats were in the minority, 2005,  they walked out and denied the Rep…


NYTer Risen: I didn't burn source

Politico - 8 days ago

New York Times reporter James Risen insisted through his lawyer Thursday that he did not give away the identity of a former CIA officer who appears to have served as a confidential source for Risen's 2006 book "State of War." The ex-CI…


Feds Say VA GOPer Used Position To Endow Job He Was Seeking

TPMMuckraker - 8 days ago

A former Republican member of the Virginia House of Delegates set up a plum position for himself at Old Dominion University -- a job he funded through Legislation he introduced at the same time he was soliciting the gig, a federal Grand Jury cha…


Rick Scott removes Grand Ridge mayor from office in fifth executive order

Naked Politics - 9 days ago

Republican Gov. Rick Scott has issued five Executive Orders in his first 30 hours in office, the latest removing Grand Ridge Mayor Chris Wright Jr. from office. Wright, according to the order, pled no contest to grand theft auto, a third degree …