Vladimir Putin

Born: October 07,1952
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Vladimir Putin news


What the world needs is another action hero like...

Examiner.com - 3 days ago

He’s not Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he’s for sure not Jack Slater, but it’s hard to say if calling him the “ Last Action Hero ” is dissing Jack and Arnie, or dissing Vladimir.  That’s Vladmir Putin, the cur…


State legislator in New Hampshire accused of "a religious tirade"

Examiner.com - 18th Dec 2010

The New Hampshire Democrat Party was disgusted by the gathering, particularly because State Rep. David Bates was speaker.  He is a Christian. A video of the event recently surfaced where Bates is heard to say that we must conform to II Chroni…


Pootie-Poot* Museum Opens in Russia

iOwnTheWorld.com - 17th Dec 2010

from Oddity Central A museum centered on Russia’s Controversial president Prime Minister has been set up in Strelna, near Sankt Petersburg. Apparently, this small museum dedicated to Vladimir Putin is set up on one of the upper floors of L…


Can schools realistically prevent bullying, teach empathy?

The Daily Caller - 17th Dec 2010

In a Canadian second-grade classroom, a group of bright-faced 7-year-olds ponder how Hudson, a 4-month-old baby, might be feeling in this new, possibly intimidating environment. “Shy?” one child asks as Hudson works industriously on hi…


Dont start on START until next year

The Daily Caller - 17th Dec 2010

Americans can tell when we are being lied to. We’re being lied to when Harry Reid tells us that the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia is a bit of unfinished business that the Senate must ratify because it’s “urg…


Ad compares WikiLeaks scandal to a sanitary pad

The Daily Caller - 16th Dec 2010

Many puns have been made on the rather humorless Wikileaks Scandal, but perhaps the most amusing response to the situation is a new Pakistani feminine product advertisement that compares the United States government to a sanitary pad. Wikileaks is…


Zogby: Sarah Palin Person of the Year for 2010; GW Bush for the Decade

Tammy Bruce - 15th Dec 2010

I agree with this poll, not because I support Palin (I do), as I am also not an overall fan of George W. Bush, but it seems clear these two individuals have made an extraordinary impact on our political reality. For Palin, this last year certainly…


Mark Zuckerberg is TIME's Person of the Year

CBS News - 15th Dec 2010

Like this Story? Share it: Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook: What's Next? (AP) Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" for 2010. At 26, Zuckerberg has put himself on the map not only as one of the …