Federal Court news


Supreme Court weighs 20-year fight on warplane

Breitbart - 16hrs 24mins ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several Supreme Court justices sharply questioned the U.S. government's arguments in a 20-year-old Lawsuit over the Navy's cancellation of a $4.8 billion fighter jet built by Boeing Co and General Dynamics Corp. Justice Ele…


POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Monday, January 17, 2011

CNN Political Ticker - 2 days ago

The CNN Washington Bureau’s morning speed read of the top stories making news from around the country and the world. Click on the headlines for more. U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has been upgraded from critical to serious condition, eight d…


DOJ opposes abrupt end to 'don't ask, don't tell'

Washington Examiner - 4 days ago

Lawyers for the U.S. government are accusing a Gay Rights group of trying to circumvent a Federal Court ruling that put on hold a trial judge's ruling striking down the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for Gays in the Military. The Department of Jus…


US rights group accuses Rumsfeld of torture (AFP)

Yahoo! News - 5 days ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A US rights group Thursday appealed to a court in the case of former Prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan who accuse ex-defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld of being to blame for their Torture. The case, which dates back to De…


Radio Host Mark Levin Challenges Chris Matthews, Threatens To Sue Any MSNBC Host

Mediaite - 5 days ago

Conservative radio host Mark Levin is tired of baseless accusations being hurled at himself and at Sarah Palin, and is now putting some money up in a challenge specifically to MSNBC host Chris Matthews. Levin said on his Radio Show, “I chal…


Man arrested after threats to Rep. Jim McDermott: 'I'll kill his family' (The Christian Science Monitor)

Yahoo! News - 5 days ago

A Palm Springs, Calif., man was arrested on Wednesday on a federal charge that he threatened to kill Rep. James McDermott (D) of Washington because of the congressman’s stance in last month’s debate over whether to extend the Bush Ta…


Man arrested after threats to Rep. Jim McDermott: 'I'll kill his family'

Christian Science Monitor - 6 days ago

A Palm Springs, Calif., man was arrested on Wednesday on a federal charge that he threatened to kill Rep. James McDermott (D) of Washington because of the congressman’s stance in last month’s debate over whether to extend the Bush Tax …


Proposed lawsuit to challenge Voting Rights Act may have political goals

Examiner.com - 7 days ago

The Voting Rights Act is no longer needed, at least not in Charleston, says Larry Kobrovsky. And he intends to file suit in Federal Court to prove that point. However, the actual goal in repealing the Act might only be to strengthen the GOP in the…