The top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee is warning GOP leaders against partisan "witch hunts" when they take over the panel this year. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) said Sunday that such investigations might play well politically, but t…
Read more >>We're two years into the Obama Administration, and "Change We Can Believe In" has become "continuity we can believe in." So far, five senior members of the president's team have resigned their posts - and not one has been replaced with a Candidate…
Read more >>HONOLULU (AP) — President Barack Obama is bypassing the Senate and using his Recess Appointment power to name a deputy Attorney General Candidate who had been held up by Republicans over concerns about the nominee’s links to American I…
Read more >>2010 was a masterpiece for the Tea Party movement. Rarely have we seen a group of people change the political landscape at a quicker pace than what we have witnessed since the Fall of 2008. It was then when millions of Americans realiz…
Read more >>"I was wondering if I might get a call from someone saying maybe 'you were right,' because we look better than we did last May and we can see the finish line from here, and it comes with a profit for the Taxpayers," Mr. Benmosche said in an email.…
Read more >>WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 (UPI) -- The number of U.S. Bank Failures hit an 18-year high in 2010 and 2011 could be another bad year, figures from federal Regulators indicate. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. reported 157 banks failed this year, up fro…
Read more >>WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 (UPI) -- The U.S. Treasury said it had begun to keep a close watch on boards of banks that had repeatedly failed to make Dividend payments on Bailout loans. The loans made through the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program,…
Read more >>SAO PAULO — Plopping her swollen ankles upon a purple couch, 72-year-old Dilma de Lima exults in the new government-built apartment she now calls home after a lifetime of misery in Brazil’s slums. "Life has never been better," Lima say…