The Republican Party has chosen its new chair. Reince Priebus who is the former chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party has either won the "honor" to become the GOP chair. We will see if it is one which he is pleased. I am afr…
Read more >>Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz) announced plans Friday to propose Legislation to name a federal Courthouse after one of the Victims of last week's Arizona shooting. The proposal is to name a planned Courthouse in Yuma, Ariz., a…
Read more >>So it is bound to raise a few eyebrows that Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty went on Fischer's radio program yesterday to promote his new book ... but it won't raise any eyebrows that Fischer used the opportunity to grill Pawlenty on Social Issues or t…
Read more >>It may have been inadvertent, but a passage in President Barack Obama's Speech to a memorial service it Tucson Wednesday night could undercut a criminal charge Federal Prosecutors have leveled at suspect Jared Loughner for the death of U.S. Dist…
Read more >>Rep. Peter King, a Republican from New York, will introduce Legislation that will make it a federal crime to carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of federal officeholders and judges in response to the shooting in Tucson that killed Judge John Roll …
Read more >>By Fawn Johnson National Journal Republicans and Democrats are abandoning Partisanship -- for now. Saturday's massacre by a gunman in Tucson, Ariz., that left six dead and wounded 14 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords , D-Ariz., means tha…
Read more >>Citizens living in U.S. territories have a long history as being second-class citizens. Despite the votes of the entire Massachusetts delegation to the House of Representatives, the Republican takeover of the legislative body has deprived ov…
Read more >>Arizona- Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot today by Jared Lee Loughner during a meeting with constituents. She is expected to survive the injury, despite it being a cranial wound. The shooting does not appear to be politically moti…